Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rename Anchorage Airport

Rename Anchorage Airport
The smoke has cleared! The verdict is in. Ted Stevens was and is still “guilty”. No matter what the “Alaskans for Justice” rally around their cause to incite hate and discontent upon the American justice system, as the “opinion” by a competent Anchorage attorney spells it all out. According to Cliff Groh, an attorney in good standing and stature and familiar with the Alaskan scene, during an interview with ADN: Groh, an Anchorage lawyer who attended the five-week trial and wrote in detail about it on his blog, said he's looked carefully through the Schuelke report and its description of the evidence prosecutors held back...doubts that Stevens would have been acquitted. "It is entirely possible if that jury in Washington, D.C., in the fall of 2008 had heard all of that evidence, it would still have returned guilty verdicts on at least some counts, or maybe all the counts," he said. Groh said the gifts of the massage chair(Thanks to Bob Parsons) and the dog(Thanks to MoanaLisa MurCowski's real estate friend Bob Penny) hurt Stevens at the trial, as did the email record of how much Stevens knew about the Veco home renovations. Groh said it was clear Stevens kept up frequent and regular contact with Allen while the Veco renovations were going on, including going on vacations together. That made it harder for the jury to accept that Stevens didn't know how much he received.” And not to forget Ted's forgetfulness, in not pleading the 5th and admitting some semblance of a crime spree: "the worst that can happen to us is we round up a bunch of legal fees and might lose and we might have to pay a fine, might have to serve a little time in jail." Face the facts, Bob Penny, Bob Parsons, supposedly Ted's confidants and friends, they succeeded in taking down Ted, left him to rot on the tundra. Imagine passing away working as a whore for Ron Duncan, another of Ted's good buddies. Friends? The case is closed, TED WAS GUILITY! And we Alaskans have now before us a choice. We can have an airport named after a “crook”, or we can rename it in honor of righteousness. I vote to rename it in honor of a true Alaskan that would never stoop to the bowels of the VECO man. It is time to now hear over the loudspeaker, “Welcome to the Susan Butcher Airport” when flying in and out of Anchorage. E-mail this sight to get on the petition to rename the airport in honor of a worthwhile Alaska icon, not a crook! Find below picture of MoanaLisa MurCowski in action at “Alaskans for Justice” rally recently held at the PenAir hangar in Anchorage. And yes, the VECO grill showed up to entertain Ted's pathetic followers:

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