Sunday, March 27, 2011

Webster Revision

Inept: Re-Defined

Sometimes Webster's needs a connection correction. Maybe its due evolution or revolution, but over time some definitions must be realigned to represent the present day situation at hand. In this case, it is evident that the word “inept” has found new meaning, especially here in Alaska. In fact, the entire definition of “Inept” has been whittled down to two elements: Son Parnell – a.k.a. the unsuitable, unfit, foolish, absurd, awkward and clumsy Alaskan governor. Wow, an across the board match-up made in dictionary heaven! In fact, Son Parnell fits another definition, in this case an action word, “Impeachment”. We can thank Sarah Palin for Son Parnell as we can thank John McCain for Sarah's stage showing and attack upon decency. It is sad when one considers that Bill Sheffield is no longer the lamest of past governors here in Alaska. He has been surpassed by Palin and it looks like Sonny boy will come in 2nd the “lame” category. This state needs an impeachment on record for the history books, the time has come of age. How could it be that the leadership has gotten so far off track? There exists a dysentery dilemma throughout the “Last Frontier” this revolution in “ineptness” started by the Madman. Anybody who dismisses the fact that McCain is a madman, then they don't realize that he sided with the enemy in Vietnam, through a dishonorable propaganda confession, and that trend continued here in the states upon his return, as his choice of running mates has to fit the definition of abiding & abetting the enemy – a clear cut case of treason. Look, McCain does nothing for America. He has selfish ambitions wherein he takes advantage his countrymen freedoms. And as this turncoat disease spreads from sea to shinning sea, we know the trickle down theory wins out – again, an evolutionary mistake. It is evident that McCain picked a running mate with a lessor I.Q. – a.k.a. “Intentional Quitter” Sarah. She picked on a mate that was of a lessor I.Q. also and in this case - “Incest Qualifier” - following the age old concept, surround yourself with incompetency. Sure it is not fair to pick on the handicapped, but Son Parnell indeed has a handicap. Besides giving away the “farm” - a.k.a. Parnell's Tax Break for the rich which equates to no medical coverage for the poor - we must remember, he supported Joe “Crazy Militia Man” Miller. And now he wants to replace a vacancy on the “Judges of the Court” advisory board with some idiot with a lessor I.Q. then Sonny's very own! In this case, we revert back to the true I.Q. definition as already redefined by Webster – “Intellectual Quagmire”! I am talking Son Parnell's incestrial friend Don “Ha Ha” Haase who wants us to believe he can advise upon judgeships with an unbiased opinion. Look, any American, any human mind you, that believes that it should be a criminal misdemeanor for a couple having sex before “union” consecration, mankind is doomed! Give me a break. This is just a ways & means to fill up the “abortion” prison being built over in no-man's land, at Pt. McKenzie. Yes “abortion” because this is yet another project of waste wherein corporate goons want to see the justice system revert away from justice for injustice – lock'm all up and fill my wallet with loot! Injustice is cruel and unusual punishment on one side of the isle and a money making scam for the other side! Guess what side should really be doing time? Bottom-line, there exists a secret agenda in Parnell's inept idiotic choice and without any possibility of compromise, this state will never recognize any “until death do us part” union outside a man & woman engagement! Anchorage is already know as the city of discrimination, wherein diversity means acceptance upon a singular clause, that Jerry Prevo is a two-faced slob. Look, if Jerry goes to Heaven, then send me to hell as I want to get as far away from the bigot devil as possible. He spends his time dreaming up ways to disenfranchise normalcy based on his snake-oil fallacies. It hurts people. His goons and followers are far from normal and are truly “inept” worshipers. So read between the lines with Parnell's advocate! If this guy Haase gets in, soon we will see some judge making laws that forbids any sexual relationship until a marriage certificate is proof of that right - to have and enjoy the God given right of sex! And that will discriminate. And then we will see the “collective bargaining” rights dismissed and the GLB community will come under attack some more, as Prevo has made it is goal in life to prosecute our sons & daughters, our brothers & sisters, and is using the political pulpit to gain access to his pleasure to punish. Then we will see the “three-strike-your-in” doctrine become law by secret behind the door legislation, all in efforts to fill up the jails that are privatized – which by definition means somebody's brother-out-law becomes rich and then becomes famous as a pedophile. And I was always puzzled how a man can be incarcerated for getting caught smoking one too many joints? Imagine, life in prison for having sex out of wedlock! Maybe there is something in the water, besides leftover oil down in Valdez that is affecting the thought process of individuals. As this guy Haase is proud of his ineptness and Parnell supports this ineptness. There is nothing wrong with the water in Juneau, we know Son Parnell has a problem, as redefined with Webster's newest edition. Let me re-iterate. It's called “Inept”! Look, Valdez used to be a good place, until EXXON wrecked havoc, and then all the fruitcakes moved in when Bill Allen's relief ship pulled in to show off his infantry of idiots trying to clean up rocks spoiled by the Tiger – whomever! Hey, this guy Parnell wants as a judges' judge a guy that worked for VECO, what do you expect! So now we have the possibility that some idiot infiltrates and Prevo gets his way and the prison guys get rich. Hey, does that mean conjugal visits are to be by chaperone? It appears that there is a trend here in the “Last Frontier”, wherein “snake oil” has poisoned the scene. The religious “right-wing-nut” fanatics have taken over and this ineptness redefined is based on the fact that our so-called leadership is forgetting one all important ingredient of the Constitutional freedom foundation, that of “Separation”. This one simple “thou shall stay away”, it is dooming American democracy. Bottom line, we have today here in Alaska the ultimate “ineptness” in the present governor which is just a continued carryover from the Palin days. Once again said, Bill Sheffield is safe! And as a reality check, just try to compare Son with the Bush Rat! There isn't any resemblance, as Jay was a true statesmen – as defined by Webster. But we are so involved in just keeping afloat, that we are not seeing what is happening right before us, in living color, that of “blood on the tracks”. As most of us go about our daily duty to perform, to be true Americans, and use the little time leftover after a hard days workout to enjoy the freedom we still have, the likes of Jerry Prevo and the Dan Sullivans, they are using us for their own selfish ambitions, to make laws that in the end will erode away what little freedoms we have left. They have stolen away our kids future. They have stolen away all decency. Look, preachers place the bible ahead of the Constitution and use politicians to make sure the Constitution stays away from the goal line. We cannot have both as front-runners. Ask yourself one simple question. Which provides more freedom, the Bible or the Constitution. If you answered the Bible, then the dysentery disease of ineptness has taken over your mind. The Bible is outdated and is one book I would have pleasure seeing burned to death. It needs a re-write. Anybody who believes this is not a detriment, this outdated manuscript, It is that simple, and that is a conflict. Those that use the pulpit to sell No “Separation”, they are no different then goons like Hitler or own one and only one cause, taking away your God given freedoms. Imagine, a law that forbids sex! And it appears that Alaska has become the cauldron of ineptness, with Palin, with Parnell. Boy, I can't believe that there would come a day wherein I would salute Bill Sheffield, as the lessor of evils that have inflicted punishment upon this territory. I call it a territory, because even though this state enjoys a Constitution, it is shat upon by this ineptness. Enough is enough. And for those that dismiss McCain's speech as “dishonorable”, here it is as it is important to realize that he used it against his fellow POW, as he gave in, and to those that didn't it meant more pain and suffering, just like we have today with his introduction of Palin, and in the end , we end up with Parnell and if Hasse becomes a part of the insiders, the inept Parnell administration, then this state will become but the “Lost Frontier” and the stench of Prevo will linger forever, just like how radiation remains forever after a nuclear meltdown, reminding us that ineptness is not a virtue but premeditative indecency:

"I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors."

Damn, I went off-track! It is time to surrender the incompetence, the ineptness. It's that action word, of “Impeachment” that sounds like a Paul Revere calling, a warning out loud,”IT IS TIME TO IMPEACH SON PARNELL. Now is the time, or forever hold our peace, which is almost a thing of the past. Did this guy really get enough votes to become a governor? I bet the votes were fixed. As we were more interested in what Crazy Lady Palin was up too then what was happening right here back at home. We let down our guard, and now we must pay as the inept idiots play. In ending, America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons & daughters”.

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