Monday, April 9, 2012

This Site

With my fan club, which is made up mostly of Russian women with strange voluptuous names wanting “Love”, time again finds the publisher defining what this site – Alaska Chinook – is all about. Very simple, a guide to Alaska’s corrupt ways and means. How come these Russian ladies want to send me pictures? Anyway, Alaska is the state that keeps on giving, with respect to “corruption” in politics and policy. And believe me, the “Corrupt Bastards Club” is alive and well funded – most of the time that “funding” orchestrated through abuse upon the U.S Taxpayers’ loot. Can these Russian ladies really see what I am doing, in the privacy of my own home? See, I predicted that the Independent Oil explorers running amok in the frozen north was a dangerous proposition. I was right on, as this state can now account for a rig blow-out and a death of a rig worker. Pathetic! Wow, maybe that’s the camera those Russians keep talking about, but it looks like a regular old fashion fire water sprinkler – maybe under camouflage. Let’s see what this match can do! Well that was a bad idea, it’s the real McCoy! And I predicted that the Alaska railroad would go broke, after years of fraudulent requests for Federal dollars for a commuter railroad that was a fantasy. They got caught! I have tried time and time again to find the “missing in action” M.V. Susitna. That ship paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers was supposed to show late last year. But that would have meant competition for the railroad and they could lose that Federal stuff. It backfired all around. And this site gave proof that the VECO grill is still entertaining crooks. So this site is dedicated to go where no moral person has gone – into the filth of Alaska’s political arena – in efforts to sniff out the corruption. And if any Russian women feel this site is in violation of their desires, please e-mail the publisher and every effort will be made to right any wrong, but please no pictures. In fact, does anybody know who the Cat is in the below clip?

No that's not one of those Russian ladies, its MoanaLisa MurCowpie!

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