Sunday, June 21, 2009

Prevo-Cumulus Cloud

Most of us learned to draw the four basic cloud types - cumulus, stratus, cirrus and nimbus - back in kindergarten. We also learned the “K” creed wherein things like love not hate was instilled upon us, along with sharing, a.k.a. equality. If a catholic, you learned about the Devil and his disciples. You learned about the heat of “Hell”. But now scientists feel it is necessary to expand the basic cloud types, to include skyward like obstructions that differ, maybe not by choice but made possible through global changes upon Mother earth. So I have reason to believe that there exists a cloud type out of the ordinary that shall be so ordained Prevo-Cumulus. Now cumulus means “heap” so think of this as Prevo-heap. And expanding: Heap – massive mess. So, we have before us “Prevo’s Massive Mess”. We have been blessed with a lovely summer. It started a few weeks ago and went noticed by intelligent humans, when instead of spending time in front of the Anchorage Assembly the “Blues” citizens gathered outside the Loussac Library to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Inside the four-walls, it was like “Hell”, as the Devil’s disciples in “Red” tried in vain towards success to make it clear and convincing that intelligence is lacking upon those that frequented the Anchorage Barf Temple. “Barf” because these idiots at the assembly meeting using the pulpit podium had the audacity to get up and barf out lie after fib after more lies after more fibs. Those participants should have been required to testify under oath! It was sickening to see what adults would do and how they would so act in efforts to derail the freedoms of another. Isn’t the Devil’s cloak “Red”? Then when it was noticed by the Devil that those citizens gathered to enjoy “freedom” outside allowed better advertisement towards the LBG cause, then the alternative of being stuck inside the four walls seemed to obscure their own selfish cause and like a monkey-see then monkey-do mentality Prevo’s cast of bandits sought the same, so staged an outside rally - but it was no match for the freedom enjoyed by the gay community and its supporters. Now on Saturday, it was the day for the “Gay Pride” parade. It rained the night before and before the start of the parade, things cleared up. It was probably the best day so far this summer, very close to the Solstice, the climax of summer, so the events downtown were testament to freedom and at the same time a showing of faith and determination that being “different” is nothing to be afraid of, even when the likes of Prevo’s worshippers are trying to thwart away such liberties. So it was a great day upon God’s children enjoying the festivities. Herein we will start loosing light towards winter and the way the Anchorage Assembly is bending over to the weight of Prevo-Cumulus like clouds in efforts to curtail others’ freedom, it is betrayal. It may only be a short-lived victory for the liars. This years “Gay Pride” parade found more interest then the last two-years combined. Basically, Prevo is cutting his own throat, his addiction to segregation. But what does one expect out of the Assembly, as Ossiander must have been indoctrinated into the “Corrupt Bastards Club”, made famous by Ted, Ben, Don and Bill Allen. Why she allowed interference from outsiders is bottom-line irresponsible and she should be re-called then rejected as an assemblyperson. Anyway, when I was out on the Park Strip enjoying freedom to be different with others that are different and not afraid of Prevo’s goons trying to infiltrate such festivities - they stick out like a sore thumb - I noticed this rare like cloud in the distance, heading towards the festivities. Now I work in Prudhoe Bay. When a gathering center goes into overload and the facility goes into relief before meltdown, the flare system plays a very important role in controlling the upset. These industrial flares can handle a whole lot of natural gas, so much that the heat from the escaping natural gas ablaze causes enough thermal differences wherein a cloud develops. It is usually a big black cloud, mean looking! Now there isn’t anything around Anchorage that can create that mush heat to cause that kind of phenomenon. So it meant taking a ride, to see what was going on and causing this “hell fire red” shouting out that was trying to threaten the blue skies and sunlight of this beautiful Solstice day. Low and behold, the cloud was forming over the ABT! The parking lot was crowded, so maybe something was going on inside those four walls, like a Devil worship gathering! It had to be “Hell runneth over”, as this was indeed a rare phenomenon being generated from something going down inside Prevo’s house of ill repute. His followers are just a bunch of whores! Why somebody feels it is necessary to congregate then barricade themselves behind false witness and think up compromising legislation against other humans, it is pure blasphemy. On this day, the Creator was outside, especially amongst those enjoying their gay “pride”. You could feel it in the air, as people were friendly and not bent on disenfranchising another’s freedom. And the cloud, this Prevo-Cumulus, continued to generate this massive ugliness and in a direction so, that it threatened the festivities. But when this cloud made its way over to the Park Strip, it was quickly rendered useless by the suns rays, emanating downward from the heavens above. It was the Creator’s miracle once again cast upon the Prevo-Cumulus curse. Yes, the Creator was taking sides! So maybe there was some kind of voodoo doll séance going down in the basement of ABT, with the “heat of hell” causing these clouds to disrupt tranquility, wherein the Devil’s disciples were playing out their fanatic fantasies, in efforts to disenfranchise the gay community. It wouldn’t surprise me, as to engage in conversation as the “Reds” had brought front and center to the Anchorage Assembly, it is indeed conversation-lacking intelligence. So at least Prevo can get some comfort out of his pathetic journey here on earth, as he now has a cloud named after him, a big ugly cloud that would incite restlessness to those that believe his word is that of the Creator, the Almighty. It isn’t, as it is more in tune to what the Devil proclaims. And true believers of the faith don’t scare so easily and care not to follow such freaks. Jerry, you are no different then Charles Manson. And Jerry, remember this courtesy Robert Fulghum, “And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together”. That endeavor you seem to have failed miserably, as the Devil can only have so many fans, disciples or genuine lunatics. Voodoo doll, what a concept! And yes, Prevo-Cumulus, a massive heap like mess of ridiculousness to which we pay you tribute.

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