Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hitler Highway

There appears to be a growing concern about the safety of this nation's highway system from sea to shining sea. In fact, it has become of national interest with the media moguls, especially the liberal establishment pressmen. It appears to be a one-sided argument of concern. See, guys like Rush never seem to mind the pot holes, as with so much extra spare-tire cushioning and hot-air bloating, the bumps don't bruise. Maybe one good thing said about being classified as obese. Classified, what a word. So close to Hitler's lullaby, that of being “gasified”. It's happening in a country near you. And this fear upon our black tops looking more and more like a lunar landscape and rust bucket bridges falling out of mid air - truly becoming “Bridges to Nowhere” - a country without a viable transportation corridor becomes a target of gasification. No doubt this “Highway is for gamblers” concern is surfacing again as we have upon us an election year, 2012. And said again, the “Right” is against any new spending, unless it is money for the lucrative “War Machine”. Now without a doubt, indeed this transportation system that is vital to a thriving nation and its economy, it is in a sad state of affairs. So what happened? New research reveals the sad fact of the matter that the money was appropriated for fixing the ailing highways and byways along with loot to rescue the rusting bridges, during George Bush's years of endangerment, but for some reason we the taxpayers did not get our money's worth – not even a close call. On every dollar spent from appropriations made available by this nation's largest and most costly of highway infrastructure bills of record, the Don Young sponsored 4-year TEA LU Bill HR 3, only 35 cents on every dollar actually went towards sustaining the infrastructure. So we spent over $300-Billion and only received a warranty for $87-Billion. The remaining balance was used as a lucrative profit margin scam, through borderline “legal” inflated administration fees – otherwise known as hidden bonuses. It meant money was used to make contractors rich, so we witnessed sub-standard re-surfacing attempts and re-painting jobs on bridges that lasted until there came a blow of salt like ocean air. For the workers involved in these projects and just trying to forge a decent living, it meant sub-standard work conditions along with sub-standard pay. As the CEO contractors and paving company owners ran away with the loot. See, paving companies and highway contractors are generous with donations to the political chariot race – the kind with scythes blades! There is something pathetic going on here. For a representative to get re-elected time after time, it is occurring through our dime! If I am a representative with control of the purse strings and I make an appropriations bill wherein a friend can benefit, then I know there will be payback in the form of a campaign donation, because my buddy has a whole lot of extra disposable income - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. Now wait just a minute, this may not be double dipping, but it sure stinks! But in a nutshell, this is occurring on our watch. In fact, the billions stolen away from the highway bill, it made more millionaires then what can be expected when FaceBook goes public! Why I ask, as a great nation once are we so afraid of “term limits” and getting a handle on a system that is out-of-control? It is amazing when we find simple solutions to what appears to be a problem of massive proportions. This country's problem is singular, it is called too much time at the wheel of fortune. Remember, their fortune is our misfortune. What it is all about, if not a millionaire before taking the oath to protect the Constitution, that oath is checked at the door and the criminal activity begins. Yes criminal, as an example is the fact that we hear rumors that there finally exists a bill that warms members of Congress against engaging in “Insider Trading”. But it is a bill that proves nothing of consequences because the existing “Immunity Clause” is still in effect. Members of Congress can get away with murder, if so justified in the course of their duties! Only “Treason” can find no immunity, and with the Sargent of Arms missing, there is no treason screening. So they don't want term limits for the simple fact they are not in it as an honorable undertaking, but a way to make friends on K Street so when the time is up, they have already made their own IPO wealth, or at least have paved the way for a lucrative future. Name me one member of Congress that is poor? It stinks, it has become a pathetic show of gun-intelligent imbeciles who could not make it on their own outside so contrive a good Pinocchio story and get elected under false pretenses, re-elected through the lunacy of incumbency and it never ends, all on our time and dime. Pathetic the history books will show the last four sessions of the United States Congress, maybe more, along with Don Young's highway bill, which is just one example of how we the taxpayers get screwed over with, not once, but many times around the merry-go-round. Hitler put people out of their misery, our Congress is not that evil, yet we continue to suffer, day after day after day, and those made rich through this shenanigans continue to fight down any reasonable offers from Congress for equality, with equal taxation, as like it or not, in reality they are just a “Little Hitler” in disguise! A monster our representatives has created.

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