Friday, October 14, 2011

Amazing Discovery

Modern day science wastes a whole lot of time on nothing, like when taxpayers' research dollars are spent on theories of “non-existent” matter and energy. See, if something is non-existent to begin with, like matter and or energy, how can you ever find it? Where do you begin? In fact why would anyone ever think about such a ludicrous undertaking, unless on a Timothy Leary high! But it fools the discipline - that of pure Newtonian scientific research - which in turn fools the funding disciples into thinking this “nothing” has merit which dictates writing fat checks – for nothing! Just so some non-gainfully employed renegade can have a job for a lifetime – a position with pay upon the auspices of a non-existent criteria. What deliverables? Image having a job for life finding nothing? Now I am not picking on those that think they can find something in “nothing”, but give me a break. Even if “nothing” was found, what good would it be? Maybe like the present day taxation upon the wealthy class, “nothing”! As I was cruising across the open prairies and tundra of the Yukon a few days back, I was listening to some preacher – a scientist – talk about nothing. He sounded just like a member of the United States Congress, but was adamant that if “science” found this “non-existent” energy, this “non-existent” matter, it could prove something. Prove what was still a puzzle and the radio signal faded away to static nothing before he answered what this “nothing” could do for mankind. Look, today before us there are many things worthwhile studying that would not be considered wasteful spending. A cure for breast cancer? It is pathetic that after spending billions on space programs that have provided “nothing” except some device that purifies an astronaut's urine for reuse which is more of the same “nothing” that we still see those “Pink” ribbons as a reminder of a devastating disease targeting the female race, especially here in America. Had that money been spent to eradicate this menace to society, the ribbons would be but a testament to the past. And what about a cure for the pandemic growth of the homeless population from sea to shining sea, which is increasing at the same rate the wealthy are getting filthy rich? Get this, for every $1-million dollar bonus applied to an American corporation CEO's pay, 15 workers loose their jobs and 2 American families go homeless! Families are going homeless across America! If that CEO was taxed appropriately, that extra income through the U.S. Treasury could afford at least 7 down and out families a house, food and clothing for a year! And I would have no qualms if science spent money to study a cure for George Bush's war mentality, so it would never happen again. But there appears to be one area of research that has found benefit through taxpayers' appropriated funding. It is called “Nano-Technology”. It deals with things that are close to non-existent, like things that are by dimensional measurement smaller than 1-millionth of an inch! Real small. But to be able to measure something this small, it may shed some light into this country's present day congressional mess. It could shed some light into the combined IQ of Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor and John Bonehead – whatever his name is. I bet Bonehead is never to visit California again, because of the ban on tanning booths as a hangout for girls under 18 years of age. And with Eric Cantor's “mob” mentality crucifixion over the “Occupy Wall Street” 1st Amendment right gatherings, it appears that maybe science need look no further for this “non-existent” phenomenon, as it is front and center each and everyday with this country's Congress. McConnell should be in jail for threatening Obama's wellbeing! It is pathetic to what is going down on the Hill, nothing! It is “non-existent” legislation, and like unrealistic scientific research, this costs the taxpayers a whole lot for this “nothing” gained everything lost legislation. We would be much better off as a nation if they canceled Congress and the lunatics just went home. If we were to abolish Congress...Now wait just a minute, abolish Congress? In the beginning, Congress was formed due lack of continuity to commitment. There was no ways and means to have assembled in due diligence with intelligence a representative body of statesmen elected by the citizens to deal with concerns, because of the distant constraints from colony to capital pub and before modern day mass transportation networks. So Congress was designed and convened to bring representation together for a brief period of time each year, to discuss what was best for the country. And today we see that the very basic philosophy behind representation has eroded to “nothing”. So it may be time to re-think this “nothing” for “something”, called representation. The “something” in this case is the fact that we pay these pirates to perform a lobotomy on righteousness, wherein the scoreboard reads; “Lobbyist 10, Citizens Zero”. Nowadays, with modern technology, there is no need for back and forth representation. I can vote on every issue from the comfort of my living room. I can vote on the run, with modern day telecommunications. I don't need representation. We don't need representation, especially when honesty has been filed under a “non-existent” clause. One day, we will see an entirely different ways and means of representation, “By the People and For the People” and not “By the Lobbyist for the Wealthy”. There will come a time when “Lobbying Power” will be remembered as part of a sad reminder of a sad past upon America. But there may be even more merit to this “nothing”, as a measure of Americanism or using this “Nano-Technology” as a measure of patriotism. The Pentagon has gone on the defense, that it cannot account for zillions spent on the war machine. It can account for what was spent and where, but can not differentiate with any accuracy if the money was spent upon its intended use – which amounts to abuse. When U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Paneta testified before Congress on this dilemma, it is the first time I ever saw this man missing a smile, so it is serious. He knows why! And herein exists the most tragic of all tragedies facing America this day and age. That money is being wasted, through pilferage, robed by pirates, for “nothing”, accept to line the pockets of individuals that disgrace the Red, White & Blue. Defense contractors have found the golden goose and that ultimate hen-house that is unguarded! What I mean by this “nothing” is a no give a crap attitude by so-called Americans upon this country's security, vitality and well-being. The cheating that goes on today, it is borderline treason. If the citizens today realized that we are all contributing to this “nothingness”, and grasped what the late John F. Kennedy preached, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, he didn't mean cheating! And when we take this message to heart, and do a positive deed for this country, which may mean sacrifice, then maybe we would get the point across and change our evil ways and means that is causing this country to fail upon some curse and if it continues down this path of self-destruction, through a total disregard for what we once stood for, then scientist need look no further for the “non-existent” nothing - as it is here amongst all of us. Why is it that so many feel it is OK to screw ourselves? Look, we are the “government”. I am sick and tired of this Tea-Party mentality that thinks the “government” is somebody else! It is like that “non-existent” something. But when righteousness gets in the way, when inaction causes a disconnect, we end up with “nothing” and there may come a point in time wherein the “non-existent” theory makes a landing, here in America, once upon a time called “My Country T's of Thee”. Bottom-line, the wealthy are the most unpatriotic amongst us. They put on a good show, but when you read between their lines, their true patriotism is unto themselves and rests upon a selfish agenda, as too think in terms of equity and equality for all, to think in terms of modern mans' needs of survival as brothers and sisters, it breeds upon a racism they cannot stomach, and that racism to them is called socialism – wherein they consider themselves the targeted. And in this day and age, socialism is something well deserved over this “nothing” agenda that is causing a once great nation to fall lower and lower in the standings as a Good Samaritan. When we cannot take care of our own, when we feel “war” is more important then the dreaded diseases harassing a healthy society or when malnutrition or homelessness is but an inconvenience to the wealthy class, those in control of the wealth are in hiding, but eventually they will have to come to their senses. So today, when you start your day off, ask yourself what you can do for your country. If it is cheating, then please repent, as that was not part of the contract for Americanism along with patriotism. And we need to give peace a chance, as we need also to start socializing many aspects of the American lifestyle, or else we will be left behind and may find out one day soon that our only shelter is a “non-existence” future! And back to that Newtonian principle of existence, which is spelled out through computation in Isaac Newton's Principia, published back in 1687. It is already deduced upon through mathematical solutions from Newton that survival of any “healthy” modern day man dictates a “socialistic” society! We cannot fight this outcome as the math works towards a socialistic society or else and the sooner we get on board that ship, the smoother the sailing will be. If we take the “or else” route, then we will see more of the same nothing, which means more homelessness, more sickness, more “war” bloodshed, more evil all around. Now who in hell would want more of this?

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