Monday, April 30, 2012


Who wants to be an Alaskan Millionaire? According to Mr. Ludicrous Madden, its easy. Just land yourself a job with the outfit that has taken ownership of the M.V. Susitna, testament that when this state's fools cannot fool all the people all the time they can still fool some of the people some of the time, so why not get the U.S. Navy to build an amphibious assault vessel it doesn't want because Don Young said “Do It”, built at a cost of $78-Million taken from the U.S. Treasury which means money taken from the hard working U.S. Taxpayers. Then transfer the boat without a home port or landing in or around Anchorage due concern from the U.S. Coast Guard, send it to the Matanuska Valley Port Authority, so that entity without a responsibility or cause can spend thousands for keeping this genuine piece of crap hold up down in Ketchikan – rusting away and collecting slathering sea gull crap. Out-of-sight out-of-mind I guess! So for the last 5-years maybe more, Mr. Ludicrous has been raking in a $150000 salary, PLUS $45000 for expenses, which means he is a millionaire and we still have not seen the Susitna in action. In fact, the outfit that thinks it can fool the people again, by hiding this waste far and away, it cannot even decide on how much a ticket will cost to ride aboard this doomed venture. There sure won't be any free rides! Now Ludicrous is smart, as he is quick to point out that his out-of-bounds 1%'er salary is not from the state coffers, but comes from $21-million in “Transit Grants”, which is just a fancy name for Federal “pork”, so his salary is courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayers. We are really getting screwed over on the scam. So now I have evidence from Senator Mark Begich that the boat may get sold, to the highest bidder, which means it will become scrap as the recycled scrap market is better off then trying to outfit this crazy looking hull as something that is useful in the commuter circuits. And if it is sold, that $21-million will have to be paid back, and I hope that is not what our delegation is fighting for, letting this crooked deal off the hook, as those behind this doomed venture known about from inception should be held accountable and work off what they have earned - as one despicable thing that can be worse then treason is ripping off the U.S. Treasury for something that has or will not provide anything worthwhile in return. I smell “FRAUD, or is it the stench of a “Rabid Skunk”!

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