Friday, February 25, 2011

Libya Evacuations

Alaska Helps in Libya Evacuation

Now all this time many Alaskans thought the M.V. Susitna was lost out at sea, during the sea trials back in October of 2010. The amphibious assault vessel designed by the Navy and built by U.S. Taxpayers' money had been christened by U.S. Senator Mark Begich and Nepotism Senator MoanaLisa MurCowski and Son Parnell – Alaska's Governor – and the ship nobody wants or has any use for was on its way to Alaska, to be used for nothing. See, there is no place for this thing to land! It's an assault vessel. It is so powerful, that on-step it will over-shot Anchorage and end up down the Kenai, so the EPA said no, no, no for a landing craft permit. See, this assault vessel was never wanted by the Navy, as it was too costly and had limited use, so they scrapped the idea. But Don Young wanted it, so forced the Navy to built it for Alaska, for the Pt. McKenzie Port Authority, with the money conveniently added to a military budget spending bill. Said again, a boat nobody wants! And after repeated attempts to find out where in hell it sank, because it didn't show up as planned to ferry maybe 2 customers a day between Pt. McKenzie and Anchorage, to a floating dock still in the design phase and way down on the list of priorities on Bill Sheffield's billion dollar cost over-run port project, I received no return correspondence from my representatives. But we have found out that the ferry has been on tour around the world, as a show and tell, so it can be placed on E-Bay or CraigsList for sale, to help Son Parnell come up with the money the state owes Trans-Canada for harassing folks down in Oklahoma. Talk about an Open Season! So it just happened that the vessel was in close proximity to Libya, so went on the rescue. Actually, it was trying to get hijacked by the Somalia pirates, so Alaska could collect the insurance for a boat nobody wants – it was worth $70-million. But the pirates even balked at the hijacking. Something to the effect, “who wants that”. So it is good to know that the ship was used to evacuate Americans away from Libya. As that will make it a little more valuable, maybe we can sell it for its heroic value instead of it horrific value. Then again, maybe it is best the captain tries again the pirate route, as that is the only way we are going to get our money's worth this waste upon the taxpayers, through insurance fraud. Abuse? And there is no excuse.

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