Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mafia Banks

How Banks Work

What is more complicated then the United States Tax Code? The American Bankers rip-off code! This is a “Test Case”, wherein I subjected a little piece of my hard earned income to the bankers' “Trust Me” and “Truth in Banking” statements made during an engagement in which I was informed “This conversation may be recorded for quality assurance purposes to better serve our customers”, or something to that effect. It was a hoax, that thing about “quality assurance”. Sometimes one must bait the opposition, in efforts to find out what is really going on. So my stake in this venture, it was worth it. As long as I can claim it as a “gambling loss” on my tax return. Remember, this is a ”Test” case, and if it were a real emergency situation, then there would be a credible threat and one would be instructed to practice dear prudence and start hiding his or her money under the bed, as it appears to be a safer place then what is about to unfold herein this “Test”. OK, it is a declared “Emergency”, time to hide your money! So I get a friendly call from my friendly banker, because my mortgage payment is late. Not really, as it was deposited on a Saturday, the 1st day of the month, but it doesn't get credited until Monday at Midnight? Something fishy with this option. Anyway, after getting this genuine “American Greed” fubar figured out and straightened out, the banker and I are once again on talkative terms instead of a one-way yelling match. Hey, I was just exercising my 1st Amendment rights - on steroids! Anger management? Road rage? Its a banker! Anyway, once the peace sign was a mutual reward, I get this sales pitch to start a “Savings” program. Now this occurred during the height of the Clearance Sale - a.k.a. the Federal Bailout - and this bank I do business with, the name will remain aloof to protect the guilty. Wells, I decide to gamble, to see what this “Savings” program will do with a measly hundred bucks, just so I can find out if this is indeed an offer on the up and up. Has the “Banking” world really learned to play fair? So I deposit a Ben Franklin. Now after a year, they say my account is in arrears. Bankers have the strangest language barriers, as a means to confuse the hell out of Confucius. See, here is how it works and provides an “insiders” look at the Newly Reformed Mafia. Yes, Geithner is the Don Vito Corleone – on Viagra! So my account starts fresh with a $100.00 deposit. After the 1st month, it means a $10.00 maintenance fee and an interest payment, you won't believe this, a warping 0.01-cents! I'm loosing ground. The 2nd month, same thing. So this maintenance bull-crap is consuming my interest gains by a factor of 1000 to 1, talk about favorable payout odds! When did banks undergo a sex change, to casino like? And just what is this “Maintenance Fee”? Is there something wrong with the plumbing? Sure appears to be plugged up, in need of a royal flush, an enema in bankers lingo. In the end at the end of 1-year, all total, I have accrued in interest 0.031-cents and spent $110.00 dollars in “Rotor Rooter Fees”. This creative rip-off accounting will continue to send my savings account to go negative, as the interest is the turtle in this race, the “fee” like the hare – on steroids. There is something wrong this picture. It goes to show that the banking industry can collect money for nothing. They have succeeded in getting blood out of a turnip. I feel sad for those trying to work with these modern day “Juicers”, the loan sharks, especially those individuals that may have their homes in foreclosure. How many Americans have lost their jobs and on the verge of loosing their shelters just because money made available to Bank CEOs, this much needed capital went sidetracked the jobs sustainability and infrastructure act? In closing, I have before me a “test” that proves it is still rotten to the core, as give them a little slack they take it all, and we get hung out to dry. With this evidence, I am hoping to get my time in front of Congress, seated at the right hand of the Godfather, as this “test” is a simple exercise to show how out of control the entire banking system is, and oversight is but a suggestion. They are selling us negative equity. They are selling us nothing for something. And that's the way I feel about the entire “bailout”, I didn't get anything from it but a fancy sales pitch - from a banker. And my neighbor, a banker, he drives around in a brand new Cadillac, a bonus he says with a smirk, courtesy of Uncle Sam's generosity. Anyway, this saving program doesn't sit wells, amounting too about minus 0.003-cents on the dollar, for the investor! Again said, a simple “Test Case”, that of David verses Goliath - on steroids, courtesy good old Uncle Sam. Wow, that word FUBAR rings a bell!

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