Monday, April 23, 2012

Letter to President

President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President

Most recently, “frustrated" by a lack of answers about the proposed move of an Eielson Air Force base squadron, U.S. Senator Mark Begich, a member of the Armed Services Committee demanded that the Senate Armed Services Committee halt the nomination process for Lt. Gen. Herbert J. Carlisle, who is being considered for promotion to four-star general, as the Commander of Pacific Air Forces.

Mr. Begich said “he’ll also place committee holds on any subsequent nominees for military leadership posts until he gets answers from the Department of Defense. Begich said he’s made numerous requests for information justifying the proposed F-16 move, but has received almost nothing in return from the Department of Defense. He hopes stalling Carlisle’s nomination is a way to get the Pentagon’s attention.“

According to Mr. Begich, “I’ve honestly kind of had it. I decided enough was enough.” 

Mr. President, this is holding the U.S. Military hostage. Our troops have been engaged in theater for many years now, and this is no way to treat or show support those efforts, especially now that the troops are heading home, due your courageous abilities as Commander-in-Chief. When the Vietnam war came to an end, the troops found not the welcome home mat, we do not want to repeat this today. I ask you please to exercise your “Executive” powers to stop Mr. Begich's attempt to hold hostage any advancements without merit, as appears to be the case with Lieutenant General Carlisle, who is being denied what is due for other purposes.

S. Pam MaGee

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