Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cloak & Dagger

Actually, this could be expanded upon and called the Rupert Murdoch "Cloak & Dagger" Experiment. See, I work at an oil exploration and exploitation site way up north in Alaska. A place that maybe sees an outdated newspaper once a month, if weather lucky. A place where even celebrities of "Ice Road Truckers" stay away from. Where cell phone coverage sounds like the 4th of July on a good day, as the nearby Russian KGB radio-waves have a tendency to interfere. A place wherein it seems time stops with respect to what is going on elsewhere in the world. It is a place wherein the workers are called "roughnecks", that is one step backward a "Red Neck". It is all "chew" snuff, football, dueling banjoes and FOX news. Sure there are females around, to clean the toilets! It is the kind of place wherein Sarah Palin is queen bee, because she was behind the "Drill Baby Drill" assault upon pristine areas of Alaska. See, the sentiment around here follows the sentiment of Ex-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, "wasteland"! If you are a liberated American, you don't last long unless you can camouflage that belief, kind of an in the closet type of existence. So when the management installed a big screen TV in the dining room, it wasn't all for sport weekends, but for FOX news to continue to erode the 1st Amendment rights, at not telling the truth, the whole truth so help me Murdoch over God. Now imagine trying to eat breakfast with Glenn Beck mouthing off, trying to digest lunch with Sean Hannity on a rage about nothing and diner with Bill O'Reilly puking out misinformation at a decibel rating that should be reserved for the weekend college football challenges. It sucked! And it was rather insulting to watch more and more derelicts like Ann Coulter and some idiot in a dress, Michelle Malkin, try to sound intelligent when it was clear and convincing that an IQ was just a suggestion. Is "lie" the choice of words for this gang? Talk about puke and diarrhea of the mouth, the FOX trademark is alive and well. This news channel has got to be a cloak and dagger of hate and fear mongering and nothing else. How this broadcast gets sponsors is beyond decency. So being compelled to stick up for my rights, of equal access, I decided to place the FOX news' channel on the "Child Lock" listing, with my very own password and all! Wow, were residents pissed off, to the point that "snuff" was being consumed as fast as the commissary could dish it out. Really, when Joe Redneck started eating his grits and saw "Child Lock" flashing across the screen when he wanted to be entertained by morning crap, it provoked anger. Drilling for oil almost came to a standstill! So the only other channel available with news was that of MSNBC, with the likes of Ed, Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. But news is news, isn't it? What was rather revealing was the fact that people want the news, no matter what the take is. Being isolated away from family, we want to know what is happening outside, or at least have some semblance of world affairs, something that links us closer to reality. The news channels provide that missing link to reality. So within a week, people started to show signs of relief, not getting upset that Murdoch was banned, and starting to act civil with respect to the real news. Honestly, people started talking not doom and gloom as had been the norm when Beck was alive and well, but started to show some signs of intelligence and realizing that the subliminal message behind the Fox broadcast was causing a disconnect to that reality, the latter so sort after when incarcerated away with work duties way out in the boonies. Hey, this is not a wasteland! So even after the "Child Lock" was erased after a week or so of teasing, for the last several weeks it has been MSNBC as the news channel of choice amongst "Rough Necks"! This could be revolutionary. People around the camp were starting to engage in true Americanism over Fox Sinicism. It was rather interesting to note that most grownups had some semblance of decency when it came to politics and history of this once great country. So even though the numbers of guinea pigs engaged in this unsolicited experiment may mean nothing on the big scale of things, it proves something of interest. It goes to show that people have been tricked with the likings of the "Screws", a.k.a. Sean's "Crew" of misfits. So there is hope. If for some reason FOX went voluntarily banned for just a single week, this country would see an entirely different mindset. As it appears that what is coming from Crap Network Central is in desperation over decency. Truth seekers not welcome seems to be the Fox's mindset. So maybe there should be a moratorium on FOX, not at all a restriction of 1st Amendment rights, but a timeout so those that have been tricked can have a breather, to have the timeout to realign their beliefs as it appears that the Murdoch has released a monster, and Sarah is way up there in that category - monster that is! Hey would any other book publisher print crap for Sarah? No and not to forget that Harper is owned by Murdoch. When does an individual have too much power through wealth? As money can buy anything, including a media blitz that is ruining this country with false fake-me-over talk show hosts that are inciting hate. It goes to show that the tax system is out of control! In my book, anything over a million should be the property of Uncle Sam! Anyway, my experiment was indeed something of modern day man interest, it worked by giving back "Independence" and a sense of individuality towards thinking, so maybe there is hope! And when the truth is front and center, that Murdoch tried to use his wealth and power to influence world politics, in the end it backfired, as even "Roughnecks" have limits to manipulation in the truth.


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