Saturday, April 4, 2009

Time for a Doogan

What is it with politicians these days? Isn’t it a pre-requisite before office and any swearing in ceremony to understand the rules? Herein I am talking the Constitution. In this case, the Alaska Constitution!

Dear Doogan:

According to the Alaska State Constitution, Article 1 - Declaration of Rights;
1. Inherent Rights - This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness,….that all persons(including Mudflats) are equal and entitled to equal rights(including Mudflats), and protection(including Mudflats) under the law(this law), and that all persons(including yourself) have corresponding obligations to the people(including Mudflats) and to the State.
5. Freedom of Speech - Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.
22. Right to Privacy - The right of the people to privacy(including Mudflats) is recognized and shall not be infringed. THE LEGISLATURE(that’s you idiot) shall implement this section.

So taking the latter into consideration, there was no reason whatsoever for you to violate (1) Mudflat’s "Inherent Rights" by breaching confidentiality and violating (2) the author’s identity which was under anonymous rules of engagement and protected by Article 22, in efforts the latter practiced "Freedom of Speech", which is also the 1st Amendment under the U.S. Constitution! Mudflat was governed by the Constitution(s) and to be held accountable for such actions or inactions if what was published on his or her web-site blog caused harm and he or she did not fix, in a timely manner, the matter following complaints. Your actions, if haven’t already, could conceivably cause harm to another individual. Now such dereliction to abridge the "Rights of Americans" was the norm for the Scooter Libby and company country demoralizers, but it is not what we expect from the legislative branch of the Last Frontier. What would Jay say about your actions? Your stupidity to reveal a blogger’s identity is a violation of privacy, a violation of decency and quite notably a crappy situation. You stink! You should step down your out of control office as a representative, as you have not a constitutional mindset but it appears a bent mindset. Your actions violated another’s rights, so you have to step down. But you won’t because this is just another politician involving oneself in another’s business, and you get paid to violate, better deal then a rapist. But the working class is a lonely class when we have no one in power to protect our rights. So in honor of your in-honorable movement to crap upon the Constitution(s) wherein you feel it is OK to crap upon the "Rights" of an individual causing you no harm whatsoever, the word "crap" - a.k.a. Bowel Movement - shall be replaced with "Doogan". Hey, that cup of morning Joe is doing its thing, I have to have a …. I mean "Doogan". Fits, doesn’t it. And this honorable namesake replacing "crap" is a keepsake, for generations to come. And for that other idiot that proclaims he is an educator and comes to your pathetic defense in an Anchorage Daily Stool opinion titled "Outing AKMudflats a Solid Move" this action only goes to show why America is loosing the battle in education. When ED(Explosive Diarrhea) type behavior is what makes an Alan Borass professor, what do we expect our children to learn, except more "crap", I mean "Doogan". Yes the Borass response is a "solid movement" all right, Doogan style. I guess Doogan and Borass are still constipated over the fact that the "people" finally have a tool that allows "us" to "ask what you can do for your country". The 1st Amendment is what put this country back on track when crap artists like yourself and Borass tried to rule with a crown instead of a Constitution. Why guys like yourself and Borass are adamant to go back to days of peasantry, it is mind-blogging. But every-time a person in power tramples upon the great emancipator - the Constitution - we go backwards. Talk about a shredding! For some of us, it is all we have and all we care about and care not to fall behind, while your actions allow for the erosion of rights. So in closing, "One more cup of coffee before I go, to the valley below", so as to enjoy another Doogan! By the way my fellow Alaskans, flush twice, as it is a long way to Juneau! And forget about sending your kids to Kenai College, as it seems nothing but a front in efforts to constipate our rights, not what college students need in this day and age of "Change"!

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