Sunday, August 21, 2011

Until Death...

OK, so it was that last birthday before I enjoy living the 60's, so I needed some amusement. Living the 60's means turning 60 and reliving Tin Pan Alley, to realize what the folk singers were trying to tell us then that is now coming true, no amusement allowed as this is when life gets real serious. “Come senators and congressmen, please heed the call. Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall, for he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled. There's a battle outside ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, for the times they are a-changin'.” I don't know if I can wait another year! It may be too late. Oh well. Now I didn't shove out a bunch of loot to visit an amusement park scene for my amusement fix, not required as there is enough amusement right here in Anchorage - city of Brotherly Hate. I am serious, with the amusement possibilities and that bonafide “Hate” statement. It wasn't always a city of “Hate”, not until recently when control was taken over by the new mayor and his crony assembly made up of Tea Party idiots, sanctioned from the valley. This state is getting weird. For my amusement, I went for a walk during morning rush hour down towards the intersection of the Dimond Mall with the Old Seward Byway and the New Seward Highway. What the hell gives with the driving mentality? I believe I have it figured out why worms commit suicide. See, they give up the peace & quiet of the green-belt and end up getting freaked out by these crazy people in these crazy looking 6000 pound contraptions, so retreat but get a hernia twist trying to get back to the safety of the wilds, and then the the sun cooks them alive. The drivers around here are mad! This is no place for pedestrians, so this amusement might be a short lived Harry Carry nightmare experiment. There is no safety when hoofing it here in Anchorage! And this road rage craze continues today, even after this state was stimulated by millions from the Obama giveaway program, right here in a state that is towards the left as Ben Steven's is honest. The state didn't turn away the handout and used that money to buy these fancy digital traffic signals which included a timing signal for pedestrians, it was a waste as the “Pedestrian” alive and well provokes the “Hate” syndrome. Akin to Sarah Palin's cross-hairs upon Gabrielle Gifford, as a pedestrian I felt the same targeting effect, just trying to be a “Pedestrian” and minding my own business. Gabrielle was doing the same, minding her own when some Palin associate went crazy during a 2nd Amendment moment - what a crying shame. The fact that Palin is still free and not incarcerated away for life without parole is proof that things have changed from the good towards the bad. Wasn't it truly enough is enough when Congress outlawed ethics? Anyway, it is dangerous trying to be a pedestrian when in competition with other humans driving weapons, so it was just like an amusement ride, dodging all sorts of questionable human behavior. I must admit, there came close calls wherein I thought I was about to end up a statistic on the “Hate” scale. Now it happened three different times within the rush hour. I am crossing the street, the digital signal says I have 15-seconds till doom, all the time walking within in the cross-walk cross hairs maybe, as it is hard to decipher the demarcation from safe to “We can hit you” lanes as by this time of the year, only late August, the new road lane and cross-walk paint layered down in spring has already disappeared. Why can't we even get simple things right, like buying decent paint? Why? Because re-painting creates jobs in a state that has failed miserably at providing a sustainable jobs infrastructure. Anyway, what is it with these people trying to drive cautiously with one hand maneuvering a cell phone's microscopic key board while the other hand is molested by an obesity sandwich from a fast-food joint? Then when they finally realize they almost performed a Jack Kevorkian on a pedestrian in the right, they are alarmed and nod endlessly asking for forgiveness, that they are so sorry and want you to cross in front of them? What are they car crazed beyond rehabilitation? What the hell is in that Mac crap sandwich? When one looks at the waiting lines at the fast-food joints during rush hour, it has too be a free crap promotion. Anyway, now that Jack is gone and there has appeared an entire underground business to deliver suicide, I have come up with my own easy does it plan. Now it will require bikes, so maybe the APD can donate confiscated gang bikes to support my venture. And those wishing to end it, they can get a bike for a donation and drive around this intersection, as during rush hour their chances of survival are minimal. The donation will allow the use of a bike for a one week, Monday through Friday during the rush and if by the end of the week they are not candidates for the obituary column, then their time is not yet come too be and they should postpone the morgue appointment. And this is great, as life insurance policies could not be questioned, as driving around is still legal even though dangerous. So it is a win win situation, and maybe with the donations I could donate the loot over to the painting crew, so they could buy some decent paint. But that would take away from my business venture, and it might take away some of the umph that allows this state to remain below the national average when it comes to the ranks of the unemployed. Bottom line, this city is not designed and intended for pedestrian traffic. Not only at this intersection, but all over as we hear nightmare after nightmare. Then again, maybe it is not the drivers themselves, maybe it is an attention deficit from obesity eating while driving and of course the dreaded desire to stay in touch with reality, through the cell phone madness. And that is what it has come to be, eating disorders and 1st Amendment abuse disorders. But both are better then a 2nd Amendment disorder! Palin is still free? Talk about a “disorder”. Maybe there is an intersection with her name on it here in Anchorage, beware pedestrians! Now one more thing before signing off. Talk about an amusement ride. When stuck as a pedestrian waiting for the digital signal to allow supposedly safe passage across an intersection, the roads appear as roller coaters, wrinkled out of joint - like hit by a rolling earthquake. And they blame this on studded tires? Nonsense that excuse. It may contribute to crappy roads, but there exists a better guesstimate as to why Anchorage has such crappy roads. It is that jobs jab again. Look, Fairbanks has better roads then Anchorage, and this interior city has to deal with permafrost and frost heaving. So what gives? Just like with the cheap road lane paint, so is cheap asphalt bargained for. It is cheap, low grade and when layered down, it is so thin that the road can only last a few years, then it is the same old expensive thing all over again. It is the jobs thing again. Cheap roads like cheap paint keeps the unemployment lines manageable. And the paving company keeps changing names, as the owners become millionaires after a few contracts and sell the business and move to the Bahamas. So this city will never see decent roads, or decent road lane painting, as that would mean doing something right for a change, which is a long shot just like the Anchorage Assembly trying to outlaw “Hate” an instead we find out that “Brotherly Love” has been banned!

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