Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bipartisan Revolution

Stimulus? Bailout? What do all these political fluff words really mean for you and I with respect to the economy? It puzzles me, to what is really going on behind the scenes of complacency - I mean transparency. Woody Guthrie would probably have a hay-day with what is going on today and using his gift as a disciple to warn us of maybe another dustbowl refugee scenario. But there is one indicator that seems to point to something of interest. Interest, what a concept! Anyway, it appears that with a downturn in the economy, merchandisers are looking for ways to lure consumers back to the bargaining table. Bargaining table, what a concept! The “lure” I am talking about is called the layaway plan. This is how it used to work, back before credit became the catalyst to claiming bankruptcy. If you wanted something for the kids for Christmas or that engagement ring, you had to secure it by paying for it upfront, a little at a time. It was a great selling gimmick for the merchants, as you could reserve it away with a down payment and then work towards paying it off. It was a great incentive program, as it moved stuff and promoted a bond between the seller and buyer. It was one of those good old American things! It involved a trust relationship, because if you were late for a payment or so, it didn’t really matter all that much. Then came the no-hassle wait not want credit cards of the future. Now this wasn’t a bad idea, because it stimulated the economy immediately and the consumers had a double deal windfall as the interest charged was of no consequences because it was a write-off on the 1030 form. Yes indeed, Uncle Sam paid the interest, so it was the best layaway plan an economy could ask for. You wanted something, just flash the card and it was yours right then and there. Come April, all that interest was an itemized deduction against your taxable income. The more you used the plastic, the greater the write-off. That was also during good times when all medical cots above and beyond were also allowed as a deduction. But over time the whores in Congress decided that they wanted to rape the American workers and wanted that interest in their own pockets, so the interest write-off was eliminated, as were most of the medical write-off deductions. See, taking away the out-of-pocket medical costs and credit card interest didn’t affect the whores, because they found it ethical to produce their own Congressional credit card scam, courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayer. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. And then they thought it ethical to produce their very own medical coverage fit for a king! All the time, American workers suffered with increased medical costs while interest rates strangled the buying sprees. So we, the common working heroes who continue to make this country great by getting up and going to work 5-days a week instead of the three day work week enjoyed by Congressional whores, we must remember when they are not at work they are out using that zero-interest credit card to buy lobbyists gifts. And why should they be concerned about “our” medical meltdown! Hey, they are whores because they have sold out the American dream for Reid, I mean greed. And get this, I have been trying to convince every representative since I turned 16 that those of us that work overtime, not by choice but by job description, that income from forced overtime is not taxable under the Constitution. Some of us have no choice to work overtime, but we get extra-scrutinized when it comes to taxation. And the whores have no idea what it is like to work overtime! So we get raped once again! If I had the money without taxation in my pocket for that overtime instead of it going to Uncle Sam, the economy would not be in dire straits towards hell. They just don’t get it! Since I already ranted on about this interest topic, what about the other interest, in that Bargaining Table eluded too earlier? Let me put it in perspective. A bargaining table maintains a contract that stipulates the quality of life, the trinity - namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Congress is its own union, that’s why this body still enjoys the trinity, at our expense. So maybe if you can’t beat them join them. It is time for all workers in America to bargain as one! One union under God, indivisible with liberty and work for all. Think about the worth of a medical plan under a gigantic union! It could be a plan that fosters its own medical staff, which means having its own medical facilities. We could take over the crazed medical billing and rip-off establishment as it exists today. Unionizing all workers would be this countries greatest bipartisan revolution. If you are an hourly worker sick and tired of more of the same crap from Congress, there is a way to recoup our future and what we have lost from crocked politics - it is time to join the efforts to unionize. It is called the WOODY MOVEMENT. All workers unionized under one umbrella! It would take this country into the future, where jobs could no longer be sent away. Where that “Minimum Wage” stuff would be but a joke. It would culminate a force unchallenged by any and all CEOs, unchallenged by any representatives trying to favor their own greeds over our needs. We owe this to ourselves and to our children. It would make this country great once again, if all the workers huddled together as one. And there would never be a voice that could again ruin our pursuit. Best of all, it would be bipartisan, because when it comes to your working fellowmen or your working fellowomen, it doesn’t matter if your helper or co-worker is aligned with another belief, as he or she is more concerned at looking out for your livelihood, your safety and everything else that goes along with being an American worker, a real patriot without a singular color - except that of the red, white and blue! Please join in to UNIONIZE the American workforce, one party, one provider. “Unionized We Can Stand”!

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