Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Corporate Condom

So some “Greenies” went arrested for letting aloft a giant balloon down at the Hart Building in D.C., the U.S. Senate hangout. This is where the representative body plays hooky when not engaged in gainful legislative matters, which is most of the time nowadays, this dereliction upon their sworn duties to up-hold the People’s Constitution. The life, liberty and pursuit of happiness clause has been left to rot, trumped an immaterial bother by corporate criminals – a.k.a. lobotomized lobbyists defined as ex-representatives that couldn’t make it on a $175,000 dollars a year salary along with free medical & dental health care, all courtesy the American Taxpayers, so resigned that low paying job to become a “lobbyist”, after tweaking the rules to favor their new position. See, this elitist body thinks they can dine on steak while the rest of America can no longer afford even baloney and must beg for soup bones. Answer me this. If a corporation is indeed a “person”, how come that “person” has more say-so power then my say-so power? I bet there exists still today secret underground passageways from the Hart Building to “K” Street. Also known as “KY Jelly” Street, where all those “slick” stick it to America deals took place. Tom Delay was the “Madam”, as representatives became whores, their clientele corporate America. I bet Ted and Don had their very own high speed shuttle to the brothel, to satisfy their hunger to enjoy back-door rape upon the Constitution. It was at this once secret location where the criminals planned to sell away our future. It appears that success is closing in. They win, we loose. “We” herein the middle class hard working salt of the earth genuine human beings that have made such a difference for this country, and we are being chastised for such endeavors. See, it wasn’t upon “greed” that we based our goals, just a fair share for a hard day’s work. Look, nobody is worth a 3-million salary! Anyway, the “Greenies” balloon advertised MoanaLisa MurCowski’s mug-shot, so dear, take ownership were ownership is due! The way I see it, this balloon was a symbol of her staying power. Like a giant condom used for safe sex NOT, but when applied properly as protection for the corporate giants that keep her unemployed, yes unemployed! As she does nothing for the good of the middle class and makes a handsome bribe while advocating the other side of the fence. And it is a well-lubricated condom and exercised repeatedly, by the EXXONs and the Chevrons providing the stroke. She learned well her dad’s strengths, to treat the citizens as second rate and prioritize above everything else taking that dereliction further as a stand against the American working class for self inflicted interests in favor of the corporate culture. The Mafia has hit men, so does corporate America, our representative body! I bet MoanaLisa still gets advise and advice from Frank, as she has done nothing all her years in Congress, just like her predecessor. Name one thing that Frank accomplished while a U.S. Senator? And Frank despised the EPA, he despised the “GreenPeace” movement. He despised a whole lot of common sense ideologies. Abe Lincoln realized the detriment corporate America would play upon this country, and warned upon it. It has come true. Look at the Iditarod dog sled race as an example. OH look how it has changed, OH so bad. I used to enjoy the race, not anymore, as it has become a challenging sport fan addiction. Let’s face it front and center without cover-up, there isn’t any other professional sport followings worth following here in Alaska. So I guess for “one” day every year Anchoragites can fake it. But those that enjoyed the race of old, hey we stay home and don’t even venture down to fake celebrity row. I believe it should no longer be called the “Last Great Race”, but how about the “Exxon Classic – we ruined the Sound and people still love us”. Having corporate America sponsor this race is pathetic. Look, if it were indeed important as it is historical, the state could pay for it all! We have a Constitutional Budget Reserve that could be tapped into, for the race, it would be worth it - instead of whoring the state out to misfit corporations bent on using the opportunity for “greed”, trust us like “mission accomplished”. And why is Dee Dee letting SHELL ruin her image? Look, SHELL wants to drill and explore in a place not even the Eskimo is willing to relinquish away their concerns. But I guess if you have no concern about letting dogs shit all over the place, my as well let “Big Oil” shit upon pristine oceans. And all these “Iditarod” fake artists that come north to enjoy what was at one time our own enjoyment, it reeks in imposterism - as bad as political nepotism. Another MurCowski family trait. It is a thing of the past, the Iditarod. I did venture down to the Goose Lake observation post, to watch a few teams come up over Northern Lights. But the first team had a dog loose on a harness and lost consciousness when rounding a corner, as a big birch tree just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time – whack.. Poor dog! So that was it for me. It is all for the money nowadays. And corporate America knows how to dish it out, but there is always a catch. See, with all this stuff, when it comes time for the EXXON CEOs to testify upon outrageous motor fuel pricing and not under oath because Ted Stevens is an idiot and should be in jail along with Bill Allen, maybe as a swell-mate, we get not the truth. We get more of the same false advertising. And this is what Abe was eluding upon, this takeover. And why not, as it starts at the top, and if big energy can make a bundle, so what if the heath care insurance companies play the same game and try to catch-up to unreasonable profit gouging. We are being strangled, by greed. It is not “terrorism” that is taking this country down a “Dead End” street of no return, it is “home grown” greed. But that is what Abe saw a long, long time ago and tried to get the point across, but a bullet found him quiet time. And that silence has cost us. But he tried, a whole lot more then what the entire cast of misfit representatives set out to accomplish. So in honor of Abe, “I cannot tell a lie”, his famous speech; “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country…Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudice of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” So NO, I do not laugh when the Jesse Ventura type wrestling characters break into political office, or when the Al Franken type comedians prove the same, as the political theater has become but a stage of wrath. My vote for the World Wrestling Federation’s McMahon name making in-roads into the political scene, as this “mentality” sees it as a way to continue its reality kingdom of making believers out of all of us, that it is not fake at all, no different then what Congress tries to pull over us. And maybe when bipartisan bickering continues to drown away any semblance of unity, the referee can call a timeout and move that bickering to another arena, where we can all be entertained by a grudge match extravaganza – “Big Time” wrestling style. And wouldn’t it be a hoot to see MoanaLisa in a mud wrestling match, with say Pelosi? Now there is a sport where I would not mind seeing Corporate Sponsorship! As it is already a given money maker. Just maybe a way for us to get our money’s worth, with a good laugh for a change. As laughter is still the best medicine and when Congress gets finished with “Health Care Reform”, laughter will be all that’s left for us, just like soup bones.

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