Monday, September 13, 2010

Snake Oil & Treason

Sometimes I wonder why the present day “Justice” system seems to promote injustice as an American theme, like a pastime, more in tune to a true tragedy! As a resident of Alaska, I find it disturbing at the same time disgusting that U.S. Representative Don Young had to spend over a million bucks to defend himself, with high-powered D.C. attorneys at his side for the past two years, and in the end the lawman found nothing? Answer me this, why would a powerful politician have to forfeit away that kind of money if he didn’t do anything wrong? And when the lawman said they would not prosecute Bill Allen, for sex crimes with enough forward evidence that made the AIH owner and pervert Boehm look like he was innocent by degree for the same mistreatment upon young girls and boys just out of diapers, I started to question the integrity of the lawman and the entire posse. Like crime was vogue and victims are just that, victimized, with non-indictments causing above and beyond pain and suffering, to the victims! Attacked once and again. And for the most part, these non-indictments are not due lack of evidence, but lack of duty! Now if Ben Stevens gets off the hook, then my sentiment that this system is beyond broke, including Congress, it reverberates that maybe America, “my country ‘tis of thee” is indeed in dire straits to hell. And when the lawman is missing in action treason upon this nation, what are we supposed to do? I am talking this nitwit preacher that made his ten minutes claim to fame by calling for a Quran burning protest to remember the attacks of 911. This guy is a fruitcake. Why he has a following, it points to the fact that this country’s lemmings are desperate, for something. When we can no longer find faith and credibility upon our elected officials, then people resort to snake oil for a remedy, for comfort. It is like heroin, as it eases the pain but is addictive, and the addicts want more. Maybe it has indeed become the House of Reprehensible, wherein the “Lawman” has been tamed to work with them and not against in efforts to uphold justice. Honestly, Mark Twain was right, that when not making lobbyists happy, the entire representative body should be doing time! It takes only a single individual to call the bluff, but I guess there is not a statesmen anywhere near the House that wants to make a difference. When Congress finds only a 10% approval, what gives? If a business had that same rating upon its executives, there would have already commenced a coup d’état! But this freak show preacher that wants to cause even more pain and suffering, upon this land is your land is my land with possible re-kindling of and intensifying global “hate” and laughter upon this country’s ridiculousness in the category of brotherly love, the lawman should have quelled this “hate” speech, to subdue the laughter heard abroad.  All the liberals who have spoken up against such lunacy - the book burning - that is good but why come to this idiot’s defense? As to insist that it is free-speech, you are crapping on the Constitution. It is not what the 1st Amendment allows. Yes, the Bill of Rights informs that “Congress shall make no law prohibiting or abridging the freedom of speech” but in Alaska as may be the test in most states with a sidearm “state” Constitution, that same “freedom” is protested to some extent by qualifiers, like “Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.” So it has a checks and balance built in, the abuse responsibility attribute! If you say something that causes others pain and suffering, you are guilty of that abuse, as a crime upon the Constitution.  Guilty upon the merits of contributory negligence fits the crime scene for those that have diarrhea of the mouth. Now even though following pressure from GOP goons, and snake oil ministers like Beck and Palin - that used the book burning call to further their desperate agenda to disenfranchise normalcy wherein bozos on the Beck bus to “Nowhere” plan to stop at nothing in efforts to ruin this country - the preacher said he would renege, and forget about the marshmallow roasting campfires planned for this day, in remembrance of 911! But with that already said, he made it clear and convincing that the word was out, that the call for the book burning had made the point to the Muslim community. Hey idiots that don’t understand, Mohamed Ali, the greatest boxer of all times, he was MUSLIN! And Beck thinks he is this Constitutional scholar, using the chalkboard as a prop, like he is a teacher. The guy is a lunatic. Just listen to what he is saying, Nothing! And when Beck and Palin are allowed to continue on, they are fostering a new generation of lunatics. Just like Jones, and his Quran burning. Look at Treason defined: “against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” When snake oil preachers like Jones, Beck and Palin call for hate upon a religious sect with a strong congregation in areas of engagement due the Bush doctrine of “hate thy neighbors”, then it places our troops abroad in harm’s way, that is treason, as it intensifies that “levying of war”. When somebody pisses off a faction that has a mainstay in a theater of U.S. military occupation, like Afghanistan and Iraq, then it is not free–speech, but treason speech. Just read the Constitution. So the lawman may be derelict with some duties, due manpower and or budgetary constraints, but why are Beck, Palin and Jones allowed to enjoy freedom outside incarceration? The litmus test is secure, as without the “hate” speech, there is not a return on these idiots’ investment, to ruin America. So why Beck and Palin and Jones are still free, it is beyond preposterous. It goes to show that the justice system is broke, as when Congress is broke, there is no “mission” and the entire body of government goes on “tilt”! The cowards of hate, they have been front and center the “hate” train that is gaining speed and roaring out loud and out of control across this nation, leaving in its tracks a society bent on “hate”, which should never become an American pastime. It is time that we as a powerful nation refrain away from this direction of deceit, else that roar will sink the very ship it is supposed to protect, wherein “freedom at last” will be but a dream once again. Since Palin came on the scene, her speech has excited riots. When she appeared in Anchorage this past weekend, to introduce Beck for a HSK(Hate Speech Klan) rally, there came an increase in violence, from brawls and shootings, like she brings upon society a spell, like the “wicked witch of the North”. She is nothing less a wicked witch evil being, as is Beck a devil in disguise, and they profit from false prophets, like Jones. Isn’t it time to call a truce! Let’s face it Mr. Jones, look what the Brits did to this country? But they have become this country’s strongest ally, so when is enough just that enough? When the jails are filled with hate mongers, then maybe we will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We as a nation, a powerful nation, we should be setting the example towards prosperity, not towards doom and gloom. On a global scale, if we fail at trying to attempt a brotherly love mandate, then we become no different than Germany under Hitler. And when Palin & Beck show what they stand for, it stinks of rotting corpses from death camps. Enough said, just look at what man could accomplish if we were all working together? War, hate, they are tools of the devil that subdues mankind’s advancements in society. We are by the non-hatred doctrine, social, which leads to socialism, which shares the wealth of this earth. That is the problem many followers of Beck & Palin cannot come to grips with, sharing.  I ask this, does the provider believe in greed? And someday, we will see why we were wrong with Capitalism. Answer me this, do you see the word “Capitalist” anywhere in the Constitution? No, as that is trumped by words like a Republic, a Democracy. That is who we are, and Not some freak-show Palin, Beck, Jones love affair with hate, where take it while you can I’m taking it all with me seems to be their only agenda and mission, and that doesn’t work in the end! These goons are the true modern day preachers of Treason, and their fame is our confusion, and that can lead to a disconnect, wherein we let the train of doom pass GO and our children suffer! I am not wrong this assessment upon justice, as if the system worked, Beck and Palin would be by now a bad dream gone away, and the Constitution would be once again saved the wrath of tyranny, from snake oil abuse!

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