Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dear Don;

Please shut your trap. Matter of fact, since you are still under the investigator’s magnifying glass, you would be smart to swallow a 5th. After the House passed the “Health Care Reform” bill late Saturday, you went public with your typical explosive diarrhea opinion, that it was a “vote to rescind American freedom” and “doesn’t include accessibility, portability, or affordability…What it includes is insurance without access. What is the point holding an insurance card if you can’t find a doctor who will accept it?” Now when your wife Lu was sick, I am sure she received the best care and treatment money could buy. My wife isn’t sick, and most recently she was booted off my employer pays some I pay the rest health care program. Why? Because she has a pre-existing condition. This was a behind the scene attempt to do what is happening across America, disenfranchising it is called. So for two months while I fought the bastards, my wife was without coverage and since there was still a question whether or not she would be re-instated, she went without! Went without a doctor’s visit and went without medication. This kind of creep show mentality to disenfranchise has been happening from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans for some time now, ever since your friend Bill Frist changed the rules of engagement. You know what I am talking about! And you have done nothing to stop it. And finally when “We the People” get something out of the representation, no matter how barbaric, you are first to complain. Remember, it is baby steps that will get something going in the right direction! And you owe it to us to shut your trap if you have no remedies for a so far sick health care provider mentality – bent on profits over care. I am part of the hard working middle class that gets up every morning when it is cold and dark in efforts to find more oil to fuel America. But as a contractor, the contract is continuously changing hands. I have worn a VECO hardhat and many others. Now the contract was just let loose to a company that operates out of Texas. So when the contractor offered medical, dental and vision coverage, of course the workers signed up. But when we finally get the handy-dandy coverage cards, we find that there exists very limited coverage, from the medical establishment already established in and around Alaska. So the doctor that I have been seeing for 30-years, the doctor that my wife feels comfortable conferring with upon her existing medical condition, guess what, not on the list of preferred providers! But the plan gives me an option, change doctors or pay 80% of the bill. So there is “ONE” doctor on the list, I guess we wait for months to get a checkup! And one fellow worker found out that a midwife isn’t covered, so does he change horses in midstream when the baby is due today? This is what is happening across America, not to those unfortunate to have not a good job and denied decent coverage, but to Americans that work our asses off. See, you and your colleagues are so insensitive, because you have the best treatment available, and me and my colleagues pay dearly for it. So, just keep your trap closed and go do your job, as America is getting raped over the coals and all you have to say is we are about to get crapped on some more. In fact, do America a favor, float a bill that Congress has to give up on their preferential treatment medical program and join in on the House plan, then if it doesn’t work I am sure you and your colleagues and friends on the other side of the isle will take action. The saying goes so true, you get what you pay for. Unfortunately, with respect to representation, you set the wage you get, and it isn’t worth it by any stretch of the imagination when America continues to get disenfranchised, not only for health care concerns, but our bridges are falling down! And the TEA-LU bill was supposed to fix all that. What happened, did pre-existing conditions get an exemption?

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