Saturday, May 22, 2010

BP - Good Corporate Citizen

On February 18th, this year, British Petroleum on its own accord and through recommendations from the BP “Office of the Ombudsman”, filed a complaint of “Potential Violations of Environmental Regulations” based on received “credible information” that “Non-Exempt Class I Waste” may have been introduced into the crude oil stream that makes its way into the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline. This possibly illegal activity was not from a BP owned, operated or affiliated facility, but from a “mom & pop” operations that is basically operating on Alaska’s northern coast-line without the slightest bit of regulatory on-site over-sight, or for that matter, any care upon its operation in efforts at following the rules and regulations that govern such disposal. As 51% owner of the TAPS, BP intervened and as stated, as a “good corporate citizen”. An investigation by the authorities is on-going? Why the authorities with jurisdiction have not closed down this operation until it is proven it cannot happen again is another piece of evidence that “Drill Baby Drill” is out of control, wherein regulations are just a suggestion. So kudos to BP! BP gives its employees, its contractors all the tools to do things right, like the "Office of the Ombudsman", avenues to voice concerns without retaliation. But when people are afraid to speak up, when workers are afraid to voice a concern fearing their jobs, when low-life scum-bag contractors make it impossible for workers to use what is available, we end up with disasters that could have and should have been avoided.

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