Monday, December 5, 2011

America's Report Card #1

So what is truly today's bellwether indicator that paints a picture fair and clear upon this nation's health and welfare rating? Just how is today's economic climate allowing or hindering that right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Sure there exists reams of data routinely published from the numerous government oversight gurus, like the Congressional Budget Office, what worth is it? As in efforts to understand all that stuff, it means getting a Gingrich PHD or a Congressional lobotomy - no real difference is there! I continue to get sidetracked to this “congressional” aspect, like that body supposedly responsible for righteous representation has something to do with something. See, a lobotomy means “brainless”, and no representative today on the taxpayers' payroll can deny that attribute. Back to the subject. Is there anything more down to earth that can suffice to gage this country's overall well-being? Sure, it is the newspaper front and center this “bellwether” indicator. Or what is left this once upon a time thriving industry as with dwindling support, it is the ad owners that shows who is up and who is down. Since reader subscriptions are way down, due in part the Internet providing news and weather available at one's fingertips, with a simple “Send” keystroke, the ads are paying and paving the way for this once indestructible American icon's survival. So who still reads the paper? Hey, some of us have bad habits! And isn't it still a freebie in 1st Class? But it is the advertisement income that keeps a paper afloat. So lets take a gander. We find full page ads from the major health care providers, as the Medicare sign-up period is about to expire. In Sundays edition hot off the press, Section A had a total of four full-stretch ads. Now for every signatu obtained from the elderly ranks - over 65 - it means a double dip sensation feature. Money received from Uncle Sam for the administration of this social health care plan allows the providers to recoup every penny spent plus a generous allowance called a “finder's fee”. It comes from “Finder's keepers, loser's weepers” and guess who art thou losers are? See, the provider estimates an hour's worth of sit-down drive by shooting to support their efforts, when in reality it takes about 3-seconds, so simple multiplication finds this a very lucrative train robbery. And those that sign on the dotted line though voice recognition technologies, through “This call may be monitored or recorded to better serve our goals”, they are usually duped into purchasing a plan that is above and beyond any saneness and costly, by the providers using the “fear” tactic. Reminds me of the “Pusher” lyrics:

God damn, the pusher
God damn, I say the pusher
I said God damn, God damn the pusher man.

You know the dealer, the dealer is a man
With the love grass in his hand
Oh but the pusher is a monster
Good God, he's not a natural man!”

It is a definite co-pay relationship. We pay once, twice and maybe again with that deductible thing. Now wait just a minute, didn't we already pay out for our premiums? Isn't it all part of the IOU contract, that Contract with America? What the hell have I been working for all these years, paying not only income taxes but FICA and yes, money to cover my health care needs come retirement! The more I dig into the present day state of affairs, with respect to this country's economic formula, the more I get angry. It doesn't balance. We are not getting our money's worth. It used to be that auto dealers captured the limelight of advertisement, not today as car sales are way down. It is sad day in America today when we as citizens find more trust with used car salesmen then we do upon our elected representation. Then we have these massive and costly ads for the Internet! In todays read, two full pages dedicated to “Texting” and driving and eating at the same time. I hope when Dr. Mad gets permission to clone, future generations come equipped with an extra arm with hand – for driving dedication! So it is these full-page ads that provides a very good indicator of what factions of the business community are fairing well. Of course there are the scam ads, with those outfits trying to dupe the elderly into selling their gold jewelry at rock bottom prices and what is with this “Reverse Mortgage” scamming? So in todays paper gab, in Section A alone there came 6.5 pages of crap ads, a half page of DUI listings, just from Saturday night, which allows for a single page to shed light on real McCoy news! See, it is well known that it is the aging generation that grew up with the paper in hand along with the morning Joe, so these ads pay off. Why else the large print! So we have before us the health care industry and the telecommunications industry that seem to have a whole lot of disposable income to justify costly colored ads in print. Now Medicare continues to be the greatest rip-off upon the checks & balance criteria inherent in taxation upon your hard earned income. Sure there is supposed to be a watchdog, but Congress believes the money they “play” with is by law their's to play with once it is wrestled away. If that is what the Constitution recommends, it is at fault. Everybody is on the take these days. Bottom-line, it is not only the Bush “wars” extended that have caused this once great nation to look forward to 3rd world status with respect to economics of scale, as George the “puppet” allowed this country to head down that detour, down that dead-end street. Bush held basically one belief, enact legislation that would allow the wealth to be squandered away. Now Bush didn't really use this position to wreck havoc on his own accord, but due weaknesses in the administration's back door policy and train wrecking imposter's, through controlled carelessness the crooks were allowed to infiltrate and hijack almost every government entity, just to pillage and plunder. “Handout Sam” our government has become. Like this, it has gone down. Place a bunch of kids in a candy store without any supervision and a sleeping store clerk, guess what happens! So no wonder Bush cannot write his own memoirs, as what went on under his watch was someone else's agenda succeeding and Bush was basically asleep at the wheel, asleep at the cash register when the candy store was being robed. And when all the candy was stolen away, Bush was tired, so retired, but the store owner had to replenish what was stolen, or claim bankruptcy - which is not an option unless we decided to sell out. When one looks at the deficit interest payments being swindled away today from the U.S. Treasury, it is a mind-boggling rip-off. Who is getting these extra billions? I am sure the Bush family has something in it for themselves. Look, believe it or not, Bush created more billionaires then could ever be imagined. And it is scary, as other countries own some of this debt, but are not on the mandatory interest benefit plan. Why is it that people don't care or give a rat's ass and continue to rip-off Uncle, or is it the fact that “American Greed” is such a pathetic disease that they believe this is what one deserves when granted “American Citizenship”. Like what you can steal away is OK? So we have before us today a health care provider industry being provided for courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers and at the same time Obama is throwing huge sums of loot to hook-up every nook-n cranny across America. But that may be good, as once we get all this hi-speed infrastructure in place, then we no longer have to send representatives to fend for our sovereignty, we can do it with our hands, with our fingers, as it is ours, not theirs! Remember, Congress was housed in Washington only because the Constitution required a central place to debate, this was before Campbell Soup can phones, before Morse code, before the Pony Express, so today we have the means to change things to “We the People”, not “Me the Senator”. And here is another thing, wherein stupid representation seems to be prominent with the representative branch. The U.S. Postal Service was having money problems, just like everybody else. So they decided to do what's right, and eliminate some of the more costly “pork” addictive routes, remote locations that have been on the welfare bandwagon way too long. But no, no, as this could cause the Alaskan delegation a loss of confidence, which equates to a loss of votes which equates to a loss of a “job for life” and even though sound management it was from the mail carrier, the bad dog was called off, so things remained status quo and at the same time Congress didn't offer any help. So now the money scarcity burdens us all, as it is estimated that because of righteous cuts now protected by insane representatives, it will take an additional day to deliver mail as we all must suffer because of this preferential treatment. So we continue to allow the representation to shoot Uncle Sam in the foot, its called the Webb Initiative – in honor of Jim Webb who likes bringing loaded guns to the “House”. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws and representatives will own guns! It is scary, when we find upon America an all out attempt to “penalize”, as that is not what the Bill of Rights allows. Nor does the Constitution adhere too thievery. So what has happened, when the Congress sees not their evil ways and means so destructive? It gets back to that self-centered “greed”. Maybe like obesity it should be classified a “disease”! Even when Congress tried doing thing right, greed got in the way. Example, cost cutting measures that called upon “Privatization” as the saving grace. That has backfired and does not work. Yet I believe there is a solution. Look, we the middle class faces the burden of taxation, it is ours to contend with. I have no qualms paying my fair share, but that is where we find the trouble spots today. Look, we have mandatory spending and discretionary spending. Believe it or not, the defense budget is defined under “Discretionary” instead of under “Mandatory”. Why? Because the money going to defense contractors is un-Constitutional. Sure it is up to Congress to fund the troops, but nothing else defense related. So the billions spent to fund the Bush wars, it finds forgiveness under these obscure funding initiatives. The only “Mandatory” capture is for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and that “Deficit Interest”. And the defense doesn't have too worry about a penny, as there exists only a handful that would indeed protest the yearly funding mandate. Why so? It has nothing to do with the troops. Look, the troops work for the Commander-in-Chief and would continue to fight even if their paychecks were lost, in the mail, or delayed due to new restrictions imposed by the Post Master General. A majority of the defense budget finds that dreaded “greed” disease. We have become a ship of fools, as the fools have taken over the ship. The representative body has been muzzled, tied-up and bent over, almost to the point they have presumed the fetal position, the same position one should find when attacked by an angry brown bear. No different, as yes indeed this nation is under attack. Not by Al Qaeda, not by the Muslin Brotherhood, not by Helter Skelter Palinites going after decent American's like Gabrielle Gifford, but under attack by “Greed”. And we are so quick to blame someone else, as that just shines and refreshes the spigot of gold, for more access to the fruits of greed's labor, our heritage crapped upon! Wow, I forgot to call out a very appropriate ad in this morning's paper, just a little blurb, for “Escort Service”! And that is what we really need, “Escort Service”, too escort the crooks away from the U.S. Treasury! And that begins with prohibition upon run a-muck spending spree. Like already mentioned in many of my blogs, it is not the spending itself, but the “greed” factor allowed by Congress that deflates that bang for the buck. Pure unadulterated greed wherein it is so easy to scam. Look the prohibition era was due to lunatics on the loose with a bottle, no different today with the addiction our representatives have upon our incomes - our dwindling incomes. So a prohibition is what we need, and the only way that can be accomplished is through sincere civil disobedience. It is this simple, stop paying that weekly paycheck garnishment called “Income Tax”. Send the Secretary of the Treasury an IOU. When at the end of the year you have not enough to pay for the shenanigans, just tell the bill collectors that you have re-invested in America, your way, by spending that loot on the local economy and didn't hide any of it away for safe keeping, and you'll be surprised at the outcome! As this is truly the way it should be, instead of the way it is.

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