Sunday, March 6, 2011

On Jay Hammond

I Long for the Bush Rat!

It is so, so, so sad when Son Parnell opens his trap, as nothing statesmen like emanates forward to entertain his audience. But that’s OK, as his audience has nothing to offer either. He is a pathetic choice for a governor. False threats, false leadership, how in hell does Alaska get into these embarrassing affairs with its political calling? Son who? Sarah Palin's protégé and replacement when she decided to run for Monster “Drag” Queen, drafted by John “Madman” McCain. Then when the tough got rough, she stuffed it to us, quit in efforts to make a bundle as the “History Chanel” reality boss and we ended up with Son Parnell. Of course Sarah is trying to outdo the Madman, taking away his credentials as this century's most talented, successful and aspiring “Mad Scientist”, for creating “Sarahstein”, as today we find yet another experiment gone bad, enlightened by Sarah's magic broom, it’s called Michele Backmann! What the hell is going on! Oh, the “Drag”, well I am still not convinced that the Madman’s experiment was successful and Sarah is but a figment our imagination and all the time it is really Eric Cantor with a wig we see prancing around the country - the Great Impersonator! And since this state’s executive branch and legislative branch has an intellectual quotient wherein we find “divide by zero” errors when it comes to decency and continued incumbency derailment upon the system - a.k.a. MoanaLisa MurCowski the Nepotism Goddess - maybe this state should renege upon its sworn duty “union” with Uncle Sam and become once again a territory. Is it too late to start over? And now that Sonny Boy Parnell has the keys to the Constitutional Budget Reserve, which contains a whole lot of extra loot way beyond what is left in the U.S. Treasury, he is trying to buy his way out of incompetency! So Son wants to give it all away, as he has this Tea-Party mentality and fear that maybe, just maybe due the “Big Deficit” this nation is facing due in part the added costs for furnishing Mitch McConnell with a taupe and paying for Boehner’s tanning time, that “our” nest egg will be raided. So Son wants to give it all away – I say it again, like he is afraid to stand-up against the bullies. A little bit here to TransCanada, maybe as a means to have asylum already approved for when he has to retreat - once again due to incompetency catching up. A few billion there, to “Big Oil” for no return, but maybe if all hell doesn't break loose and he has to find a job once upon a time another day, maybe there is a lucrative retainer waiting in the wings. I could go on, I won't. And didn't he campaign for Joe Miller? OK, time to move on, in another direction more positive regardless of the negative “right” that is trying to infiltrate any righteousness. So here I go with the “positive” spin. It appears that this state has not enjoyed a bonafide Governor since the days of the Bush Rat. I bet if you did a Jay Leno street survey about the “Bush Rat”, there would come very few acknowledgments this fact of a true statesmen that was successful above all in efforts to lead this state forward, as this state has changed, and any inclination towards the good away from the bad aspect, that change, it is but a false pretense. The clientele have changed. Let’s take a journey back in history. It is required, as we have not had a show of statesmen like behavior since the Bush Rat – Jay Hammond. There was Bill Sheffield, and even though we have a train depot in his namesake that was a failure since its inception, remember, he was almost impeached because he took advantage a nosebleed. OK the nosebleed ordeal came after his terms of endangerment. The sad thing, we should have followed through that order of impeachment, based on incompetency and forever banning his affiliation away from anything other than a street sweeper, then maybe this port expansion project would be an entirely different story. How much for cost over-runs? Then there was Steve Cowpie, who wanted to shut down the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline following the EXXON Valdez rape incident. Not realizing that this state has no income except? Then we had Hickel & Hickel again. The sad thing about Hickel, not that his son gets every lucrative contract to build stuff, but the fact that Wally sold the state a “Wally World”! There was a piece of property downtown Anchorage that was considered unfit for anything other then a dog turd lot, as it was in the “Red” zone with respect to earthquake hazards. But not to worry, as when he was in charge, well the Stanford University scientists sold us a floating foundation design. See, anything is possible when the Alaska rainbow shows up, that pot of gold. So land that was littered with dog droppings and worth nothing, well overnight it became a Wally World sensation, selling for millions and we Alaskan’s were stuck with the bill. Sure enough, the present day Nesbit Courthouse was built on a dog turd lot, with a fancy foundation that is worth more than the building structure itself. But Wally had another fantasy, as he wished that the Brits were still in charge. They are? In Alaska? I forgot. Anyway, he continues to fly the British colors on Independence Day, over at his downtown Anchorage hotel that is a favorite destination for people who go insane and think they can fly! Knowles, well his credentials were the fact that he was a cook on a drilling well, so he did bring something to the table. Still trying to figure that one out though. Then Frank MurCowski entered the scene, after many years as a failed U.S. Senator. See, he had one objective as a lobbyist. Honestly, he wasn't a representative of the Constitution, he was a lobbyist for “Big Oil” and failed at getting ANWR opened for business. So he quit. What is it with all the quitting? Anyway, one can find many displeasing to despicable factoids about this state’s past governors. The Bush Rat was the exception. And today it appears we have hit the bottom of the barrel, with Son Parnell. But that all depends on what side of the “Bridge to Nowhere” you stand. “Oil” now has a permit to rape, pillage and destroy. And money that was available to help those in need of health care, well Sonny let it slide, failing to get the application for relief filed on time with Uncle Sam, as Parnell was taking orders from some judge in Florida! Pathetic it is, that Parnell hasn’t been impeached, for failing at his sworn duties to “All Alaskans”. So I long for the likes of the Bush Rat or at this point in the game of charades, anything even close

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