Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Alaska's Pathetic Delegation

Alaska’s pathetic delegation strikes again. I am talking U.S. Senator MoanaLisa “Nepotism” MurCowski, U.S. Senator Mark “Need Another City Parking Garage” Begich and U.S. Congresswomen Don “Pelosi’s a Rabid Skunk” Young. I’m beginning to agree with Don on that one! See, it isn’t yet Memorial Day weekend and Anchorage drivers saw a 10-cent increase in gasoline price fixing. Even though the Alaska attorney general found gasoline price fixing was not a reason Alaskan’s pay the highest price in the nation for motor fuel when at the same time this state has the largest producing oil fields, something is causing my wallet to go limp when I pull up to fuel feed the beast. Anyway, this delegation of fools – we the people are fools to continue to vote in nepotism and cronyism and a representative compromised from way too many falling coconut head jolt injuries – these lawmakers and wallet breakers have proposed that the “double escort” of tankers in and out of Prince William’s Sound be extended and made “law”! With just that foolhardy decision from this delegation, the price of gasoline escalated overnight. The same overnight price fixing thing occurred way back in time when the Three Stooges – Ted “Convicted Felon” Stevens, Frank “My Daughters In” MurCowski and as was then is still today Don Young – voted in favor of deregulation legislation to allow British Petroleum to export Alaskan oil, something that was supposedly forever banned by a 70’s Constitutional amendment written in efforts to get Nixon to OK building an 800-mile long oil pipeline across Alaska. But foreigners get what they want in the “Lost Frontier”, especially the bloken Brits. Now just the threat of an export possibility allowed gasoline to rise 5-cents on the gallon overnight and with the threat still lingering, we still pay at the pump. This is why the price of gasoline is so complex. It is sleaze legislation at its best. It is so convoluted and complex that it stinks when the citizens want answers and get “crap” make believe feedback. MoanaLisa is great with the sleazebag crap feedback crap. She learned well from her dad. What is with MoanaLisa? She wants “double” penetration protection against the oil industry and at the same time she allows the cruise ship industry to discharge “crap” all along the way up through the inside passage! And get this, a recent study by the scientific community has shown that returning salmon love to munch on this “crap” outfall! I guess it falls under the Alaska Fish & Feathers “baiting” guidelines. If that scientific study ever got out to the public, say la vive the salmon industry. Hey, I stopped eating Cook Inlet salmon a long time ago, soon after a similar study indicated that the Point Warzonof “crap” facility in Anchorage discharged millions of gallons of “poop” just when the salmon returns were at peak. And yes, salmon love to eat this supposedly processed “crap”, along with enough heavy metals, residue oil waste and man made road salt substitutes that it makes Love Canal look tame. If it were not for such an abundant flow of glacier water through the inlet - the solution to pollution is dilution - the Cook would be goosed and a candidate on the SuperFund list. Anyway, refiners here in Alaska are smart. Oil companies here in Alaska are smart. They will fight this “double escort” extension tooth and nail so have already begun accepting funds for their war chest, by increasing the price at the pump. We the taxpayers will see this as a double whammy. We will pay now for the fight - special interest lawyers are expensive, just ask Ted - and pay later at the pump, even if the “law” is struck down, as once the price of gasoline goes up for something like this, it never goes south. Industry insurance it is called. See, we don’t need this “double escort” when double hulled tankers are now required in and out of the Sound. It is just more “crap” legislation wherein it becomes yet another burden not upon industry but follows the trickle down theory. “Let Mikey taste it”! Yes, it tastes like crap, the salmon that is. It is just like the “fishing pole tax” that Don Young orchestrated in efforts to get the Te-Lue Bill passed when he was the highways’ funds grand fool. It was hidden deep within the appropriations bill and to this day nobody can witness how it got there. It proposed a 15% surcharge on every fishing lure or hook sold to the public – including live worms! And guess what, the trickle down theory worked again, as it would be the sportsmen and sportswomen and sportschildren that ended up paroling for this legislation. And Don didn’t give a rat’s ass, as all he concerned himself over was the fact he wanted the bill passed as it was named in honor of his wife Lue! Pathetic, no a scandal close to treason! We pay while they play! And wait there is more, as we are the fools for voting in time after time this incompetence that see fit only one thing, more corruption upon the hard working Americans’ wallet. They are good at one and only one thing, taking our hard earned money and distributing it for their own personal gain. That is the only worth of a sitting “duck” Senator or House member these days, pathetic fools we are to let this kind of crap continue on day after day after election after election. And there is a reason why “double escort” is no longer required. It never was a necessity but became a practice soon after the Hazelwood follies. The only known way to keep the Sound free from another disaster is prevention up front. I worked for the company that manages and maintains the tanker loading facility in Valdez. For many years prior to Joe wanting to make Bligh Reef famous once again, that was the word from the top, “prevention”, as it was well learned that fighting an oil spill in cold Alaskan waters was a joke. I have been involved in years of oil spill contingency and practice spill drills, it fails time and time again. The mandate was just that, it had to be prevented. As it was before the wreck and likewise is the sentiment from those in the know still today, no matter what kind of infrastructure is on the ready status to combat such an event pray-tell it ever happens again. It won’t happen again. Why? The damn EXXON Valdez wreck was a planned sabotage against EXXON, as payback from a disgruntled investor. I find it just as pathetic as is the Congressional leadership that after so many years people still blame Joe Hazelwood for the reason weathered crude oil is still found in and around the Sound. It is just too damn cold to break down the hydrocarbon left behind when an out of control tanker hit Bligh Reef head-on at a speed that left giant gaps in the hull and allowed a whole bunch of oil to go free. Again, pathetic that people trust the fact that one individual could do so much damage and walk away with community service as penance. It was a planned attack against an oil giant by a group of disgruntled private investors, and now we all pay for it. We paid at the pump for Exxon’s pollution and we pay still today as we will continue to pay for the mess far into the future. But as time goes on, we forget so easily as to why we pay for “crap” like legislation, as the true and real reason dwindles away and is forgotten about selectively, as is the real reason behind that wreck some 20-plus years behind us by now. And as those “few” in the know still breathing know, so will the truth behind that wreck soon be forgotten. And we the people as fools still believe that one drunken sailor asleep in his quarters had the audacity to cause such destruction. As usual, the real culprits get away with almost murder, just like politicians! If we were only not so afraid of the truth! PS: It is secretly known that the EXXON Valdez’s navigational radar codes were compromised to fail that moon beautiful night of March 24, 1989 - with calm seas. It was the plan, to compromise the radar coordinates and thus trick the step-up helmsmen into thinking the loaded tanker was heading in a safe direction when all the time it was heading full stern ahead towards Bligh Reef, the best known and worst case navigational hazard in Prince William’s Sound. With unprecedented calm seas, excellent visibility and minimal tanker traffic the extended reach radar at the nearby Coast Guard Station was also placed in standby status, so the plan of attack on this tanker was successful beyond belief wherein to this day the truth behind the wreck remains just that, compromised.

CopyRight 2009 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock PressContact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com


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