Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Barrel of Monkeys

Now that the Iowa state Ca-Ca - a.k.a. dog poo - fest is over with, it appears that the GOP's only trick left in its deflated bag of tricks came from the “Bottom of the Barrel”. The choice is pathetic, and is a clear-cut indicator that Tom Delay did a hell of a lot more damage to the GOP party than had been previously reported. Is Tom in jail yet? Maybe he is being allowed to dance his way towards incarceration. What do you mean authorities cannot find a jail in Tom's home district he can attend to serve time due to “redistricting”? So today we see Looney Tunes Mitt at the front of the Soylent Green revival, followed by Rick “Sanitarium Bound” Santorum followed by Ron Paulmageddon then Rick “Apocalypse Now” Perry ending with MissHell “Wackwhore” Bachmann winning the caboose award. Yes, I take credit for coining the latter! Feels good, to come up with a new name, Palin style! The only viable candidate was Huntsmen, but he isn't a pushover that could be controlled by the neo-conservative wiping boys so had not a chance. I still think Palin will enter this comic book charmer. I can see it now, Palin picks Alfred E. Newman for a running mate. In fact rumors abound speculating that MAD's Alfred may get many chances at becoming the GOP's choice for VP. And what is with this Trump goon? He's the smart one, as he knows “reality” TV is what's hot and is doing everything he can to make sure the entire race is nothing short a fanfare comic affair. See, he knows this country's republican political agenda is still on the doomsday dead-beat track, so why not take advantage of such. He's not after money, but laughter central is what his political aspirations are all about, and he is taking the GOP presidential race in stride as laughter fodder. Obama is a shoe in! That roar you here from the Capital, it's not a flyover by an F-18 security escort detail, its the administration letting off laughter. Why not have the election today, get it over with. Now don't go mistaken, as the laughter keeps on giving me cheer, crying out loud attacks, even a close call nosebleed. And if laughter is still the best medicine, we may become a very healthy nation this time around following the 2012 erection. I'm just spending too much time in front of the tube, which means my Sam Adams intake is on the rise. With the Iowa hangover now upon us, the rest of the fruit-cakes are coming front and center, to get their 5-seconds claim to fame. John “I am a Black Prisoner” McCain, has thrown his support for the Looney Tune's candidate. Look, I wouldn't let this madman McCain endorse a roll of used toilet paper. But the greatest laugh of the entire Iowa Ca-Ca fest came when MSNBC's panel went into a tizzy fit. This panel was being chaired by Rachel Maddow. It went excited when Ed spoke out in favor of the Sanitarium Man and was immediately attacked by Lawrence O'Donnell. Hey Lawrence, Ed can kick your ass! It was evident that these news' hounds have been at it too long this Iowa Ca-Ca slug fest, and the rage-on showed its pathetic ugliness on national TV. Once again, placated by a Jerry Springer mentality. In fact, I was waiting for Jerry to show, to referee the entire “liberal” coverage of the Ca-Ca event. It was getting nasty, especially true again when Rachel interrupted Chris Wallace, who was on a “Tilt” raging fit and seemed out of sorts when Rachel grabbed the camera, then when it was his turn back on the tube, he was aloof and wasted about 3-seconds of air time, or $3-million dollars of comic relief stalled. We do miss Olbermann and Tim Russert. What the hell, its all part of politics today, more comic relief and it is available 24/7, which means I don't have to wait up late for the closing skits from comedy central. For now, the real fun begins as the 2012 erection election is how many months away? Hey Chuck Todd, please get a new hat!

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