Monday, March 28, 2011

Best Used By....

“Best used by date on lid” appears to be the same for this country's tomahawk missiles starting to show signs of stagnation - mildew and mold - so blast away! Yes indeed, every few years there comes the opportunity to lob these destructive rockets at something which means someone, as what is the worth wasting these $1-million dollar hi-tech gizmo like firecrackers if it doesn't mean premeditated “DEATH”. Gotcha! So now we have 250 less missiles, which means a big stimulus to the defense contractors to rebuild this country's arsenal. It means dishing out another $250-million plus in taxpayer loot, after vain efforts to destroy some weirdo in Libya – a fruitcake that had a surgeon inject burger fat into his cheeks to stay free of stretch marks because he couldn't find, or buy, the fountain of youth. Remember, we had a bounty on Bin, but even the Dog failed at bringing home any justice money. So what's the fuss with a few zillion for capturing or destroying the Gadfly, whatever his name is? There has to be a relationship, between the Libya fruitcake and Michelle Malkin and Michelle Bachmann, its in the ingredients missing. What is War #3 costing us? On top of the “hawks”, not to forget another $40-million for an F13-E that ran out of fuel on a “No-Fly Zone” mission. The War Machine is making this country go broke. At the same time, WAR is making CEOs rich. How can somebody take interest in blood-money? I want to hang out at the pearly gates when the defense contractor CEOs have their judgment day! And now that we hear from Hilary that the Libya “conflict” could go on for months, all the defense contractors are counting their blessings, which equates to bonus time – summer in the Hamptons! And Wall Street makes money with war, especially with middle eastern “conflicts”, through oil price speculation. Damn, its going to be crowded in the Hamptons this summer! And what do we gain from “here we go again” coalition time? The coalition didn't work in Iraq or in Afghanistan, as we are out-numbered, when it comes to bringing kids home to rest, in wooden boxes. We have it seems a 99% investment in these so-called coalitions as nobody else shows up. The see-saw is tilted. We are not getting what we bargained for, or are we? And now we have signed onto another coalition contract, in Libya, and it will most likely be another hoax wherein we have been promised help but end up placing more orders for “wooden” boxes and flags to dress the caskets of the “Known Soldiers”. Why do we play bully, thinking that we can act out Al Capone's death wish III, in this case the neighborhood of interest being the entire middle east. And the contracts have a renege clause it seems, the fine print, and we get screwed over again. Why do we insist on getting screwed being “Thy Brother's Keeper”? It isn't working, as war is an outdated practice that no longer finds any sympathy. It is pathetic, the War Machine. You don't see Russia wasting time and efforts to take over the world, like neo-conservative snot William Kristol would like too see happen, as the other big powers are more in tune to economic success instead of scorched earth success. For those not in the know, Kristol is in love with Sarah Palin. He is also the co-founder of the Project for the New American Century, which is a doomsday project. It promotes “doomsday”. Look, WAR is an outdated Neanderthal thought process that has no place for practice in this day and age. It has worn out its welcome, but we see not the future with our wicked ways and means. Bottom-line, the Gadfly enjoyed freedom and dished out pain and suffering upon his peons because we allowed it, as “Big Oil” wanted it so. We gave into the corporate wish list and this is what we get in return – no respect. Believe me, “Big Oil” loves war as the war machine cannot function without a whole lot of fuel, which comes from their crude oil. And if we keep arming ourselves and everybody else for the coming of Armageddon, then we deserve what we preach. I heard someone yell out, “total destruction the only solution”, upon our heritage that is. Even though Texans think the entire nation is still under attack by the Spaniards - a.k.a. illegal immigrants - those days of lawlessness to shoot whatever stares me wrong are over with. We must change our ways and means, and that begins at home, by telling the oil companies to shove it, by decreasing our dependence on their candy. It's called “INDEPENDENCE”. What a concept. We are all addicts, and “Big Oil” the “Pusher-man”. And what is going on with the CIA? Don't we pay zillions for this outfit to take out weirdos? They failed with Bin. They failed with Gadfly. With that, we can go about our business, to be inhumane. But maybe this organization is still working for the Bush dysentery dynasty, the old man that is, and trying to disrupt tranquility. One day, the history books will be but comic relief to future generations that ask, what was this America all about anyway? Just like we ask what happened to Atlantis. If we continue down the same broken arrow path, this nation is doomed. We must start now down a socialistic revival. Egad, as just to mention this word makes people freak out, and they don't even understand what it means. Socialism is safe, it is what the working class needs more then ever now that our well-being is under attack, by corporate America. If we let it go on, we will be working for minimum wage! The real WAR rages on, right here on American soil, our freedoms soiled by greed, on the very soil that supports the #1 enemy – corporate America. Next time you are at the gas station, look that gas pump in the eye, and “ask not what your oil company can do for you, ask what you can do to destroy the oil cartel”. It is called a boycott. It is that easy. But even when Bill O'Reilly tried to excite his fan club base to run a boycott on the 4th of July, it failed. Bill failed at something that was necessary! Why? It appears that we are all addicts, and cold-turkey isn't yet an option. So we continue to strut the power of a military mite, the underling reason – oil. And soon we will find that cold-turkey will be forced upon us, and the weapons may be turned on us, the very same weapons we paid dearly for. Premeditative assassination is coming to a gas pump near you! So I hope that Bill tries once again this 4th, a boycott upon “Big Oil”. Imagine, as this is something that we can all “come together” on, right now. The liberals, the neo-snots, the Tea-Party trained, all of us for the same cause. What are we afraid of? Bottom-line, if we had 4-day weekend boycott against the oil cartel, the prices would come to a screaming halt. It's called control, yet we seem to be afraid to flex our muscles, and that is like treason upon this country's Constitution. We are all guilty! We have a duty to the great emancipation. So lets start an interest in a BOYCOTT, against “Big Oil” this 4th of July. I'm all for it, as we see what “boycotts” in the form of peaceful protest can do to transform dictatorships. Corporate America today is but a false pretense hell of a shell, it is nothing short a dictatorship and that goes against the grain of true Americanism wherein preferential treatment from lobbyist upon our representation has prejudiced the entire system once upon a time balanced, wherein the entire merits of equality have been forsaken. So here is the recap. We taxpayers are now supporting 3-wars! War costs a whole lot of money and there is very little in return. The Return-on-Investment is sickening, as it appears we end up with a whole lot of dead sons and daughters and huge bills from the defense contractor revenue service. At the same time, the energy companies are raking it in, as they fuel the War machine and through Wall Street speculation see crazy increases in crude oil feed-stock costs, which equates to an increase of 15-cents at the gas pump, just for this new war we have become engaged upon in Libya. Then corporate America finds lobbied for tax havens to shelter away their loot – profits from war. We loose, they win. And with the power they have today – through lobbying efforts – we may see War#4, it appears they have found a new friend with a pot-of-gold, called American WAR Lord!

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