Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh Happy Days!

Oh Happy Days!
Not really, unless you are a member of the 1% club, those that have benefited generously from the Bush “ERROR” Tax cuts. For those that can claim affiliation with the latter, the crooked side of society here in America, break out the Don Perignon and “Almas” caviar, as it is the 10th Anniversary of giving away the surplus – along with this country's future with respect to any positive economic livelihood. Even though the “Bush Error Tax Breaks” included something for everybody, I still find it difficult at trying to understand where and what my benefit amounted to. See, like many other “True Americans”, I am a Middle Class Hard Working Salt of the Earth Native Son, and part of the class that was “Left Behind” in the arena of tax breaks. Especially considering how the economy tanked following the give away of the “Rainy Day” fund. If indeed there came a “break”, any surplus for this guy was consumed with escalating energy and food prices! I used to drink Sam Adams, now its Rolling Rock and I look forward to a few pennies for recycling the cans. The price difference between Sam and the Rock is the true indication of the “Bush ERROR Tax Break” inflation rate of sad returns on our income. Bush knew exactly what he was doing with the cuts for the rich – champagne & caviar celebrations, and knew all too well what the peons would get, NOTHING in return. Take that back, as we are getting stuck with the debt, for Bush's stupid wars of choice. Before Bush's pen hit the “cease & desist” executive privilege legislation once aimed at taxing the rich bastards fairly, there was indeed a “rainy day” surplus. It was given away within a year's time, trillions of dollars, and many say that the money was not returned to its rightful owners - the taxpayers - as it was like a free-for-all fire sale giveaway. Of course, the free-for-all wasn't so, as most of us had no idea this sale had commenced and were busy “working” for a living. I think the equation used by the crony man was simple, “We eat steak, they can eat hamburger helper”. And then the “wars” started to gain our attention and modern day Neanderthal type war costs a whole lot of loot we no longer had at our disposal, as Bush took care of that. And money sent abroad, it takes away from funding necessities back on the “Homeland”. Since then, Uncle Sam through courtesy of the “Boner & Weiner” fan club – a.k.a. Congress, with republicans enjoying being the “Boners” in honor of Representative & Maggot House Leader Boehner and democrats enjoying the other honor, as now we have the Weinergate to contend with, and “all together again” this deadbeat gathering of idiots with no honor left have insisted on spending more loot then what is coming in! Look, Americans are getting you know what, F$%#ed, as the “Boners” and “Weiners” are on the loose. Congressional motto, “Please America, bend over just a little more”! Economics-101 has failed, as today this country is IOUing $1-dollar for every 57-cents taken in. It doesn't work my friends. We are leaving nothing for the future but a “black hole” of debt that will suck away any good will this country has left to oblivion status – yet the rich keep on getting richer. The wars are costing and crippling the economy here back at home. At the beginning of this writing the war costs had assembled to date $1.203.867,500,000 in debt(in the trillions). And just after one hour of one day wherein this filth attack brings home more kids in wooden boxes then anything else, there came an increase of $20-million! It is costing you and I in the order of $1.4-billion a day, for the “Bush ERROR Tax Cuts”, as war was part of Bush's “Mission Accomplished”. The only “Mission Accomplished” by Bush and his dysentery family dynasty was the rich enjoying being “war-lords” and brethren of the almighty buck. No doubt about it, the wealthy are making a killing on the wars, as defense contractors are raking it in. And the “Defense” budget is the only program that is seeing an increase as this country is broke. What about an increase for breast cancer research? Look, and now on the subject of killing, these two “wars” have become nothing but a business, wherein deaths are but the cost of doing that business, so the rich can get even richer. What's a few American “kid” deaths, even though since deploying a month ago, Alaska's very own Stryker Brigade - on its 3rd deployment already - have already endured the loss of life 15 comrades in battle! The average age, 21-years young. Once again, it is a pathetic attack on American decency wherein the Bush's used that decency to further the Carlyle agenda – an Armageddon agenda based on greed and wealth. It is sickening, what have we done to our kids? Sent them to WAR without a good cause! We seem to have not one, but two Vietnam like conflicts occurring at the same time wherein a retreat strategy is but a joke. We must bite the bullet, and pullout know. Look, if we were on the win streak, Defense Secretary Gate's would not be retiring next month! it's like a major league manager retiring going into the World Series with the odds to win, that never happens with a win streak – as that would be the ultimate definition of a retreat. We have lost, in Iraq, in Afghanistan and in Libya – for the latter a good prediction from the other failed experiences. Maybe “experiments” is more like it. It may prove one-day to be a safe haven, these menaced by our presence nations, but we will continue the “lost” factor as we end up paying for rebuilding after the war winds down. Look, I drive on to a military base here in Alaska every day, there is no sign of attention the loss of life that the U.S. Army is suffering through these war-torn conflicts, for a useless war times 2 maybe 3 - Libya. On base, not even the courtesy of a “Half Mast” salute, as we all know what happened when Alaska lost its 1st kid under the “Bush Dysentery Dynasty” and when Alaska found Governor Frank MurCowski at the helm – father of nepotism U.S. Senator MonaLisa - yes indeed the governor refused to allow a “Half Mast” for the 1st kid home in a box, as the flags were already down, in honor of “Anabel” the elephant's death and a belated day of honor – a lot more important I guess. But there is a glimmer of “Happy Days” to be found when one digs deep. In a recent survey, the nowadays troops feel comfortable alongside “gays” in combat and are now accepting change upon a long overdue and outdated Neanderthal nuisance, that known as “Don't Ask Don't Tell”, as “gays” are now part of the military. That survey was overwhelming in support of “gays” in military combat, not by outsiders surveyed, but through this country's very own military combat membership – the troops! So I challenge goons like members and leaders of “Focus on the Family” to say “gays” are sissies now that they are engaged in harms way. See our troops have been abandoned once again, proof that we loose patience when war doesn't go over too well. So the troops are now fending for themselves, digging in together regardless of race, religion, orientation, as back here at home we have forgotten the “Mission Never Accomplished” Or went bored or frustrated with the wars, or just so damn F$#&ed over by the “Boners & Weiners”, that we have no idea what is going on and spending what freedom we have left fending for a few pennies on our hard earned income. Hamburger helper and Rolling Rock, and this is called what?

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