Friday, February 3, 2012

TRUMPeter Swine

From the orifice of Donald TRUMP: “Others are laughing at us”! NO, not so, as others including myself are laughing at you Mr. Trump and your pathetic political aspirations. Chapter III – The TRUMPeter Swine Return. So the bad hairdo guy from New York's ASS - Association of Skimbag Slumlords - endorses the guy that pays less tax on income then a minimum wage earning American gainfully employed. So what's with this ridiculous endorsement, as Trump is a real nobody and trying so hard to turn the entire presidential state of affairs into a reality TV show. If these idiots with nothing else to do but cause suffrage dereliction, if they would for once just look in the mirror and ask, “Am I truly an American”, then we would be without this apocalyptic bombardment of tyranny upon our well-being with respect to political ideals. It is sad when individuals have so much disposable income - due income tax cheating - that they don't have to work for a living, it causes a disconnect to becoming and maintaining the status of a “True Blue American”, as it was hard work that made us what we were once upon a time. And when an individual thinks “Hard Work” includes sending once profitable companies into bankruptcy along with the sad fact the jobs go away, far away to another country, and the payback for sending these jobs away allows raking in millions in “tax free” bonuses, this Hard Work” definition has seen its defining moment as a bowel movement and trespassed upon. Look, Mitt's kids will never have to sweat a day's work, because of loopholes in the tax codes? These are not loopholes, they are holes in the dam! Here is what I learned while attending catholic school during after-school extra-curricular activities - while sharing a bottle of communion wine with Father Lamb. If you find something out of whack, you don't take advantage of it, as it wasn't intended to be taken advantage upon! A simple sermon, a simple serum! Trump, he is on the side of the “OTHER” America, not the kind that made this country great, but was “made” available by this country's criminals during the misspelling of the latter – greed ring a bell of disgust? Sure he has money, but nothing else in return. If getting rich transforms an individual to a Trump like character, please “give me the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free” to befriend, as the meek will inherit the Kingdom. At last count Romney had at least 8 votes guaranteed. His own vote, wife and kids and add one more from Trump. Look, anybody that votes for Mitt Romney needs the head examined. Matter of fact, since Romney will garnish republican party votes because those on the right are afraid of having an able bodied colored man at the helm, if there comes enough voter disenfranchising and Romney does get the popular vote, then it is time for the electoral college to exercise the nuclear option - that of the “Faithless Electorate”. Those empowered to elect the president, they have at their disposal a very powerful tool, to make sure the popular vote candidate is “fit” to take over as Commander-in-Chief. When it appears that it is a Commander-in-Thief about to take over, the electoral body has the duty to hold back and refuse to cast a vote, and let Congress perform as outlined under Amendment 12, sending the entire election process to debate. In the mean time... Look Mitt is a desperate dustpan. It is the unending hunger, it is the maddening appetite for the most powerful position of the free-world that provokes this anger and campaign trail rage along with the desperation to cheat, to lie, to flip-flop, all told a mentality that strives at any cost and at any expense to instill false confidence to the lemming population that he can be the Commander – in this case Commander of what is still out on TILT due lack of clarity. Not charity Mitt, clarity, you can't buy it! It is an aspiration for his ego and nothing more, based on nothing, except his wealth wants to buy something that shouldn't be for sale. And take the news media, so in a hurry to be the 1st kid on the block with the depressed news. “From the Washington Post: News ALERT ~ Mitt Romney wins Florida primary” followed within seconds by, “From the Washington Post: News ALERT Correction ~ Mitt Romney buys Florida primary”. The truth hurts, but it is the truth we need front and center, and the truth is far from reality the present GOP nominees running for position of desperado. When we see a basic function of government so bent out of shape as is the Congress and political party affiliation causing a dangerous class clash separation here in America, the people must react. But during such dire times, we must rely on the checks & balances designed into the Constitution, and that is why it is so important too not demolish the “College of Electors”, as today like never before we see a reason why the “Faithless Elector” comes into play. So even though some may vote their color over their conscious, the fact that Romney is not a bonafide U.S. Taxpayer, it is grounds for impeachment even before he gets momentum behind him to make a run at the helmsman's position. Romney is a TAX CHEAT! Don't you get it? But with what is going on in the GOP presidential nominee race, it is just a reflection of how Congress is broke because the representative formula includes members of the “right”, which seems to be bothered more with image – that of criminals – then with dealing with the problems this country is facing, this dereliction diminishes our security. And when the security of our nation is compromised due the fact that the front door is wide open for abuse seekers, we find Donald, we find Mitt, we find Newt, all together not a bit of true blue Americanism exists, because these are the bastards that have devastated tranquility, and that my friend is how Freedom gets lost. And these are the individuals who never had a chance to hear Father Lamb's sermon, “If it is not yours....!”

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