Monday, May 2, 2011

6:05 am

It’s April 29th, way past “Fools” day. But it appears that the Alaska Coalition likes to try and fool all of the people all of the time. I’m talking Don “Fishing Pole Tax” Young and MoanaLisa “Bob Penney’s Real Estate Agent” MurCowski. See, this is what the “people” don’t know or understand about our representatives, those stool stuck on believing ethics is just a suggestion. At 6:05am, under security seen only when a dignitary is present, a Boeing 737 was under close surveillance as the cast of maybe a handful of privileged passengers boarded in preparation for a take-off. No wonder we cannot get it across how our liberties are being degraded, as these special guests seem to be able to dodge the very organization they started, the TSA. Now if this were a real airline, filling only 10 seats on a plane that can accommodate at least 142 in a C-40 configuration, it would mean on the verge of bankruptcy, or an Uncle Sam bailout. But when a plane bears the insignia of the United States and is painted like a mini Air Force 1, it means something out of the ordinary. Until departure time, this government issued airplane had been secretly stashed away at a private hanger far removed from the main concourse of the Fairbanks International Airport. So without a whole lot of fanfare, it was full thrust ahead and wheels up, destination back home - to Washington, D.C. This plane showed up in Fairbanks so Don and MoanaLisa could attend the “Fed Up with the Fed” rally, a Tea-party central extravaganza gathering. Yes indeed, Don and MoanaLisa found themselves the center of attention wherein they befriended and supported some 400 people that showed up to protest federal oversight and jurisdiction here in the “Last Frontier”, but little did the crowd know was the fact that these two “bums” used a taxpayer paid for plane to fly to Fairbanks to attend this junket. Had they been honest and when given the chance at the podium announced that they had used this taxpayer paid for plane, and lots of expensive fuel to get to Fairbanks – approximately $58,000 for a round trip - they would have been booed out of this state. And when a guy like Don tries to use this same issue to respond that he too is tired of the Fed.’s, give me a break. For years, he used the Fed.’s to his advantage. Yes indeed, the U.S. Treasury’s generosity won Don re-erection time and time again, but now he has gone sour on the very hand that fed him - to get pork projects so he could be re-elected time after time for a job of a life-time. There is something wrong this picture, way wrong with present day politics, Alaskan style crookedness it is. Honesty is still the best policy, but for this to be practiced by a politician, don’t hold your breath. Honesty is missing in action, especially with the Alaska delegation. It wouldn’t surprise me if Don was confused upon the definition of “honesty”, he is getting old and his crotchety characteristics are unsurpassed. And some believe that a wayward coconut may have inflicted some memory loss. Just ask the FBI… And honestly speaking, we all know that MoanaLisa has no idea what honesty is all about. So it would have been nice to see the reaction of the Tea-Party followers at the “Fed Up with the Fed” rally, when they realized their idols’ transportation accommodations and how thousands of “Taxpayer” dollars had been wasted for their shenanigans, no way close an “honest” mistake, but an honest criminal activity! Now this is what I am “FED” up with!

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