Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In America Today!

“America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters”! Thank you Steppenwolf, as these words are yelling out and bleeding out a sad warning today here in the once “sea to shining sea” nation founded on freedom's sake. Here is how bad it is getting in America. If you thought our city streets, alleyways and bike-paths were unsafe, damn, our airports are becoming more threatening that pursuit to life, liberty and happiness. My son-in-law was going through TSA security screening the other day, at a major hub. He was carrying a money belt, with U.S. greenbacks exchanged for African rands, as his studies were taking him to “another” country wherein a money belt is a must – at least that is what we are led to believe. But the new machines for screening at the airports want one almost naked, so off came the money belt. No harassment really from the TSA, just doing their job to keep unwanted foreign objects of danger off skyward bound planes. But when the money belt was scanned through the x-ray machine, a couple on the prowl decided to steal it away, as a “money-belt” doesn't try to hide the fact of what the contents may be. Mind you, a husband and wife team, an older couple at that on the prowl to commit a crime, in broad daylight, in plan view of Homeland security agents busy getting travelers on their way. Now due the fact that we as a nation are under tightened security through hi-tech surveillance which allows almost everything we do to be “filmed” with rapid playback options, the culprits were soon approached by the airport police, from what was recorded earlier during the heist revealing their “American Greed” scam. Wow, justice in action. At first, Bonnie & Clyde denied any theft, but then caving in their crime as their stupidity to rip off another America was now evidenced by the security cameras in action. Americans ripping off other Americans! I guess when we consider the teachings behind such behavior, like the Congress in action without any action due bipartisan bickering, I guess we have assembled a society that believes cheating, theft and lying are the norm. Look, under the latter foundation – reiterated as the trinity promoting “American Greed”, cheating and theft and lying on the truth - a nation cannot and will not survive any future if this is indeed more than a mere anomaly and becoming the accepted “NORM”. Think about it, like father like son, like mother like daughter, are we teaching this to future generations? If so, we need to arrest the entire representative body, and try them for treason. So when you consider the facts of such nightmarish dereliction occurring in this nation once of “Brotherly Love”, maybe this once free nation has succeeded in shooting itself in the foot and the muzzle flash has wounded the groin area, the heat is on. When Americans see it fit to steal away another man's hard earned payola, to take away one's possessions like occurs with the “foreclosure” Trojan horse still active and in all cases those behind such malfeasance think there can be no repercussions, and in the case of the money theft upon the premise in the shadows of a secure system thinking that maybe the loss could be blamed on the hard working TSA, this indicates that America has gone over the edge. Theft! In America at the security check-points, and denial when caught. This is it in a nutshell, as to think this is acceptable behavior a mature civilization, then we may as well kiss the Constitution good luck a future. I cannot say it any louder or any clearer, we must STOP this pathetic behavior that is fostered through inept representation, through political corruption, through cronyism as the latter derelictions seem to define America today, and this is not what I learned in kindergarten. The trickle down apocalypse seems to be taking hold, as the crooks seem to be calling the shots. Why is Tom Delay still free? And to that couple that is now under investigation for lifting another American's loot, I hope my son-in-law files a criminal complaint, we find out who you are, and maybe we will see your mug shot on “America's Most Wanted”, and maybe when the jails start to fill with your likes, and the down-forgotten that were not given a fair trial are set free as they should be, then maybe we will see a trend changer here in America, where “Brother can you spare a dime” is no longer a crime, to ask for help instead of stealing!

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