Friday, November 18, 2011

Presidential Petition

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama;

15C §719J “Export Limitations” was in-acted as law to protect this nation’s interest. Please do not allow any dereliction upon this “Law” or changes that would allow Alaskan North Slope natural gas to be exported. As the present “Law” dictates, you must see to it that any exports “will not diminish the total quantity or quality nor increase the total price of energy available to the United States.” By allowing exports, in time that loss can only amount to higher prices – due lose of a commodity. Alaskan natural gas from the “North Slope” should remain “Stranded” until such time it is piped through Canada, as that country is exempt from the “Export Limitations” realizing that gas will fuel America’s needs. We should not allow exports outside the “Law”. Please take this under consideration should you be asked to lift the “Export Limitation” by Alaska’s delegation, or through “Special Interests” or through any request by the Governor of Alaska.

Respectfully Submitted, B. Dawg

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