Sunday, September 11, 2011

Most Wanted

Look, Bin Laden was a mountain hillbilly! His troops were mountain hillbillies also and walked around the rugged landscape of Tora-Bora in sandals, by no stretch of the imagination “worriers” and more in line with wannabe...what still puzzles me. When one views the training camp videos, what the hell are his troops preparing for, a Halloween party? Trick or Treat! It is a pathetic following, and to be honest with you, I have never feared his tactics, threats or possibilities. If he and his coward cohorts in crime carried out the World Trade Center attack by themselves, then I stand corrected - but I really doubt it, being corrected. They didn't have the backbone or intelligence to perform successfully such magnitude of harm. It was a horrific attack, upon the very statute and foundation this country stands for, or used to stand for - this “used to” is a very important fact this writing. And I am not the only one that reflects this criticism, this apprehension. Just open a dictionary prior to Bush's dysentery dynasty reign of horrors and you will see a sad look upon the presidents of past. Thank God for the Internet, as dictionaries are no longer a door-to-door requirement for every household, so Bush's mugshot will never be part of a family room's bookshelf. If you do have a dictionary with the mugshot, burn it. Now when the blame game pinpointed Bin as the culprit and then President Bush placed a $25-million bounty around the terror organizer's neck, dead or alive, Bin Laden went into hiding in Pakistan and spent his time watching porn. And we didn't know about it? Porn takes up 60% of the “Tube” traffic! Of course our intelligence knew about it, but there is a sacred reason that it took so long to make the connection. You don't target an innocent person that is link protected, as the Bin Laden family had ties! That is where the “innocent” comes into play. And of course Bin took credit for the attack, that was his goal. But he also reasoned that the true attack upon America is through the economy, so his real dream may be coming true - maybe through a little help from his friends in hiding. With the bounty and no takers for nearly ten years in the making, it appears Bin was offered protection, maybe he knew something of interest. Obama has balls and decided to do something American, as a means to shine at a gamble to take down the hillbilly as a “person of interest”. It's election season. Bottom-line, Bin was a thorn in our side and possibly a threat to the real conspirators – his friends in hiding. Bin was just the hired hit-man! Imagine if he was tired of running and was about to turn a witness! Take-out time. In ten years time this country has been rather safe when we compare the damage that occurred back on 9/11. Before that, we were really safe, from outsiders infiltrating and causing havoc. We still had to contend with home grown terrorists, like Timothy McVeigh. In between then and now, the shoe-bomber? The diaper bomber? If this is the caliper of “worrier” coming out of those mountain retreats, it appears they spend too much time with porn when they should be learning gorilla warfare. Once again, pathetic when it comes to fear management. Now I'm not a conspiracy follower, but I believe that there is something other then a mountain hillbilly wrecking havoc upon this nation that has led to our liberties stripped, with eavesdropping and tighter security at airports and other inconveniences since 9/11. Now these inconveniences are the burden of the middle class, as the wealthy still have the ways and means to bypass a whole lot of this extra-curricular security interrogation. I realize that there exists many conspiracy theories upon what really happened that dreaded day, but I also believe with respect that there was an accomplice to this crime, as it went off just too damn smooth and accurate. If I wanted an accomplice in crime to harm and take blame due some ulterior motive, I would too draft the help of Bin and his hillbillies. Already guilty by association, so a great escape scapegoat. The bottom-line is the sickening fact that in America, we have become our own worst enemy. As terror sells and makes a whole lot of loot, for defense contractors and other security contractors. When you look at what the Booze Brother's and other conglomerates are doing today to rake in zillions in the “War” theater, these outfits have no desire to see an end to the conflicts. Look, there was no Al-Qaeda presence in Iraq before we landed there, boots on the ground! Due to Dick Cheney's wet-dream nightmares, we went on the warpath and invaded the nut-case's palace, but for what reason? In ten years time, the entire state of affairs upon terrorism has become a multi-zillion dollar industry. Can you imagine that spigot going dry. And how much has the Carlyle Group made during this terror extravaganza? The latter is the multi-billion dollar corporation started by the idiot's old man and attorney Jim Baker, engaged in huge defense contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Baker was interviewed some time back about the “group”, he refused having the American flag present, as the corporation is a national organization involved in global confiscation of the wealth. It is home grown crooks that are behind this mess we are in today, a mess that is wrecking havoc on America's middle class. It is warfare upon the middle class, strategically planned as a means to destroy the once class system that provided some semblance of a check and balance. To “give peace a chance” to these crooks is like taking away a baby's pacifier. They are making too, too much easy money to end this gimmick. So we will see threats, fabricated ways and means to disturb our peace, so it can make even more money. Defense contractor stocks down, make a few anonymous phone calls and guess what! Terrorism is the biggest money making scam in existence today! Look, MissHell Bachmann is supposedly looking for a jolt to her campaign. She is probably praying to her false god that an attack will occur so she can continue to take “SHOTS” at Obama. Her agenda is truly un-American. She is a voice for the silent attack that has strangled this country for the last ten years. See, the sad fact of the matter is this. There exists some members of the wealthy community that believe “sacrifice” is worth it, a proletariat class attribute this sacrifice, to further their own selfish agenda wherein they feel they know what is best for the masses. They feel the loss of life upon America troops and American citizens along with collateral damage is a sad fact of their matter at hand, but a necessary evil. Now they wouldn't place themselves in harms way, but if it means taking down some American lives to take over the world, then they have no qualms instigating hysteria. The Project for the New American Century is worth mentioning upon the 10th anniversary of 9/11, as it appears we have forgotten what may have transpired to create the WTC meltdown. Once again, it was too accurate a hit by a bunch of mountain goats. There was help from within. Remember, money can buy just about anything. This PNAC club and its signatory, wealth & power, would indeed wreck havoc upon the America dream as a ways and means to incite “hate” upon the middle east, in efforts to get the America people rallied up, with “War, what is it good for”? Profits! As already mentioned and worth mentioning one more time, today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of 9/11. There was most likely a concerted effort by PNAC back in 2000 while under the close supervision of “There's a town in Texas missing an idiot” president, wherein PNAC more likely then not participated in the plan of attack upon the WTC. We realized already that Al-qaeda was interested in the WTC, so it fit the desire, along with PNAC's dream of a ways and means to further its Hitler like secret agenda - of taking over the world by forcing “Doctor of Doom” PNAC style democracy on the unwilling. It was damn accurate, from the attack to the fallout and today it is still going on, with protracted wars and defense contractors involved in making policy, as Uncle Sam has outsourced or “Privatized” many military functions. Think tanks are thinking about one thing, how to keep the threats alive and well. And outsourcing and “Privatization” has one and only one creed to live buy, bite the hand that feeds. Just the other day, a few days before the 10th anniversary of the take down of the WTC, there came threats from abroad, about three men coming to America to bomb the innocent using cars and trucks. Look, it is almost impossible for this to occur. Take that back, it is impossible as it is impossible to purchase bomb making materials in quantities that would warrant a massive attack in-line with what went on in the Big Apple and K Street. Timothy McVeigh settled that matter. So unless there is an insider, like a Tea-party member that has access to this stuff, car bombs can't happen! Not with a ferocity that would excite, but it would keep the defense contractor crooks and “Privatized” militia fueled up, by U.S. Taxpayers' loot. So who is really behind this scam plan to make America feel insecure and live forevermore in fear? Here are the facts. In efforts to further their agenda, the Hillbillies tried once unsuccessfully to target the World Trade Center, Timothy McVeigh outdid the terrorist. But the WTC was always in the cross-hairs, so was a likely candidate, as blame had already been confirmed. So an organization can only flourish if it can continue on its rampage, and each time there comes success if it is a bigger bang for the buck, as terrorism is paying handsomely, all around it appears. So the fact that the intelligence community has warned of a possible anniversary hit, it is premeditated scare and I would not put it pass a corporate board room making these allegations, as we are getting ready to call an end to the Iraq conflict and soon after that we should see things simmer down in Afghanistan also. With that, we may see more calls of threats and I would not be surprised if we see more innocent bystander bloodshed. But getting back on track, it is the home grown that scares me, upon what is happening today by corporate America and its greed crusade upon our well-being. And I can only relate to what is happening in Alaska, and being far and removed from the lower-48, it probably rests as good test case for the rest of the Union. Once again, I am talking home grown corruption! In Alaska, there comes no competition on the rail, nor is there any competition at the pit. It is called a captive commodity, coal. It is a required energy source for the various military bases throughout Alaska, bases that keep a watch on RUSSIA, which has not been a threat for 10-YEAR time by now! If not coal, it is fuel supplied by the Koch brothers refinery, and we know what this brotherhood thinks about government. “Hood” has meaning herein doesn't it! Here it is in a nutshell. It takes close to 3-million tons of coal to keep these bases prepared for doom. The coal that comes from Joe's pit is comparable to the Powder River Basin coal from Wyoming, low BTU as it is sub-bituminous Class C, for “Crap” with a low sulfur content and marginal ash content. Powder River coal sells for $14.7 a ton. Lower-48 rail costs to ship that coal an equivalent distance from mine to military installation rests at $9.72 per ton, remember a captive audience. So we are talking about $25-dollars a ton delivered. Not so here in the Last Frontier, as it costs twice as much to perform that same business here in Alaska. And it doesn't really cost twice as much, as without competition, any price goes. Uncle Sam has no choice, so the crookedness rules. This is what I am getting at, we are not helping our very own government. If it really costs that much money, then we should just close these dilapidated bases down, the time has come. Or is it the “pocket more” syndrome. No competition means a captive audience and if it's Uncle Sam doing the buying, then why sweat a little extra here and there. Make talk of a base closure, and the Alaska delegation comes a running. Ask them to investigate high fuel costs, they just ignore. Look, no businesses could survive what Uncle Sam must put up with, and that is why every damn business in this state is subsidized. - like the railroad that transports this stuff, subsidized by Uncle Sam. Once again, it is the bite the hand that feeds syndrome. Bottom-line, terror makes CEOs wealthy as does it fuel the differential between rich and poor. The PNAC agenda is with us today, as many of the large corporations involved in this treachery have ties and have no American values left, except torture upon Uncle Sam. I will always remember the words of John F, Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. It isn't “Big” government that is the problem. “Big” government is a fallout of this cancer that is sweeping away forever all ethics. Take away “Big”government and a whole lot of money stops flowing, then what? Why is it that we feel so comfortable taking advantage of Uncle Sam's generosity. It is our money to begin with, may as well cut out the middle man and just go rob your neighbor! That is what it has come too in this country. Why not abide by Kennedy's, “Ask not” and ask yourself, what can I do today to help MY country T's of Thee”? And if the rip-off continues, then we are all accomplices at creating the American Armageddon and maybe returning to hillbilly status will do us some good. “Don't come back now, ya hear! And dueling banjos as our national anthem! We are our own worst enemy and Public Enemy #1 is looking at all of us straight in the face! Hail to the chief? Hail to the thief seems more appropriate.

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