Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Anti-Native Agenda

Senator Claire Macaskill is under attack by Alaska’s “Jail Bait” Senator Mark Begich, because of her efforts to have investigated yet another “No-Bid” lucrative government contract specifically dedicated solely for American Indian and or Alaskan Native Corporations. Mr. Begich - sounding off more like an irate Don Young - was adamant in his counter-claims that there exists a “pattern” with Macaskill’s behavior and this “pattern” thing is what happens when somebody is talking bringing a discrimination lawsuit! Like her efforts attacking this preferential treatment that dismisses competition is a recognizable pattern of abuse? Dear Mr. Begich, did you ever stop and try to understand that maybe she is looking out for the American taxpayers’ interest? Does Anti-trust or Monopoly mean something, besides just a game? Macaskill is in the right to be concerned. That’s right as it is right and in my view Macaskill is doing justice to the American Indians as well as justice to the Alaskan Natives, as this sector of society is being used by gangster type “Joint Venture” opportunistic corporations with one intent - making it rich. And most of these “Opportunistic” corrupter's pointed out are run by “White Men”, wherein “Greed” is the deciding factor above all ethical behavior. I am a “white man”, so authorized and qualified to take shots where shots are due. Yes billions of government contract dollars are finding mobility away from the security of the U.S. Treasury and into the coffers of these “Disadvantaged” entities only to see that money leaking out the back door – kickback ring a bell? Wherein the “Native” shareholders see very little of the profits. It is abuse, as by using the Native sovereignty through use of status and name recognition for a profit motive only MO, not to mention the bad name association that follows along such questionable and suspicious dealings, it appears that the abuse continues now upon a new-age chapter fit for the “American Greed” series. The Alaskan Natives are losing out upon the “good” name battle and looking like a bunch of cheaters. It is not the “Native” that is bringing upon itself such abuse; it is indeed the innocent bystander guilt by association syndrome. And haven’t we seen enough abuse upon this nation over the years? Believe me, with the Small Business Administration being taken for a ride by venture vultures teaming up with a once-upon-a-time respectable Native corporation in efforts to rob the hen-house, we need more senators like Macaskill and less those that are starting to grow balls to protect indecency over the interests of the American citizen, the Taxpayers. With what is going on in Alaska alone with respect to this subject matter, why isn’t Begich taking the bull by the horns to investigate his own state’s dealings? He’s afraid at the repercussion, as any credible investigation will find all kinds of reasons to abolish this preferential treatment made aggressive by the late Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. And that will bring an action to set it all back to “competitive” style bidding – where transparency is paramount. First and foremost, it is costing a lot more money when competition ceases to exist. Secondly, what is going on in the “Last Frontier” is monopolistic and if allowed to continue, it will bleed down injustice to all utility consumers with a precedent set affiliation. It must be stopped now! Case in point: There came a government contract solicitation that provided a “Billion” dollar romance with the U.S. Taxpayers’ loot. When the bid was advertised it was originally open for competitive bidding, no preferential treatment allowed, as that was seen by the brass as the best of methods to get reasonable solicitation offers for this 50-year romance with the U.S. ARMY. Soon though, there came a game changer and it was “Set-Aside”, basically the competition was limited to organizations that could pass the muster with the SBA’s definition of “Small business”, which pointed towards the Alaskan Native Corporations. Indeed some of these Congressionally mandated corporations are huge, it still enjoys the “Small” label due a disadvantaged history. This “Change” disenfranchised many qualified businesses that had already prospered similar ventures in the lower 48. So the local gangsters, like leeches upon a Great Gray Whale, they sucked up nice and cozy to side with thriving and respectable Native Corporations, to play the cheating game as this was a vulnerable way to get the “Small” approval. In the end, there came only three bids for this pot-of-gold contract, as it was tough for an entity to get SBA approval and certification as “small”, a status that had captured this billion dollar contract for “Privatization” of the Alaska's military installation utilities - like water, waste-water, heat and electric power generation. But there came a reasonable attack on two of the contenders, as the SBA ruled that these entities established by virtue of the “Joint Venture” could not be defined as “small”, so they were basically out of the running. What I mean is this. By commingling with a “White Man's” corporation the end result was “other than small”, according to appeals denied through the SBA. But without notice following the fact that two Alaskan Native Corporations were denied participation, denied appeals, the bid was changed back to competitive bidding! This occurred without notice as required by government contract transparency requirements and with limited time left upon the “bid’s” due date, there came this unusual change, as a means to allow the two rejected contenders a second preferential treatment. And this change occurred only after these two Native Corporations tried to bring an estoppel lawsuit upon the very hand that was to feed them, the U.S. Government. Now the 3rd contender was kicked out of the race, and it was the only entity that fit the 8(a) category, but this outfit was tied to Bill Allen’s VECO! And this organization was by far the fittest when one analyzes the cost for service – what the taxpayers would ultimately pay out. Now in the end and through questionable and suspicious activity not the norm for government contracting, all 12 Alaskan military infrastructure utility contracts, separate contracts, all were awarded to a single entity, Doyon Utilities – a joint venture between a once reputable Alaskan Native Corporation and Fairbanks Sewer & Water, a regulated utility in hot water for over-charging its Fairbanks customers and about to face sanctions to provide costly reimbursements. Questionable yes, how and why this venture somehow captured all the bids. Yes this was questionable behavior to say the least in this day and age of corporate corruption, especially with corruption here in Alaska made famous by the “Corrupt Bastards Club”, which included this state's delegation. And when the government released all 12 utility contracts to the same entity, it created a monopoly and should have never been allowed. Maybe it was done under duress! Monopoly you ask? Even the government voiced a concern over this all out award to a single entity, when there came several other credible alternatives, as the bid was not a “take-all-or-none” proposition and dissecting was allowed – which would have demonstrated some semblance of competition. According to documents no longer classified, “For the purpose of utility privatization, the Government is selling the utility system to a single entity. This in effect is creating a monopoly for the entity in providing service.” Now at the government's request for information before awarding the bid, it was asked upon this one particular interest to clarify the entity's financial health requesting that this Joint Venture provide a commitment letter from local banks, Wells Fargo & 1st National Bank of Alaska, as the latter financial institutions were named in the bidder's portfolio. Now when the bid was awarded, neither Wells Fargo nor 1st National Bank of Alaska became recipients of the loan program required to obtain this contract. It meant millions in loans and guaranteed interest rates, what banks do well. Both American banking institutions that would have been enriched by providing support were denied involvement, after the fact as the owner's entertained financing through a Canadian bank, Toronto Dominion. Had this foreign bank been mentioned as the bidder's financial institute of choice, it would have meant more likely than not another rejection for the gangsters. This “Privatization” is supposed to help America, not Canada, especially during dire economic times wherein even banks need help. DU utilities reneged on its bid folio. And there was a planned reason, as the owners of FS&W were allowed to sell their ownership of Fairbanks Sewer & Water to an affiliated Canadian venture, as the payback would be a no-brain affair as inflated costs for operation of the bid would be siphoned away from the Native shareholders coffers and distributed to outside interests. That is what happens when the board of directors over this bid are also the gangster shareholders, as the boss writes the checks! See, right after the ARMY awarded the bid, the 10-gangster shareholders awarded themselves millions in preferred stock and goodwill way beyond what the sewer was worth. This deceitful like tactic business plan would never survive in the real world. Through thorough research it is estimated that the privatization to date is not saving the taxpayers’ like it was supposed to, but costing 100% more than anticipated. Somebody is getting rich on “our” dime. They should be doing “Time”. Bottom-line, the government was sold a bill of lies, and now we are paying for it. It is privatization with an intent to rip off Uncle Sam every which way but loose. The entire privatization scenario behind bid SP0600-R-0024 must be investigated as it is criminal and sabotage upon a once good system of merits, in motion to ruin the U.S. Treasury and about to ruin the Alaskan Natives once good name, all 10,000 years worth! So give them hell Claire, as you seem to have more interest in Alaska's wellbeing then do our very own delegation! Pattern of abuse? Maybe the Alaskan delegation needs a good look in the mirror.

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