Saturday, March 7, 2009

EXXON Iditarod

Heartfelt Apology
So cometh the 20th anniversary of the EXXON Valdez wreck. And Joe Hazelwood admits remorse in a "heartfelt apology" but at the same time suggests he was wrongly blamed and is quoted, "The true story is out there for anybody who wants to look at the facts…" So we have before us another book titled "Spill" that doesn’t really allow that "story is out there" in efforts to put at rest what really happened on March 24th, 1989 in Prince William’s Sound - a moonlit night with calmest of seas. But there exists that "true story" and for those of you that are truly interested in the reason behind the wreck, go to and navigate to "Alaskan Novels" and under the title "From the Fifth Floor" read and understand what and who was really behind the grounding of the EXXON Valdez. Joe Hazelwood was just the convenient scapegoat!

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