Saturday, May 7, 2011

It Looks Like Rain

Nothing like a good spring rain storm! The earth's delicate surface cover comes alive, it smells so invigorating, especially when the squiggly creatures come from out of hiding – worms I am talking about. But the worms that are coming out of hiding with the downpour orchestrated by the stealth like attack to incapacitate Bin Laden, it is giving me the creeps and it reeks of stale dysentery distemper. More like snakes. Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, all coming front and center for credit and trying to steal the stage of attention away from Obama. Trying to say it was their techniques of torture - a.k.a. Constitutional dereliction - that led to the finding and demise of “Geronimo”. It appears they are trying to hide something with such a blitzkrieg showing. I believe they have a bunch of explaining to do. Look, Bin was allowed to live in peace for how many years? In a country that we support with billions in relief! I don't buy the excuse that the Pakistan officials were baffled upon the fact that the master-mind of 9/11 was hiding in a resort neighborhood and they didn't know anything at all about it. Not only a resort town, but a tourist trade town and the whereabouts of this nation's best military academy. A place where many retired military brass hung-up their uniforms to hang out. Tree lined streets, coffee shops, you name it, it was heaven in comparison to what the rest of Pakistan looks like. And that ungodly and somewhat ugly fortress that Bin was using as a shelter, it had to raise eyebrows of concern. Something isn't right this scenario. Now when the 1st pictures of the compound went public following the attack, keen eyes may have noticed the communication's tower! But that tower is gone now. There appeared to be a communication link to the compound, which means something of interest, especially now that it has mysteriously disappeared. See, that was some good evidence, as the attached microwave dish an other antennas may have pointed to a receiver of interest and the size would have dictated the transmit frequencies. So who in hell was linked to this link? Bin was not without coverage. And baring conventional type antennas, unless it was a dedicated frequency, or a spread spectrum type device - which constantly frequency hops so it is almost an encrypted like link – it was most likely a detectable and traceable signal between Bin and somebody of interest. With that in mind, it is a simple fact that the officials were being told to hush up. Somebody was trying to protect Bin - for whatever reason confusing, or is it? What kind of wheeling and dealing was going on, with a state that has nuclear weapons at its disposal? It is scary, so there is definitely a reason outrageous for what is going on here this affair with Bin Laden. I will get to that reason. When Bush focused on Bin early on in his career as Commander-In-Thief, there was a $25-million dollar bounty reward, for the “Most Wanted”. Then Bush turned his attention to Iraq, and this fact known but forgotten is the fact that the “reward” was canceled out, done away with! Why? Look, that amount of money is billions in third world regimes like Pakistan. Somebody would have said the hell with loyalty, and turned in Bin's whereabouts. That kind of money could have fueled future generations for the ratting out. Something isn't right, it is starting to add up to a conspiracy. Pat Tillman - may he rest in peace - rings a bell of silence no more, as there came rumors soon after his friendly fire death that this dedicated American had Bin in his sights and was about to blow the bearded one's head off. Then he was taken down! Sure Bin comes from a rich and affluent family with ties to Saudi Arabia. And we all know the connection between the Bush Family, the House of Idiots, or whatever it is called and the Carlyle Group. So it appears that there was some worm like things going on that allowed Bin to live in freedom for the last 7-years. Look, our intelligence cannot be that weak. There exists a secret government amongst us. It is commanded by very wealthy neo-conservatives. And it wouldn't surprise me that Bin was afforded protection for reasons that don't make sense in the real world but makes sense in the pathetic world of corrupt politics – Bush Family style corruption. It seems for now that the tides have turned, as the cover under darkness may have been blown. People familiar with what was going on, they may talk, if not silenced first. World War III will not be fort abroad, but it will surface as a home-grown battle, between the U.S. Government, the common working people that are under constant stress to their freedoms, and the secret society made possible through filthy wealth. As the rich buy more freedom, we loose out as there is only so much to go around. Beware the Bush doctrine attack, as it will be a stealth like attack. The Bush administration has gone down as the most inept government ever, so they have a lot at stake, to try and right this image of tyranny and lunacy, this reign of ineptness. Look what we received from 8-years of Bushwhacking. The rich became supper rich. The common working folks are close to slave like labor. We have wars of occupation we seem not to be able to cut our loses and retreat, all started by Bush and his family of dysentery misfits. Wealth is the evil we must contend with nowadays, as it has infiltrated righteousness beyond Armageddon. The wars, the conflicts, the freedom given to terrorists like Bin, it all boils down to keeping the war machine running on steroids so outfits like the Carlyle Group can rake in billions, at the expense of our troops coming home in wooden boxes. So this taking down of Bin may have repercussions, not through attacks by extremists upset over the attack and assassination, but through those that hide behind the red, white and blue for no other reason but to destroy America - by definition these goons are the real terrorist. They may be your neighbors, your bosses, but don't get confused by their white skin and English tongue void any middle-eastern dialect, or lacking any indicators towards a muslin heritage or brotherhood, just turn on FOX and you will get on their trail like a good bloodhound. Yes indeed, “It's a hard rain a-gonna fall”!

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