Monday, February 28, 2011

On Scott Walker

The FruitCake of Nuts

We “All” realize, or should without fear, that George “Dubbya” Bush's legacy will be for one and only one thing fit for the history books, that which tells it all in a nutshell. Flopped “Yellow Cake”! And “All” defined herein points to true Americans who care about this country and would like to see the Terrible Tea-Party melt away to nothing but useless ash, akin to what happened to the wicked witch of the West in the Wizard, herein my concern the “witch” is played out by Alaska's beloved Sarah Palin – a.k.a. Wicked Witch of the North. What a rotten taste that “beloved” attribute provides when I am forced to use it. Yuck! See, I get “cease & desist” warnings from the Palin fan club. How many lawyers does she employ? It's all in the wording and the “intent”. We need a Dorothy that isn't afraid to take on the “#itch”. Look, the Tea-Party is a following of pathetic imbeciles that thinks to reason Joe Miller has credibility. He has about as much credibility as a U.S. senator that would vacate his seat to run for governor of the 49er, win then change the laws so he can give that vacancy in D.C. to his daughter – who has less credibility then Joe Miller, especially when it comes to real estate dealings. Just an indication of how pathetic politics has behaved over the years. Nepotism sucks as does incumbency as it tilts the sea-saw. It is the public enemy Number 1, or it was! And isn't fraud an illegal act? Then how come the Tea Party gets away with using the word “Patriot”? Now the neo-conservatives are a little bit smarter then the combined IQ of Joe the Plumber, Sarah the Witch and the remainder of the misfits who have to steal away another state's motto, just to have something other then “Dah, who-ya represent”! Look they don't fit into normal society, the teabag lunatics, so they want something that isn't there. They want to change this country but have no idea what this country is all about, so their recipe for disaster will make Dubbya's yellow cake a victory dessert if something isn't done to quell this over ambitious chatter trying to navigate down a yellow brick road with a militia like attitude. But today, we have going on something more despicable then the afterbirth movement, it is another episode in “mission accomplished”. Maybe all these goons thinking they are political material should go on the “Food Channel”, for 1st round screening, as it appears all we get out of the bureaucracy almost an autocracy and “We the people” are but “proletariats” these days it is recipes' approved but missing critical ingredients. Talk about lunacy cakes. “Mission Accomplished”, but the cake imploded? Maybe the tea party following is like an upside down cake! Better yet, a Fruit Cake. But it appears that recipe today has overwhelming ownership by Scott Walker, Expatriate Governor of Wisconsin. The “Ex” is appropriate because he must be from another country, part of corporate outsourcing. And the Fruit Cake is like a brick, as it is the “dense” king of the take on all cakes. Did you ever hear of the experiment that the British government performed with Fruit Cakes? Yes indeed, the military brass determined that in the event of a protracted engagement with the enemy, if bullets became scarce along with that of yellow-matter-custard or spotted Dick, they could also use the cakes in case of civil discourse and disobedience, as what jury would say it was inhumane treatment, hurling the indestructible cakes to calm resistance? Anyway, what is with the freakiest of freaks this wannabe something out of the ordinary called Scott Walker. It is becoming more and more apparent that those who decide to become preachers should not be allowed to bare children, I am serious this matter, as it is producing some things not even incest could top. Maybe the Catholic religion still has something to offer, priests that cannot marry! See, it appears that preachers have strict control their children, most likely abuse upon the 1st Amendment right to read not what a kid should or would, but it was probably the “bible” only time before bed. I am sure that kids like Scott were very controlled in what they were allowed to read, or read about. Does Huey Long ring a bell Mr. Preacher, Dylan said it well. “The rifleman’s stalking the sick and the lame. Preacherman seeks the same, who’ll get there first is uncertain.” Sidebar: This just in. According to the GOP, Sarah Palin is becoming less and less a preference for the GOP's presidential choice. In fact there is a new slogan that has come from the GOP headquarters, bumper stickers and all. No lie. "Sarah Palin with a brain," said Gail Moore, a Republican from Columbia. And Michele “Bombshell” Backmann seems to be the “brain”? Give us a break please. Look, put a Palin like wig on Eric Cantor, then you have Sarah Palin in disguise with half a brain, at least its a step in the right direction. Gag me with some yellow cake. In fact, hit me in the head with a fruitcake, please wake my senses, as what I am hearing cannot be fit for human consumption. Is the GOP that desperate? Yes, case in point Scott Walker. I went off on a tangent but ended up on the same subject I began with. How coincidental, or is it? This guy is a diarrheaniac. Hey, its a new word that combines you know what with you know what. This guy who praises Reagan, this guy is Hitler in disguise. Take my warning. What is going on in the rest of the world, the unrest, it is coming to a city hall near you. It is about time. We need a revolution. It is that simple. We need to kick the bums out on their bums, head first. See, Walker wants to ban “unions”. He is all for welfare reform. He was instrumental in disallowing prisoners an out on early release for good behavior. Look California saved millions on an early release program, most of those incarcerated were three time Mary Jane violators and now the weed is almost legal everywhere but the House Of Commons. It used to be the House of Congress, by the “Common” denominator is giving us “divide by zero” errors, so we see nothing getting done but “ERRORS” in reasoning. Now, I can't say I am totally against the Tea Party, on a revolution needed possibility, except we can start without starting over, as that is what comes about from a revolution and we are too divided to make a 1st approach at something that will produce anything other then a crash landing. So instead, I propose the following to get this nation back on track wherein the Scott Walkers can go back to being closet preachers, selling snake oil to Sarah Palin fans. First on the list, we need political term limits. That would solve 25% of the problems we are facing today, or what our children are facing. What inheritance? 2nd on the list, all lobbyists should be abolished. That solves another 25% of todays political miscarriages. 3Rd? No more stupid wars. That my friend solves yet another 25% of todays problems and helps us find that missing inheritance we are supposed to leave for our children's' enjoyment not to fuel employment. 4Th, all American workers should be organized under one umbrella. That solves more then the remaining 25%, and gives us a voice for the future, a voice against things that are ruining this country beyond terrorist affiliated activity, like what Scott Walker is trying to incite upon decency in the workplace. Think about it, as that will cure the health care debate. We can provide our own. We can have a board of directors that gets the keys to the Treasury. Money that is not needed for a “strong military”, it should be ours to spend to create jobs. Instead of “our” money going into the pockets of rich, it is needed to stimulate America. Sure we need hi-speed rails from here to there. Sure we need more hydro-power, as it is by far the only means left to get rid of the oil barons, right now! Regardless of what it does to the environment, I would proudly support anything that would allow us to see “Big Oil” die a slow death, as it will take time to get the dams built. Wow, more jobs! We need to go nuclear, as France has proven it can be done. Wow, even more and more jobs and there appears a surplus on the horizon. And as far as what to do with the nuclear fallout? That is where a new space program comes into affect. The shuttle program has not provided anything of value, but we have the advanced know how to build rockets and missiles that can do just about anything. This knowledge can be used to instigate a rocket program wherein spent materials can be jettisoned far and away. Wow, even more jobs, the unemployment rate is “zero”. We have no longer a deficit. Wow, people are finally achieving that long lost dream upon life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Look, there are simple solutions to the problems facing us today. The stalemate comes about from special interests. Look, we cannot have our cake and eat it too. Oil has worn out its welcome. We need to go back to wood instead of plastic, in fact wood and its byproducts are better then lost resources, and renewable. Wow, even more jobs. See, there exists already for the picking all the opportunity in the world to create jobs and promote a modern day infrastructure here in America. So why not do it? Because freedom for you is less freedom for the bastards like Scott Walker that have an agenda based on religion. Religion has gotten in the way of evolution. We have the know how to do a whole lot of things a whole lot better. But when the outdated bible gets in the way, and when we see generations addicted to outdated religions and beliefs that are a joke, we cannot get ahead. If one looks at the present day outdated technologies, it was all done to minimize jobs and at the same time make a bundle for the barons. We do indeed need a revolution, we need an overthrow of the political corruptness that has taken this country on a clash course, the rich against the rest. We are all in this together. But as the failed GOP infiltrates local government and uses the new found power to incite contempt against the same ideologies that they once supported and had a hand at making dysfunctional, can you trust them? No, as they proved once and for all that they were confederate - I mean counterfeit - and they will prove it again, if given the chance to succeed. It is our government. It is your government at the state level. And one thing for sure, this union cannot survive if the workers are trampled upon. If our rights to a decent wage is governed by the rich taking over, like the KOCK dysentery dynasty getting in the way of progress, we are doomed. But we are strong, we are. But when we see the likes of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party not working with us but against us, it is ironic, it is sick, it is sad. After years of abuse, wherein the GOP in control subscribed to a welfare union abused by corporate funding, tax breaks that broke the bank, wherein now they complain, we cannot trust them. Again, term limits is so meaningful an option. Take that back, it is not an option but a necessity. So is a “No Wars” mandate, as war is not good for anything nowadays, but outdated waste and abuse upon mankind. Look at Russia, controlled by an ex-military general with a nation focused on “business” success, globally, not neo-conservative doom and gloom. Same with China, the list goes on. They laugh at our Neanderthal thinking and approach to problems. It used to be that a strong military meant a strong nation. Today, a strong nation is defined by its economy. I wonder how we stand in comparison to Russia and China this category? Look at who owns our infrastructure. Do you realize that Canada owns much of the U.S. military infrastructure that was “privatized”? Not very good or proud this nation's standing but we have plenty of jets being built with “wars of choice” upon us wherein jets are good for one thing only, as a boat anchor. Oh my, to the things we have done wrong. Yet we continue down the same wrong dead-end street. Our representation has failed at the “mission”. The revolution is paramount when we see Scott Walkers coming into power, hypocrites supported by the religious right, supported by the neo-conservative right, supported by the corporate right. When all the time there is nothing “right” their ways and means of injustice upon the common working class, the salt of the earth we are, always were, always will be no matter what so help us God. With God on our side, he is. In the end, with all that right against us, it is just the workers all by ourselves, to defend what freedom we have lost over the years with inept representation. But remember what Huey Long said we could do, if provoked. And it is getting to that point in history, as “One Flew Over the Cuckoo” has taken over our freedom. Scott Walker, insecure, no worth, just a pawn man for injustice. If he wins out and claims victory for sabotaging many workers passion, that being a good wage job secured by “collective bargaining” representation, then all workers, not only those that are “Unionized”, all of us should be ready to boycott. A “Stop Work Boycott”, or SWB, even referred to as a “Scott Walker Boycott” is imminent. If for one single week we refrained away from operating the printing presses, refrained away from our duties at the nation's refineries, refrained away from operating the transit infrastructure, refrained away from fibrillating the weak heartbeat of this country from undue strain by inept representation, then the bastards would get the point that we are serious and they would forever hold their peace, as with all their blood stained money and wealth, with all their blood stained power may it be damned, with all their blood stained accomplishments against us not with us, it in its entirety the latter is no match for what the “proletariats” can do when provoked. Look, we can get by on very little, bread and water, as that is what it is coming too if we don't act and let the bastards continue to invade our freedoms. A good wage is all we really have left isn't it? And instead of the dismal figures of only 15% of the workers left with bargaining power, the sea-saw has hit bottom, hard aground. The pin-ball machine is on “Tilt”. Take a look at history. Ever since the union bashing took hold, back when Dubbya was king, the working class has suffered. Coincidence? No it isn't. We hear it time and time again. It is becoming a nation of the rich and the rest. But they are so dumb and so naive that they think they can get along without us. Hey, remember “The Little Red Hen?

Dear Pig, will you help me plant this grain of wheat?
No, I'm too busy!
Dear Pig, will you help me cut the wheat?
No, I'm too busy!
Dear Pig, will you help me carry the wheat to the mill?
No, I'm too busy!
So who will help me eat.....

A little nursery rhyme tells the truth in matter of what is truly going on. Congress has lost touch with reality, the GOP is too blame as is the other side of the isle. But instead of trying to fix the problems, by getting out in the fields and getting their hands dirty, they continue to play games “unbecoming a gentleman”, and that makes for an ugly nursery rhyme not even fit for a preacher's kids!

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