Thursday, March 5, 2009


Did you catch Monica Muxo and Bull O’Reilly having sux on TV? At sux-cessful climax, Bull was yelling "Witch" and Miss Muxo was screaming out what sounded like "Bitch". And that FUX regular Bimbo Blond Ann "Heiress of Crap" said she could never have sux with a liberal, for the reason that they all drive "electric" cars. I bet the only thing "electric" in her bag of tricks is a personalized suxdo. Really, when she is on a rant - which appears to be her full time aspiration in life - something has to be stuck in an orifice and plugging up reality, as crap speak keeps coming from her oral orifice. That’s what happens when the relief valve is hijacked with a foreign object. And Bull, you will get older some day soon. In fact, I just shoved your mug-shot into this morphing program and turned your clock ahead, egad! Looks like you would fit right in with the cast of "Tales from the Crypt". And when I tried to place Muxo’s mug into the same program, it kept locking up the program, some error referred too as the "blue screen of death"! And Ann’s? Fux, it turned out to resemble a raptor like dinosaur! Where did all those teeth come from? Is this evolution at work? But there is some resemblance. It is despicable that two adults with an audience engage in age bashing. Do us all a favor. Bull and Muxo and Ann, please move to Irag or refrain from this kind of crap until behind closed doors, where you can have sux your way. Why the Bull show continues on is for one and only one reason, the lemming population is alive and well and makes money for Mursux. If you don’t watch FUX for entertainment, then next time you are in need of a laugh, tune in. Now I am not trying to offer the FUX free publicity in efforts to steer reasonable people Mursux’s way - but laughter is the best medicine. And this laughter can be found any time of the day. Now during the early mornings, some of the crap stuff is supplemented with info commercials, the ones that indicate Medicare rip-off doctors are alive and well. Or crap about "Reverse" mortgages, a rip off for our senior citizens. Why does the FUX pick on our seniors? Did Mursux fight in WWII? Anyway, this all started when Bull called a respective D.C. news correspondent up in age a "Witch", or words to that effect. Now Miss Muxo - who claims she has a PHD that represents not a respectable sheepskin but a used Tampax mentality - well she appeared on Bull’s "Bigot" show and told the FUX followers that Bull was "too nice" to refer to the news’ lady as a "witch". Come on people, when is enough enough. Mursux, do America a favor and go to Irag with these other three stooges. Now at one time I did respect Bull, when he called for an all out boycott against the oil cartel and wanted Americans to not buy motor gasoline for one weekend during summer. Not one person besides myself joined in that effort. Why? It goes to show that Bull’s and FUX followers are a bunch of cowards. In fact, this Shux Insanity show is a real gem! The stupidity and intelligence loss must be a Mursux prerequisite. Insanity is proof that a male can be on the "rag". But don’t get pulled into the subliminal message of the FUX. Bottom line, Bull O’Reilly, Shux Insanity, Miss Muxo and the "Heiress of Crap", all are a bunch of balless complainers. In fact, Insanity reminds me of the kind of kid fairy you didn’t mind the bully beating up. In fact, FUX should be careful, as Insanity looks like he is ready to have an attack. Wouldn’t FUX be liable? I guess not, as the FUX seems not to take responsibility for anything except being the network of imbeciles. It is pathetic that the FUX has such a following. Now, as a litmus test, this is what the FUX means to some true Americans. I work on a drilling rig way up north in Alaska. We cannot stand Sarah Palin. We vote her in as we vote in a republican time after time for one and only one reason, they now how to rip off the U.S. Treasury. Alaska relies on "pork", as this state never went past the diaper stage - due to a republican mindset. But when the FUX network has satellite coverage problems way up here on the frozen ice, nobody gives a crap anymore, as this network has run out its welcome and past followers are sick and tired of the "Bull-crap". And with Ann running around like a raptor with her head cut off yelling out something to the effect of "Yuppie Scum House Skippers", I think the vibrator needs an oil change. Insanity, look out for the "Bully". And Bill, please have more sux. Ever think about maybe trying out a new career, as a sux’n puck star? So from the WEBdefiner it goes like this. BOZO: Shux Insanity. Imbecile: Bull O’Reilly. BIMBO: All the other FUX correspondents that have dyed their hair blond so they can be like Ann. The FUX entertainment network is by far the most detrimental broadcast to liberty when this country is going through dire straits. Instead of a message of "brother can you spare a dime" it is more like a "Mojo Workout" mentality. "Mojo workout, fux your brother. Mojo workout fux your mother". That’s it in a nutshell. The Mojo Workout network. One other thing. Hey, FUX, since you guys seem affiliated with Rux in Limbo, why does he always have a turd hanging out of his oral diarrhea orifice?

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