Thursday, March 12, 2009

How Many Trillion?

I do believe the U.S. Treasury folks have lost count of how much U.S. Taxpayers’ money has been stolen away, in just the last few months. But maybe they were instructed to loose count, as the thieves behind this prank crime of all times probably utilized that bully-boy attitude - we know where you live! Stolen away money paints a truer picture of the crime scene, even if financed under the disguise of BARF or a Recovery "Something" Act. Both are nothing short an act of treason, this bailout giveaway program. Why so? Because when the representatives behind this thievery are now starting to talk and demand "transparency", the only thing transparent is a glimpse into their lack of credibility. What is with this aftermath demand? Give me a break. Do you really think that anybody who has squandered away some of that loot is about to come clean? This is good old American greed at work. Remember that show, called "Is Your 4th Grader Smarter then Sarah Palin?" or something to that effect. Well how about a new show, called "Are You as Stupid as Your Congressmen" or how about this, "Are You Lame Enough to Steal from Your Brother?" And was this treason like giveaway bailout performed without transparency so there would never be any accountability in concert with yet another attempt by Congress to screw the taxpayers? Sorry, Mr. Hill, we are not that stupid. You and the entire body of Congress are stupid, insane and sick to believe that we Americans are like yourselves, stupid. And with the banks that hosted a bailout extravaganza, well they all signed on the dotted line, under the clause where it stipulates a non-binding contract. I will tell you what seems to fall under the non-binding category, the oath these idiots swear upon for the office then soon after throw any semblance of ethics overboard. To ask for "transparency" after the fact is like the "Bridges to Nowhere" that made Alaska famous not too long ago. Yes indeed, just build a bridge even if there exists no infrastructure to hook up roads in efforts to utilize the bridge, as that is a problem to contend with after the bridge is erected and painted and the contractor retires for life because he is rich. Here we go again, the U.S. Congress must think the American voters are stupid, with this transparency bull-crap. Fact of the matter is this, if the money isn’t accountable, then we need the "Untouchables" to pull a Capone on crookedness. In fact, maybe what we need is Capone, with his bat to knock some sense into the idiots that throw away my hard earned money then ask for accountability. Money given away with not one iota of a thread attached with respect to where or how that money is to benefit me, the shareholder, now holding a bunch of debt and zero value assets! Yes indeed, the U.S. Congress went to a fire sale and purchased hot air! It is beyond highway robbery. Matter of fact, this country would be on better footing financially if the Mafia were running things. As corruption with that entity is a bonafide right. Can we use the RICO statutes to go after members of Congress that voted for this crap? It may not be "Racketeering" but it sure sounds like it fits under the category of "Corrupt Organizations". If not, then we Americans have not rules and regulation tough enough upon those we elect to uphold our rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I just received a green card from the property tax assessor. I owe! Not unusual, but the return address for payment is in China. Is this outsourcing? Or has this entire mess allowed another foreign country to buy my future? Who am I indebt too, a communist regime? And get this. There is talk of yet another bailout, something called "Son of BARF", or words to that effect. Why? Because it seems that those in Congress flunked out on basic math aptitude. Sure enough, according to Mr. Hill, we don’t get a bang for our buck. With $2.3-trillion already stolen away, we only see $800-billion in transparency. It is a Return-on-Investment that is pathetic to say the least. So instead of the "Act" creating 3-million jobs, it means about 1-million, because of burecratic insanism creep. It makes one want to "BARF"! What ever happened to America? What ever happened to brotherly love? That is the sad fact of the matter when historians paint the present state of affairs with what happened in the 30s and other depression like eras. But is was brotherly love that made the difference back then. Do you really think that when the times get tougher that those with offshore loot will bring it back home to help you get a bowl of soup? I really doubt it. In fact they will probably use that money to post guards at their "guarded" community neighborhoods. Instead of "Brother can you spare a dime", it will be more like "Brother can you spare a bullet". It goes to show that bipartisan that was allowed to brew out of control during the Clinton and Bush & Bush years of no accountability has taken this country on a roller coaster ride to disaster. We have had not even close a statesmen like president of statute for a long, long time. Will Obama prove to be different then the rest, time will tell. In the meantime how about this for transparency. Rushpublicans - Rush’s neo-followers that believe UFOs visit the earth so aliens can gather intelligence from conservative thinkers instead of liberals. Republicans - those that believe in a Republic first under a Democracy. Democrats - those that believe in Democracy first upon a Republic and then there comes the Carvillecrats, those that kiss anything that looks like a Clinton, even if it an ass. And independents, hey we would have control of our money! In fact, we would use stimulus money to invite aliens to take the neo-scats with them. And we would erect a Clinton ass-kissing monument, hanging out over the Grand Canyon, bon voyage!

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