Monday, January 2, 2012

Time Clock

Once upon a time, American workers were bound to honesty for hours worked by punching a “Time Clock”. It was one of those veiled things - a Big Brother bother - that clocked tardiness or early release, but it documented with accuracy how much time we worked on the factory floor and “Never met the man whose name is on the label”. As we demonstrated “honesty & ethics”, there came a point in time wherein the “Time Clock” disappeared away from the work scene, replaced by “Time Cards”, wherein the workers were tasked to document their work habits. Even though some industries still require this “Time Clock” guardian approach, today it is more for accounting purposes then for espionage, as we gained and deserved the “right” to self-police our own work habits, with respect to showing up on time, working the entire shift and leaving only when the day was done. The American middle class likes to work, as it is our lifeline. So herein was an instrument that served its purpose, and that experience is what is needed today upon Congress. All members of Congress should be required to punch in. Look, how in hell is MissHell Bachmann or Wrong Way Ron Paul allowed to gallivant around the country for their own greed filled political aspirations on our dime? They still garnish a paycheck, even when so far removed their official duties in D.C. And if they get sick and tired, from a little too much paparazzi truth serum, they can use their government sponsored “On the Job” health care to provide relief. See how unjust this system is, as it is so easy to take advantage. If I wanted to run for office, it would mean a sabbatical or quitting time, or a rich uncle. If I quit, I have to dish out for medical coverage. A sabbatical, it means a place holder, yet no pay. And that rich uncle, only if a Rubio Rubicon. Can this guy be what's ahead for American politics? I thought we got rid of the Dan “Potatoe Head” Quayle impostors? And the Bachmanns and the Pauls, when AWOL they say they can keep in touch through modern day hi-teach communication gadgets. Guess who is paying for that? Even Obama is breaking the law, when it comes to campaigning. Look, read between the lines of the Constitution. It has built in “Term Limits”. There is no such thing as re-election. Once in office, through the voting process of “with us or against us”, a representative becomes the “Power of the People”, wherein party affiliation dissolves. It's a tough thing to swallow, but that is the way it is. There are no sides to be taken. Do the time, then respectfully resign! The same with the Presidency. The Constitution honors just one term, else it diminishes the separation clause, not only between church and state but between party affiliation and human greed. Look, a representative may not have garnished my vote, so what, he or she still works for me - especially when that oath is recited. It is supposed to be a 50/50 proposition built on trust and “Love it or Leave it”. There was built into the Constitution assurances that Congress would practice obedience and we would get our monies worth out of representation. Now mind you, another term in office is allowed, but only after leaving office and campaigning on one's own time. Said again, when in office they are not free to campaign, it is one of those self-sacrifices that goes with the territory. But like most things civil, it is taken advantage of. What a cop out, to how the Constitution is shat upon by our elected officials. We have a good system, take that back, we had a good system, but overtime loss of ethics has eroded away any semblance of loyalty. So “Time Clocks” could be installed, along with “Parking Meters”, for the time when a Senator or Congressmen is in the office and the parking meter utilized by and for a lobbyist's visit. The parking meter is reserved for the latter. Now with this stuff installed, the representative body's worth can be tied to what we pay those involved in Congress. At $175,000 a year, for each day clocked in, we would pay out what is due their contributions. Considering that last year alone they only worked 5-days, as tallied from bills passed, look how this could help solve the “Tax Gap” problem! It means the U.S. Treasury would have enjoyed $90-million more, put another way, less theft. Look, do you get paid if you are a no-show? Fake that “Time Sheet”, it's considered falsification and punishable by termination! In fact, the Sargent-of-Arms should be this time around called the “Truant Officer”, and go after the dead-beat representatives. Now the “Parking Meter” could be used as a kiss-ass limiter, giving a lobbyist just so much time in bed with Ted, say 60 seconds. After that, the fines begin. Charge the lobbyist the same hourly wage that Newt received as a historian for Freddie-Mac. Add that to the leftovers then what is leftover, that could go into a kitty, wherein a bonus for the sitting representatives could be tied to the Congress Approval rating. Anything below 50%, they pay yet another fine, say like detention. For every day wasted, they owe us a day's time. They are supposed to be working for us! Yet with preferential immunity, like that allowed for “Insider Trading”, we are getting screwed over by the very body that is supposed to be looking out for our right to liberty and that pursuit to happiness. And since they approve their own salary requirements, that is in the neighborhood of what makes them feel comfortable to attain that “right”, then that should be wherein the tax brackets are set in motion. If you don't make the grade and your wages are less then the congressional pay, you owe no Federal Income Tax - it is that simple. Anything over, 100% goes to Uncle Sam. It's not Socialism, but somebody must draw the line, and it is Congress supposedly. What is good for them, is good for us. There exists today simple solutions for the mess we are in, yet it keeps getting messier. And think of the jobs that would be created installing “Time Clocks” in the office of the derelicts, along with “Parking Meters”. And while we are at it, surrounding the entire K Street block party mentality with “Crime Scene” tape! This plan of attack is not an infringement upon a representatives liberties, but a ways and means to get back control what has been lost ever since the Halls of Congress went corrupted by think tank jerks who thought they knew what was best for America when at the same time they went fascinated with glitter, from that “pot'a gold” at their disposal, courtesy the U.S. American workers and infringed upon with “zero” responsibility in return!

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