Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Alaska Joins Bonus & Bailout Frenzy

I don’t get it! Yes I do, almost fooled myself. Seems that economic "bailout" in the form of bonuses for the wealthy is catching on, by the wealthy and for the wealthy that is. Sorry, but nobody is worth my salary x100 in the form of a bonus. Bottom line, just another way to screw the already screwed-with American proletariat race, the common everyday working class heroes. If AIG can take "my" money and give it away as a bonus to the scoundrels who didn’t know what in hell they were doing in the first place and drove a company almost to extinction, a bonus is deserving? This bonus giveaway frenzy to the incompetent is beginning to bug me, especially when it is my money being thrown away. If Congress allows this to happen then all hope is lost, that our representation has sold out and this country will forever be the laughing stock of the rich getting richer. We give them more, they will continue to take more. See, Congress doesn’t give a rat’s ass that most Americans are no longer achieving that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that we strive for each and everyday. Congress makes an income that allows that goal to be met without a lot of sweat equity, so why should they give a crap upon the fact that with bailout and bonus free-for-alls, it is basically money garnished from my paycheck that feeds this frenzy. So if there is all this extra money floating around the Treasury - for bonuses - we as taxpayers have been over-charged. They know it, but the catch is this. They owe us interest! But for Congressmen and Congresswomen, their only interest in the economic dilemma was in giving themselves a pay raise and bailing out a lost cause to make themselves look good come re-election time so they could keep their high paid jobless position. A whole lot of bailout money will end up as campaign donations come re-election time. Bet me! The worst thing that ever happened to this country was the failure to demand "term" limits. It is pathetic with respect to what goes on up at the Hill. This country’s representation is so far removed from everyday reality, maybe a meltdown is what is truly needed, wherein the "people" take back what is ours to begin with - this "Country ‘Tis of Thee". Why the lights are still on for Congress is mind-boggling and a malfeasance due our own inaction. And answer me this. If a company is so big and so powerful that if it is going bankrupt and Uncle Sam must show as the bail bondsmen, doesn’t this point to a classic case of "anti-trust"? It seems that Washington has turned a blind eye to everything accept continued corruption. That is why Alaska is so popular following the presidential election. It isn’t only the Sarah Palin family personality, but this is the "Corrupt Bastard Club" state, so others want the same know-how, as "corruptness" seems to pay handsomely these days. That is why the rich are using it, either with us or against us should be the Congressional motto. Thievery upon the U.S. Treasury follows a monkey-see, monkey-do mentality. Corruption appears as the shield against any and all ethical reckoning. Corruption allows immunity, against righteousness. Bottom-line, AIG made it too fame and fortune by practicing "anti-trust" and it went so big and greedy because competition and regulation were missing that when the bubble finally came up to bursting pressure, it called for a buyout like bailout. A word of warning to newly elected U.S. Senator Begich(Alaska): If you don’t do something about this frenzy you will not get re-elected. A word to missing-in-action U.S. Senator select through father & daughter nepotism scam MoanaLisa Murkowski(Alaska): You won’t get voted back in. A word to Congressmen Don Young(Alaska): How come the Te-Lue bill had a fishing pole tax included as a last minute addition? Anyway, that is what the AIG bailout accomplished, a buyout and a selling of America. And the way that AIG distributed the leftovers, to buddy companies already bailed out by the U.S. taxpayers, we have been screwed over so far that it is nauseating me. Puke in a bag and send it to Congress for crying out loud. Anyway, as majority holder of worthless fodder, now Uncle Sam is caught in a catch-22, as AIG still operates under an illegal "anti-trust" umbrella. See, it would have been better off to let this giant sink, then responsible entities could have picked up the pieces and competition would once again be alive and well. It seems that those in the supposedly know-how have flunked basics, of how to pee in a toilet and not get your hands wet. And had this government saw to it non-involvement and just let Humpty-Dumpy fall, it wouldn’t have cost me a dime. And instead of sitting here writing and complaining about the Treasury being robbed, I could be writing to my "missing-in-action" representation and demanding a rebate. The American taxpayers have been over-taxed now for 57-years. But we have the same damn ridiculousness happening right back home here in Alaska. Incompetence, neglect and greed in politicians is a trademark of an Alaskan representative. Anyway, this home grown "bonus" crap that is coming out of Juneau is evidence that there is something in the air that is making clear thinking a problem, maybe a medical issue. Maybe too much dried up dog crap in the air, as some politician wants to give medical doctors’ a bonus, if they take on Medicare patients! What a scam! Bottom-line, it should be a pre-requisite to getting and maintaining a medical license here in this state, that one must not refuse a medical patient referral for an elderly American. Too hell with a bonus program! See, the D.C. giveaway disease is contagious! It must be from that "stimulus". In a nutshell, this state should maintain a list of those wanting or needing Medicare attention, and one call is all it takes, to a list of doctors licensed to practice in the state. A doctor can only refuse if there is clear and convincing evidence that the doctor cannot without compromise to other patients and caseload take on an elderly American, even if that individual needing attention fought in WWII. The catch? Three strikes and your out! Believe me, the threat of pulling one’s license is a rest assured guarantee that this preferential treatment to not take on welfare patients and veterans would come to a screeching halt. It goes to show that the entire medical infrastructure is worse off then the highway system. There has never been a problem finding contractors willing to pave the way. And along with a $6,000-dollar a year bonus, how about an additional $35,000-dollars a year as an incentive, so an Alaskan doctor can pay for his education? What kind of bend over mentality is this politician practicing? I always learned that nothing was free! So what gives? Maybe its rabies! As clear-headed thinking seems to be also compromised! I guess the idiots down Juneau way have nothing better to do then find more un-ethical ways to waste money. We have stimulus money coming our way so there is no need to tap into the Constitutional Budget Reserve. All projects that were on hold due to sinking oil prices have been resurrected, stimulus my ass! Hey, the "Bridge to Nowhere" has been discovered, just go down to Westchester Lagoon and look at that ridiculous viewing platform that looks like "crap". And it doesn’t go anywhere accept nowhere. Did this really cost millions? Anyway, it is the greed of the medical establishment that has made Medicare very problematic for "our" elderly. It is "greed" that has made the entire health care industry so pro-money first as patients come second, wherein it has left a bunch of "Patients left behind". Just look at how Bill Frist is now embracing a government medical "bailout"! Why? Well for those that don’t remember, when acting Speaker of the House, he fashioned legislation that helped out the medical establish - as his family is or was once the biggest private owner of health care organizationalized medical care. Since then, it is harder to get these bastard companies to even pay for a Band-Aid. So that is why I am overly concerned that "My" government bailed out an insurance provider, as it isn’t over with yet. That is why people - not Americans - are taking the money and running, just like Congress taking a pay raise and running away from everything. Anyway, Frist has now an interest in a government sponsored medical program, as he will most likely gain billions, knowing that like any other welfare program this country gets involved in becomes a pot of gold for the crooks, time and time again, over and over again. And there is a non-money solution. I am serious, we just need to get healthier! If the younger population stopped drinking soda pop, health would return and there would be plenty of doctors to tend to the elderly. Don’t need any bonuses, don’t need no incentives, just the simple fact of people taking ownership for their own health. So why doesn’t a politician try to make getting healthier an issue? It is like term limits, healthier living habits doesn’t excite the lobbyists so it can mean come donation time, no bonus! And here is another take on something of interest. Was the economic scare a hoax? I am not into conspiracy theories or UFO fanaticism, but it seems that the economy tanked way to quick when one considers that such is a global infrastructure nowadays. So, was it all a hoax that got out of control, just for the election? And if indeed it was a hoax, is that why some big corporations went for a bailout, thus bonuses, as we were all faked out. Hey, if times were tough in January, then why did Congress vote themselves a healthy pay raise when the un-employment ranks were growing by leaps and bounds and most American workers realized the fact that they were lucky to still have a job, never mind a pay raise! So there remain some things that are just not right with this economic scenario. When one looks at the size of the market and all the necessary elements, the cogs of progress don’t allow for a quick and major failure, it is a collapse by one cog at a time, so something just isn’t right. So if the grand wizards are now sighing a sigh of relief, that the economy is on the way back, it had to be a planned attack upon the U.S. Treasury! How else could conspirators take back what the democrats won? Now Bin Laden made mention once upon a time that the real way to trip up America is to ruin the economy. Seems some of our own with power and might have taken that advice and trying it out. But like everything thing else, it is all done for greed, with the real repercussions a thing of the past as the sentiment rings out that we must move on. "Trust Us" they preach. We can no longer trust that kind of mental mentality. It retards the will of the Constitution, when righteousness is a lost cause. It is not the true American way. We are lost, as a country, as a nation. Bottom-line, I can’t believe that by giving the rich a bunch of money will suffice to end the inequities upon my country. It is sad, if this is indeed the case, it is. No "True" American needs millions of dollars. There should be a limit, after that, tax the hell out of a rich man’s income so it can be put aside for bailouts and bonuses, then I wouldn’t have a problem with this giveaway frenzy. And remember this. Congress sets the minimum wage, which is supposedly all we need to reach that life, liberty and pursuit of something goal. When at the same time they cannot abide by such a pittance, with a salary that is x15 that amount, with incentive like raises that come to them even without asking or performing. What a luxury. Maybe that is why they feel it necessary to give "our" money away to crooks. And when they mess up, they play the blame game. They get off the hook, we "True" Americans suffer. We "True" Americans pay the price as they play. It is all just a big game of cops and robbers except herein all the cops are taking it from behind. So sad, that we have before us a Congress and an administration that is elected by the people and are sworn to provide an agenda "by the people and for the people" but pursue for their own personal greed an agenda "by the few for the few for themselves". Blasphemy? Treason? Both seem to fit! The real problem, who does "True" America run too for help? The trillion-dollar bailout bonus question of the day. Sad it is, as some equations have no solutions. But rest assured, I am not responsible for giving it all away. I am guilty for letting it go on and on and on, to that I am derelict upon my Constitutional responsibility as are millions of other proletariats. How much is in your bonus? In ending, it goes to show that we continue to have a monkey-see, monkey-do approach towards problems. With the bailout and bonuses, it would have been better off to take the "in-action" route with respect to Congress trying to become Mr. & Mrs. Business owner. It didn’t work, as there came no follow-up or accountability. It was basically just another "mission accomplished" before the day was done. This is nothing new to Washington, what is troubling is the fact that we now see states taking advantage of this bailout, especially here in Alaska. Alaska is a prime example of business failings wherein we do not learn from our mistakes. We have more failed infrastructure projects that never had any intent to be successful, as success may mean no future work. The same reason this state cannot build a highway that lasts at least a few years. Why not? Success puts people out of business. And that is what is behind this new era of bailouts. I am sick and tired of the Congress coming up with reasons to why AIG may get away with grand theft upon the U.S. Treasury! The Congress still has no game plan. And the bipartisan bickering is pathetic. Both sides should be together on this dilemma, this AIG bonus crap. Hey Congress, there is a thing called a "badge", maybe that is what this country needs, a "Badge of Courage", wherein we are not afraid to take the law of the land seriously. If in the end, if Congress cannot get "our" money back - a giveaway that made at least 73 AIG workers instant millionaires - then they need to pack their bags and bags of loot and move to Iraq, or Texas, one in the same, just ask George! Mission accomplished? What a joke. What a joke is the 111th Congress. But what fools are we for letting them ruin this once great contry, as a bankrupt country is worthless, especially to our children!

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Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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