Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hair Care Reform

What gives? Publishers Clearing House has taken control of my computer. I went on to the Anchorage Daily Stool’s web-site, to see if it was safe to go down to the Dimond Mall to get a pretzel, and the “Clearing House” snuck in through the “firewall” and invaded my security. Even the “Task Manager” has been hijacked useless. Hard reboot time? Too bad we couldn’t perform a “Hard Reboot” upon our Congress. I bet if it were “Hair Care” Reform instead of “Health Care” there would already be a bill on Obama’s desk. Look at Boehner, Pelosi, Cantor(Male or female?). I bet the House Senate barber can afford one hell of a health care plan. I’m confused. Do we really pay this representative body upwards $176,000 a month? Hey, with all the time off, for hometown constituency gatherings and one-day holidays lasting a week and four-day weekends the norm, it amounts to about a months worth of work. And I don’t know about you, but when they are supposed to be on home turf and mingling with the crowd, it still appears the lights are out here in Alaska. MoanaLisa who? And by the way, who authorized this giveaway program anyway, that salary that follows maximum wage rules when we struggle with minimum wage guarantees? Was it part of the bailout? Imagine having a job wherein you didn’t have to produce and still received a paycheck. And unions get a bad rap! Then we have Representative Wrangle, who decided to take a leave of absence because of an “ethics” investigation. So what, he still gets paid to play! Anyway, the Alaskan legislature is AWOL due some energy conference way far away in wa-wa land. To bad Sarah sold the jet, as it could be used in this instance, fuel filled only for a one-way trip! But like has been the test of time sad story, they will come back empty handed and a few pounds overweight. When all the time, genuine energy projects continue to fall by the wayside and slide away never to be resurrected, as time is of the essence. Take for debate the “Reduction Power Turbine” that was part of the original Trans-Alaska-Pipeline design. Sure enough, sitting at the bottom of Thompson’s Pass - a vertical drop unimaginable - there was envisioned a power turbine to slow down the oil wave coming over the pass. It was basically “free” energy. So to date, wasted has been the possibility of affordable electricity. And this site sits a few feet away from the Alaska Power grid! And why is it so that over 15-billion barrels of oil have rolled down the pipe and not produced one iota of a kilowatt? Because even though “free” energy for the taking, “Big Oil” wasn’t about to give it away for free. And this conglomerate called Alyeska wasn’t about to become a “utility”, as that would have allowed the regulators to “open” the secret books. So stalling behind an inept legislature that couldn’t come up with a game plan to see this project through from drawing board to completion, due fear of upsetting the oil money tree, such has allowed this loss to waste 30-years of “free” electricity. And when the TAPS oil terminal in Valdez realized that it had way to much steam, a few entrepreneurs envisioned buying that extra energy and transferring it over the fence to power more steam driven electrical turbines. The Alyeska operation required huge power boilers to generate “inert gas” to blanket safe the crude oil storage tanks. The boilers produced steam as a secondary by-product, for generating electricity. But the terminal electrical load was low due to a very efficient process, so there existed boatloads of extra steam that went wasted away in the atmosphere. It could have been put to good use. But once again, it was a lost cause, because nobody down in Juneau had the guts to produce legislation that would have allowed some semblance of utility rate schedules bargaining to get this project off the drawing board and making electricity, and once again, within a few feet of the Alaska Power grid that feeds the rail-belt, Anchorage, Fairbanks and everyplace in between. So, in 30 years time it means a loss of “zillions” of kilowatts “cheap” electricity gone to waste. Then there was the C-sep power generation project designed for Sheep Creek, once again never to generate even an interest, as our legislative body again failed to realize the potential of a home-grown “Green” projects. And those that envisioned utilizing this energy source, it would have catapulted Valdez into an economic wiz-kid city of envy – economically speaking. Cheap electricity would have promoted an interest in the “Foreign Trade Zone” that surrounded Valdez. It could have created an infrastructure of jobs and manufacturing that would be a show’n tell success story. By now, it is way too late. See, at the time, nobody was interested in a sustainable jobs infrastructure. Who cares about the future was the sentiment. Why? Because of oil bucks supplemented by the endless spigot of federal assistance called “earmarks” and “pork”. We went soft, as “bucks” from regurgitated over-taxation found freedom with corrupt senators and congressmen. Bottom line, Ted Stevens, Don Young with all their seniority, they were not good for this state, in efforts to fend for ourselves. When “freebies” continued to come this way as welfare camouflaged as “grants”, and used as a “vote me back in” vice, we didn’t produce a jobs sustainable infrastructure, So Alaska is the true definition “Welfare “ poster child. Welfare doesn’t work, as it makes people dependent on the hand that feeds, as it is so easy to just give in. Just like our representative body. Work for food? How about “Work for Nothing”, as that appears to be the modus operandi these days. So don’t expect anything to come back this way from a bunch of nit-wits attending an “Energy Conference”, as they have not the guts or intelligence to realize what is really good for this state, except spend, spend and spend some more. What an easy job! It amounts to giving away money, intelligence need not apply. And like is quoted by Ted Stevens with respect to the failed Bill “Nosebleed” Sheffield” train depot and paints it all together again why this state has failed, “It doesn’t have to pay for itself. It was a grant from the federal government.” And Bill’s comments over the depot failure, too embarrassing to post! A bad hair day? How about a good swear-word day?

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