Sunday, March 8, 2009

Economic Hoax Fix

Until recently, Alaska had weathered the effects of a brutal economic storm upon the rest of the nation. The ranks of the unemployed remained a seasonal reality until outsiders with mobility and no jobs and shelters in foreclosure started moving north to the "Welfare" state - this has begun to "change" things in that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness category. That is what many people voted for, "change"! See, even with a downturn in investment returns, Alaskans will receive that yearly "welfare" dividend. So it invites outsiders on the verge of economic collapse. And with word of a natural gas pipeline project close to reality, well it is just like the early 70’s all over again here in the 49er. It may mean work. It may mean maybe a paycheck once again. It may mean maybe a start over for some. Just the fact that people will start this way in droves for a "pipeliner’s" paycheck will be enough to get this project off the drawing board and pipe headed into the ditches, just to ease the rising unemployment of newcomers. That was indeed a "stimulus" for the oil pipeline back in the beginning. "Change" it is! But this "change" is about to wreck havoc on a somewhat unaffected state of affairs. Now it is FedEx that is responding to a weakened economy, with transfers and layoffs. That was followed one day after Conoco went public with a restructuring plan that was just another sad chapter for its Alaskan workforce It is indeed a sad day when with the price of oil hovering around $45-dollars a barrel, it is failing the economy. And why with all this government intervention stimulus giveaways does the economy continue to tank? Well here it is in a nutshell. It all boils down to the price of energy. We live within an economy that takes energy to produce the wheat we eat. It takes energy to seed, cultivate, harvest, transport, transform and transport again that wheat. It takes energy to transport shoppers to the market, to buy that same wheat as cereal or bread - the basics. It takes energy to cook the wheat. It amounts to an all around energy infrastructure of energy here, energy there, energy is everywhere. Bottom line, it is the price of energy that continues to make the lower 48 unemployment lines look like a Katrina food bailout gone messed up. Now when the price of oil was happy at about $20-dollars a barrel for a long, long time, everybody was happy except the rich. The vision of $40-dollar barrel oil made the board room goons drool, as a double increase would mean fattening of thy bonus and make the shareholders happy at everybody else’s expense. But back then, the gurus of economics pointed out that if oil ever went over the $45 mark, it would mean an end to "Capitalism" as we know it today, I mean yesterday. They were right! So it was prudent and essential that the price of oil stayed low, regardless of the profit margins of greed that made the shareholders hold the CEOs accountable for "more, more, more" by trying to manipulate the commodities by allowing less oil on the market. Everything the oil barons tried in efforts to increase the price of oil failed, except one. And this is where the only thing to blame for an insane economy is the lam attitudes of the regulators. This is where and when the regulators were purchased by the rich. It happened here in Alaska and provides a true to life litmus test of what can happen when people that are elected to a board don’t give a rat’s ass about their neighbors and care only about the fattening of their own personal wealth. Either that or they are downright stupid! This country is in dire straits due to a failed Congress that has allowed the energy henchmen to get control of the regulators and thus take control of "MY" welfare. See, at one time, there was something that kept a "checks and balance" on keeping oil from going through the roof. It was called regulation. For over a hundred years, natural gas pricing was that "checks and balance" thing that kept the economy on track. Take it your way, as you can use natural gas or crude oil derivatives to run your business, or heat your house, or cook that wheat. See, natural gas was the ultimate referee in the energy business. That is why it uses the "natural" label. It is like this. I can take a Coleman stove way up north to the gas fields of Alaska and in no time flat have clean burning heat for boiling water - as natural gas is ready to go without any coaxing or manipulation. And it is clean without additives. There exist not to many hidden costs associated with preparing this natural product for use, just get it too my kitchen. So it is not as popular as "crude oil", the latter seeing many loopholes along the way from a raw commodity to a refined product. Crude oil has a 70% markup along the way from wellhead to the gasoline station. It is a very lucrative commodity, because of the hidden loopholes that allows price manipulation. But with natural gas? Like already mentioned, it is ready to go right out of the well. So on a BTU basis, it was the ultimate "checks and balance" with respect to energy. And with half the nation relying on natural gas to boil water to cook the wheat, it allowed for a very realistic control. It basically kept the price of energy in "check". See, if crude oil and its derivatives went overboard in pricing, there would come a trend to use less of it and more of the gas. Checks and balances my friends! Supply and demand worked well, and the equation rest assured that only about 10% of a workers income would be swept away to keep a family comfortable and allow for a warm meal. But that didn’t sit well with the asshole rich. This naturally controlling variable didn’t allow them to control us. So along the way, the Monopoly game rules went changed. No longer is natural gas available to trump greed, as the rules were changed. Thank Congress for allowing this to happen. Thank Congress for letting this economy go sour. Thank Coingress for giving themselves a raise in pay as most of us see our wages decreased, just to keep a job. See, the lobbyist of the rich were successful in deregulating natural gas and getting it tied to "crude oil" pricing. Since then, the economy has gone downtown. As we speak, if you could punch a hole in your backyard and produce "natural gas", its value would have nothing to do with "gas" but leveraged upon the price of oil. This erased the "checks and balance" that Americans had relied upon for affordable energy since day one. We were screwed. But there is a way out of this mess, and it is very simple. The bottom line, if any entity should be "governmentutionalized", it should be the energy sector. Messing around with the banks is dangerous business, as it clobbers the entire human race. But the energy companies should be taken over by the Fed.’s, a "force majeure" eminent domain move to cash in on a highway robbery scheme that is crippling this nation. If the price of energy went controlled "by the people and for the people", we could see a drastic decrease in the profitability being sucked away from the economy. In fact, let natural gas be once again the referee like it was for so, so long and you will see an economy headed in the right direction. Lower energy for all will mean extra income to be spent on other things, like affordable housing. Hey, I just looked at a house and the monthly energy bills are more then the mortgage! Sidebar on what caused the price of natural gas to be derailed as a checks and balancer. Back some years ago, we had the bastards by the balls, as Congress held congressional hearings with subpoenas to show up or else upon the CEOs of big oil, because of escalating gasoline prices. But when the bosses appeared, they were not allowed to testify "under oath" thanks to Senator Ted "Bacon Breath" Stevens - as he was the energy committee chairperson based out of seniority. So the bosses said nothing, as they were given the preferential 5th degree treatment by the person that was supposed to protect America’s interest. That is why I am glad Ted was gunned down and is spending all of his corrupt money defending himself. He earned what was coming too him, by giving in too big interests over the will of the people. Treason? Real close in my book. So we had our chance to hold accountable "Big Oil" but let it slide. And when you see what is happening today with the economy, it could be proven that it is energy price gouging that is preparing to make America a slum. When we have people like Stevens, wielding power and paving the way for brokerage dealings "by the few and for the few", this is no doubt a ways and means of disenfranchising the "PEOPLE", it is part of the reason America is doomed now as an economic giant. Taking back the energy sector and lowering the cost to do business and heat our homes is the way to go. It is a quick and overnight solution. If I woke up tomorrow morning and realized that it cost me just 10-cents to boil coffee water instead of 50-cents, I would be a happy camper, as the cost of energy affects everybody and everything. And to make matters worse off, just look at what it is costing to fuel the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts, from increases in jet fuel pricing since the "mission accomplished" began? We have noosed ourselves when we elect representation that once in office abandons the "good" ship for a "pirate" ship with fools at the helm. And it is happening right now here in Alaska. Our new Senator elect Begich cannot give a straight away answer to some simple questions. Like how come he acknowledged that if elected he would not seek an increase in pay? And 2nd, how come this state has to take in Federal help with strings attached when we have a healthy Constitutional Budget Reserve, reserved to help this state through tough times? So this "Change" thing seems to be just a suggestion or maybe a real delusion. Until true "change" comes to fruition, this ship with fools at the helm will continue to plot a course of destruction that will make the EXXON Valdez wreck look like a bathtub episode in recklessness, like a little kid peeing in the pool! Bob Dylan once sang, "Heard ten thousand whisperin’ and nobody listenin’, Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin..And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall". Well over the past 100-days of the Obama "Change" I have heard 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen say that billions in bailout money has been misappropriated - or in peon language, stolen. My sentiment is this. They know exactly where the money is. If they don’t know then they are all derelict in their duties to uphold this country’s Constitution and take the crooks to task! Not one, not one representative has acknowledging that they are trying to get the taxpayers’ "misappropriated" hard earned money back to the rightful owners. This is theft and the only reason nothing is being done is the sad fact that as with de-regulation, they all benefit from it. There is no other reason to this sinking economy then the fact that Congress has failed miserably. It started with the Clinton era and now we see the effects of such bipartisan bickering to the sickening point. Maybe a 3rd party is needed, to police the malfeasance like approach this representative body called Congress tends to on a daily basis. So like this bailout is theft upon the U.S. Treasury, theft upon our heritage, theft upon good, theft upon what the red, white and blue stands for, so was the deregulation of natural gas a theft upon the people - to that we now all pay for it dearly as they play stupid games and think they are statesmen! And Congress gives themselves a raise? Mark Twain was right. When a senator is not serving the country, they should all be serving time! Sad, when the entire cast of representatives is nothing but a turnout turncoat affair, at our expense. Maybe Rush was right, it is time for a revolution, as when we are let down by those who are sworn to uphold our rights and turn their heads while they laugh and spit at us, we are already doomed and may as well welcome in socialism, as that is what is evolving before us this day. Anyway, I now spend over 40% of my hard earned income for the energy price increases due to deregulation, just over the past 2-years. More then a mortgage, more then taxation. A crying shame it is. America! Once the land of the free and home of the brave. Now though, land of the pirates and home of the lam, especially if we let them get away with it. The time is right to revolt against a government that means well on paper - the Constitution - but is hijacked by insensitive bastards that dwell not in liberty for all, but liberty for a few, including themselves. These bastards would sell their children if the price were right, as the selling of America is just that, with the next generation being scrutinized as collateral for this bailout. Our children will become the slaves of the Chinese government. Foreign governments will own us and with ownership comes control! Are we stupid? And this representative body has not solutions, just more delusion! In ending, I watched a show the other night, called "LOST". During the time-outs, the commercials were nothing but advertisements about ED - Erectile Dysfunction. And it warned against taking this drug in efforts to cure the dysfunction, something to due with a side effect of hearing lose and loss of eyesight. "Lost", ED along with these side effects sounds just like Congress. But in this case not just a fantasy but reality at our expense! Save America, by taking back what is ours. We can do our own representation and don’t need delegates. Modern times allow me to see and hear what is going on in D.C., as I have not ED. I should be able to cast a vote on every bill, every move, with a direct link to the President. Congress, your time has come as your pirate ship has come across the tides of rebellion, and it is hoped that the incoming waves of freedom take you out for the good, for the good of America at last! Congress, once this country’s Trojan horse, but now just an America’s bred disease "by the rich and for the rich"! BASTARDS….

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