Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Political Intelligence?

Rat’s ass they don’t care! With the 112th Congressional session coming to a close, here it is in a nutshell the reason the current Congress finds an approval rating equal to the combined IQ of George “I’m a Puppet Mannnnn” Bush and Dan “Mr. Potatoe Head” Quayle. Now I had already rested my case, at least I thought so, on what was the most ridiculous motion approved by the gang on the “Hill”, that being the recategorizing of “Pizza” as a “vegetable”! So it can pass as a healthy alternative on school lunch programs and at the same time defining “spices” under junk food! But as the session gets close to ending, it appears that the cesspool of fools is trying to outdo any semblance of ethical governance. This newest craze is called a name change, as the “House” has “yeah’d” in a measure that changes the name of “Lobbying“ to “Political Intelligence” and for “Lobbying Activity”, how about “Political Intelligence Activity” and along with that we will no longer hear the word “Lobbyist”, as reference to a corporate sponsored congressional briber will now be defined as “Political Intelligence Consultant”. This is no joke, but a bonafide measure taken up in the “House” chambers then when it was said and done, they “blackmailed the Sergeant of Arms into leaving his post”, so it became “Public Law” S. 1903. And this is what they get accomplished, not “For the People”, but a ways and means to try and fool us through deliberate distraction espionage. There is also rumor of another name change soon to come, calling “Capitalism” something like “Murdochism! What’s in a name? Regardless, “Lobby” to “Lobbyist” is a filthy string of events that yields ugly results, so should never be changed or erased, as future generations need to realize the harm this “K Street” creature has created, through deliberate disenfranchising, deliberate prejudice and all-time wealth hoarding. Like Elliot Spitzer - the Sheriff of Wall Street - was quoted recently, “Bifurcation” best defines what is occurring today upon the American class system. Now with respect to changing the “filth” industry to something that sounds “intelligent”, it still stinks. It would be better to change this fascination to something more deserving, like “Crap Artist” and for any activity along “K Street”, how about “Fuck the People“, for the street that hates the America value system. In fact, how about a resolution that calls for using “K Street” as a test ground for nuclear weapons! It finds a scorched earth mentality, so there would come no significant deterioration, something the EPA could approve today! And we learn in kindergarten about that “Separation” between church and state, just how important a distance makes. The 112th Congress along with the Supreme Court under control of not-Chief Justice Antonin, together it is making sure it goes done in history as a corrupt force, when combined, destructive upon the very foundation this country has been able to thrive towards greatness upon. How do future generations explain to their children what went wrong! What do you mean elected officials screwed things up? Yes, at one time we enjoyed “Greatness”. And here is yet another mind-boggling episode of what goes on up on the “Hill” when the idiots assemble to enjoy their lawless society. Yes lawless, as the “immunity” they get for swearing in to uphold the Constitution provides for no laws they respect. Anyway, they approved to repeal the 1954 Johnson Act Amendment, which was a pseudo-ban on the “free speech” and 1st Amendment Rights of “Church”. In the “Act” a church, religious organization or non-profit “could not participate in, or intervene – including the publishing or distributing of statements – any political campaign on behalf – or in opposition to – any candidate for public office”. Disobey this law, and it meant the IRS agents could pull the “tax free” status. See, in efforts to keep the “Separation” alive and well, as we cannot allow such interference as it is known to corrupt government as documented through history, it was through the wallet that protected the “clause” as Congress realized that a church with its snake-oil preachers would if given the chance become traders in treason upon Democracy. So today we see less and less separation, which is like run-away water eating away at the foundation. And the money that “religion” has at its disposal, because of the “tax exempt” status enjoyed, it’s a game changer now that they have taken 2nd position. See, the Supreme Court gave into “Corporations” a preferential blessing, to spend it all on campaign control. Now “We the People” have to contend with the “Church”. So why is it that we pay the most on taxable income yet we have less and less control upon “OUR” government? Our voting power has again been diminished through “Acts” of Congress. And then they are corny enough to establish as a law, allowing for a commemorative coin honoring Mark Twain. Now Clemens was one of the most outspoken critics of Congress and of his most famous quotes on Senators: “There are many Senators whom I hold in a certain respect and would not think of declining to meet socially, if I believed it was the will of God. We have lately sent a United States Senator to the penitentiary, but I am quite well aware that of those who have escaped this promotion there are several who are in some regards guiltless of crime--not guiltless of all crimes, for that cannot be said of any United States Senator, I think, but guiltless of some kinds of crimes.” Senator: “A person who makes laws in Washington when not doing time.” So this “coin” is either another of Congress’ ways and means to disrespect, or maybe it has something to do with their combined IQ, equal to their approval rating! Then again, if nothing else it should send a clear cut message, that we are on to the “crookedness”!

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