Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Maggot Magnet

Let’s drink to the hard working people”. Double shot please…. Once upon a time, Alaska was a great place to raise a family, land a decent job without any nepotism or cronyistic strings attached and with that said and done able to enjoy being without bother, along with that drink after a hard day's work. But the invasion is in full swing, with a dysentery taking over. So lookout, as we are losing out our independence because Alaska seems to have been transformed into a maggot magnet. Debate on the issue of privacy this state of affairs, how it was in the past, today and with the way things are going, the future holds no future. Damn it, the “Right of Privacy” is a state constitutional guarantee above all other rights, no matter what the Fed.’s think otherwise. What is with so many “Outsiders” getting involved in our business? For a long time, Alaska’s population was nothing shy a genuine “salt of the earth” society. It’s a heritage for all handed down by the Native Alaskans – without any retainer. People headed North for a reason, to test their independence, enjoy that freedom. It meant hard work in a tough and rough environment, wherein politics was but a “chad” like nuisance but not so involved in the “state of affairs” that it destroyed destiny's child. That was the way it went down and around before the “Corrupt Bastards’ Club” mentality infected ethic civility. And of course Palin had a major role in this course change wherein we are walking the plank of no return! We are all guilty by association, like her or not. And yes, Maggot Magnet the “Last Frontier” has become. Now the 49er was not much of anything until the oil pipeline made its début, and during the construction era it was the “Hard Working” crafts people - the welders to the ditch diggers to the bull cooks - that made the pipe dream a reality. Remember, the “Outsiders” said it couldn't be done. Frank Moolin thought otherwise, words to the effect, “Test Us”! But once the oil started flowing and the money started rolling in, it appears that this state changed, from the “Last Frontier” to a giant magnet for maggots. For starters this state’s infatuation with maggots, Mark Hamilton finds listed above all the “Maggot of the Week”. He feels it is OK to call an honorable judge a comic, with respect to the court's opinion on oil property tax evaluation. Now “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”, but his outrageous name calling is overboard and goes to show that he along with a cast of Bill Sheffield wannabes have no freak’n idea what the oil business is all about. Look, for years Hamilton drove the Anchorage campus U into the ground. Sure there are brand new facilities, but the school of higher education still does not produce higher educated individuals. If that were not true, then why does “Big Oil” have to draft caliper workers from “Outside”? Sure goes to show you cannot judge a book by its cover story, the Hamilton U. It looks good from the outside, it sounds good, but the production line is broke. What Hamilton wasted money upon is no different than the Alaska Railroad abortion depot out at Ted’s spaceship, named in honor of “Maggot of the Year”, Bill Sheffield. And Hamilton is not the only maggot, as it appears the entire legislature finds itself in the same vote when it comes to this Alaskan style maggot infestation. It appears that the maggots are lining up in Juneau to spread snake oil slime so they can line their pockets, with hypothetical “research grants”. With free money courtesy the state of Alaska. Look, with oil at an all time high, the crooks are heading North in droves, disguised as “professionals” with only one agenda, take the money and run. The stories being told in front of the legislative branch are preposterous fibs, yet there appears to be this representative mentality that believes in these fish story lullabies. There was that idiot from the Great Bear, that proposed drilling 100 wells a year on the “Slope”! And the listening audience, well they said why not 200 wells? See, no wonder when it comes to oil taxation those in the know are AWOL, and that allows the legislatures to make policy changes, Bill Allen style. Now the latest craze being applauded upon comes front and center from some guy strutting another pipe dream, is it called Super-Critical Water Extraction and Refining, or SCWER. Maybe SCREWED is a better description, as this is another nightmare way to get money, produce nothing and get in trouble with “Intellectual Property” litigation. This process is patented, to a foreign country! And it won't work on the “Slope”, as it is an energy intensive process along with “where's the water”? I guess with the economy limping along in the lower-48, we should expect crooks showing up at the front door down in Juneau, as the state treasury is just across the street. They show up telling fibs hoping to get a check, which can be quickly cashed before it is discovered that it was just another railroad robbery. Remember, before it was determined to be ethnic stereotyping, the Anchorage Police task force would wait out at Ted's Spaceship – a.k.a. Steven's International House of Cocaine deliveries – and if a known gang-banger showed up, they were given a one-way ticket back to L.A. It worked, so maybe we need to start something like this all over again, not for gang-bangers, but guys arriving dressed in snake oil suits headed to Juneau when the senate is in session. Look, “Big Oil” sets the stage for the present state of affairs with the North Slope oil economics. And if this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or “Giant Enema” or whatever it's called to bombard the underground formations with high pressure water annihilation, if this process that can supposedly turn peanut butter into oil cannot get interest from “Outsiders”, then that rejection means something – its a warning! Look, all the money this state takes in should be guarded by a bank that scrutinizes every lent cent. Imagine if a senator - both state and those of Congress - had to fill out a loan application every time he or she or it wanted re-election bait! If it is too good to be true..... And like mentioned beforehand, things have changed for the worse this “Last Frontier”. Palin disturbed the hornet’s nest, since then it has been war, one the state cannot win, especially when it comes to “Big Oil”. They own this state, at least so for the last 30-years. And they have control, over oil economics. See, several years ago the conglomerate embarked on a project called the “Strategic Reconfiguration” program, designed to enhance the oil business in Alaska for the next 30-years. It basically targeted a lower throughput, a figure “Big Oil” was comfortable with wherein it was envisioned as a “pure-profit” endeavor. Wells paid for, gathering stations paid for, pipeline paid for, so all it cost at this throughput was due to labor costs. Look, the TAPS could be running at its capacity, which means about $15-Million extra each day to the state at present day oil prices. But “Big Oil” doesn’t really give a rat’s ass about how this state fairs with respect to its economic well-being. It's a business, just ask Mitt. And “Big Oil” knows already how to take that “peanut butter” out of the ground economically, for far less then this peanut butter SCRWEWD scam. And Yarbro - the guy trying to sell this idea to the check writers down in Juneau - the yahoo wants to build a 5-barrel per day test facility, with money from our treasury? Give me a freaken break. So Juneau has become a must stopover for the snake oil salesmen, the mighty maggot magnet stopover, as the audience in session still believes in those bridges to nowhere. Hey, has anybody seen the M.V. Susitna? If found please apprehend, but the pirates in charge should be considered politically dangerous. But please, find this AWOL amorphous assault vessel, as Harold Heinze, the “Ring Leader Maggot” award winer, he has found a need for Don Young's pirate's ship - helping build their ultimate bridge to nowhere, a land bridge from Prudhoe Bay to Norway. What polar bears? If Alaska continues to entertain the snake oil preachers, then we will lose more money on “impossibilities” then what was lost upon the sacred and reserved Constitutional Budget Reserve when the market sank. Instead of a big hunk of cash future generations can enjoy, it is nickel & dime time and when it is all totaled up, we will see billions lost for wet dreams. And that list of “maggots”, it is pretty long winded. And remember, don't maggots breed flies! That buzzing sound, it annoys me! SWAT!

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