Monday, September 27, 2010

An Open Letter To Congress

Dear Dick “Zero” Durbin;

There was once upon a time a saying that went like this, “Dick Nixon before he dicks you”! Well it appears that it may be time to rekindle that saying accommodating a name change, like “Dick Durbin before he dicks America”. That is how I felt when you wasted time sending me a correspondence titled “Zero”. Of course maybe you hit the nail on the head. What is produced today from Congress is exactly that, “Zero”. In fact, you and the gang of misfits who think that you truly and honestly represent this country, you go one step further your shenanigans and divide any forward progress by zero, which causes the “divide by zero” error, which confuses the hell out of any righteousness. Look, you can’t blame everything anymore on the failed GOP! It is a lie when you take to free speech to try and mend your failed agenda, by using the blame game against others. Please, come honest! Bottom line, we are all in this together, not by choice, but through wayward misbehaving, from the Halls of Congress to the Capitol! Bob Dylan sang of an “Idiot Wind”, and it seems that is what is coming from the bowels of Congress, day in and day out. And since you have so much time to waste not worrying about an income, answer me this. In that correspondence, unsolicited, you start off with the following: “As Majority whip, my job is to count votes when it comes down to the wire”. Just where in the Constitution does it specify that “We the People” will pay you and your cohorts in crime a humongous salary to “count votes”? And no, I did not flip when I mentioned the word “Crime”. What is going on today in Congress is criminal. If this country had a justice system aligned with the Constitution and not constipated upon loyalty to lobbyists, you would probably be behind bars, maybe due negligence, maybe guilty by association. You must face the facts. You have allowed for a failed economic system to continue down the doomsday alley. You have allowed for a failed health care reform that will cost us all a whole lot more when the smoke clears away. The Iraq “mission” has failed and more dead kids are returning from their in vain attempt efforts at occupying Afghanistan. It appears that Congress has taken the side of big business, wherein soldiers like workers are expendable and replaceable, but in this case it is the American troop that suffers – with that America pays dearly for nothing in return. As of this correspondence, I have not succeeded in finding a health plan that is not a rip-off, so I have not health care and it is by choice. This is something you and your family, possibly the pooch included, does not worry upon. And those that are afraid, they will be paying out a 14% increase, since you passed your silly crap plan. Yes crap, as you have shit on America! You can take the “must have” clause and shove it. In fact, I hope I am the first one targeted with a fine! And I will refuse to pay, then what? Matter of fact, if I get sick, I will just go over to the Alaska Native Hospital for a cure, one of the best kept secrets behind real heath care reform, paid for by the BIA out of taxpayer loot, and this outfit produces a genuine successful product - unlike present day Congress. Why not model health care after a system like this that has not failed? Because this is paid for by the taxpayers, just like your health care, and it will cost too damn much. So you can spend more money on others, like yourselves, then on Americans. So why care, you don’t. I used to be democrat, but your party has failed this country’s mission just like the GOP has failed. So bad that we now see a Tea Party express making inroads. It is sad, that today this is what has become the America we dreamed about as children! This country is no longer a “nation” but a country of embarrassment. And you mention gridlock as the cause and effect? It goes beyond that. If a corporation acted as Congress does, there would be a coup d’état by the shareholders. Do us all a favor, resign and take Pelossi & Reid and…So Obama has failed so is now taking the Bush doctrine to heart. With Bush, besides unwanted wars and something called “No child left behind”, it appears that Obama is using the age old remedy, “If you can’t beat them, join them”. He wants longer hours for kids at school and makes mention that the worst performing teachers should be let go. Hey, get a grip on reality. First, why not clean up the Congress. It would be great if you had longer hours, comparable to what hard working Americans put up with just to make ends meet. Wow, just imagine having an entire month off for summer vacation. Look, most American’s can no longer take time out for a vacation. With stimulus jobs, there is no time off. And if you need time off, that job is gone forever. And talk about weeding out the worst performers? Look, you have failed this once great nation. With gridlock, with failed reforms and failed wars that keep on giving away our future. And you have no one to blame but yourselves, for doing nothing when all the time you had the opportunity to “Change”, but that was asking just a little too much, wasn’t it. Now I could mark that box that keeps your trash rhetoric - a.k.a spam - away from the privacy of my home, but the entertainment factor amuses me. Mark Twain was right, that when not making legislation you and your colleges should be doing time. Get a grip, on your watch, this country has sunk in the standings and Congress does indeed have a “negative” approval! Are you proud of that? Once a country of brotherly love, now a country on gridlock wherein love seems to be replaced by hate speech. And the clock is ticking away my future, my son and daughter’s future, and all you can do is find an interest in counting votes, collecting money for nothing in return, for nothing more than more of the same, “Zero”! Insane it is, and the history books will record it all! In fact, maybe it should be Dick “SubZero” Durbin has it appears you also have sunk way down deep, for allowing your name to be broadcast like spam. PS: I bet you could hire a minimum wager to count votes! And the count would probably be correct, without questionable this and that. Now that is what I call a stimulus packing!

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