Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peanut Butter Fluff

I didn’t watch the Obama inauguration, as I couldn’t lower myself to waste time with bigot Rick Warren praying to some made up fake-like god. I didn’t watch the Superbowl, as work duties called my attention. But I did watch the hearings on the Hill yesterday. What a day it was on the hot-seat for those under subpoena. There came the early morning grilling of the banker CEOs that have stolen away the taxpayers loot. I am talking the 8-top banking institutes under the red, white and blue. Isn’t theft a crime and punishable? On the other side of the isle, the CEO of the salmonella peanut butter capper kept smart and gave the same answer time and time again, the 5th! It sounded like a broken record. Now after watching the bankers deliver nothing except frolicking in the fact that "Yes", they do indeed have private jets and 1-million a year salaries and bonuses that account for only a small percentage of a bank’s profit and have several mansions to live in, it is evident that America is doomed, from the sickness of "greed". If this type of shenanigans and pilferage is any indication of where our priorities stand, we have all failed the kindergarten creed of honesty and love thy neighbor has become merely a bothersome like suggestion and not a practice under God, a real God. The banker bosses were getting grilled because these CEOs saw to it that a freebie giveaway - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers - was squandered away and used for class warfare, wherein the rich just get richer. Our money, your money, it was given away to the banks by Congress then the banks did a monkey-see, monkey-do giveaway, to everybody except those in need of financial assistance. Shareholders were enriched. And if you are one of those lucky holders, I hope you enjoy the thrill of double taxation! These idiots in $40,000-dollar suits and ties were given taxpayer bailout money and did nothing to help out the dire consequences of an almost corrupt economy. They were given "free" money! And get this, payback of the 350-million already thrown away without accountability must be by profits and not by assets! Which means the taxpayers may as well kiss this money goodbye! Who makes the tax codes so complicated? It is the financial institutes. So these profit hording taxless entities get to use every damn loophole, all in efforts to "Not" pay their corporation’s fair share burden. So at the end of a bank’s balance sheet, there isn’t any profit, as any semblance of such is something that is left over after everything else is deducted, including dividends to the shareholders. So there is no way this giveaway is ever to be paid back. It is the true definition of highway robbery. It is akin to a heist wherein it is evident that it was promoted by an insider. This is an inside job. In this case the insiders are none other then the U.S. Congress. Now the bankers never had anything to worry about, accept using the excuse that with the bailout money now part of their bank’s portfolio, it allowed for bigger bonuses to its executives - at the taxpayers’ expense! They did find it bothersome trying to explain this to the perpetrators - a.k.a. Congress. But it is no longer called a "bonus", but an incentive! And why no worries? Because they were given this money by a Congress that doesn’t know how to read or write or direct business in an ethical manner. See, somebody with infinite wisdom gone screwy included in this giveaway program this "non-binding" bullcrap language that would allow a license to kill to be tame, which means just that, a killing frenzy it is. The terms of endangerment between Uncle Sam and Jesse James and Company means nothing except the taxpayers get screwed over once again. How many times? More like a raping. So now these institutes can do as they please and get away with rape and murder and robbery. Who designs such ridiculous legislation? Unless these crooks are writing their own ways and means and our so-called representatives sign whatever comes across the desk of the lobbyists. Now the peanut butter guy did what he thought was best in efforts to make a profit, regardless if it meant an action of malfeasance, as it was a gamble. It didn’t pay off. People died. But it is no different then what the bankers are doing with somebody else’s money. And people will die over this shenanigans, I would bet on it. What’s that? It already happened! The banks were supposed to help thy fellow man in need. They didn’t. I am sure the suicide rate for those in foreclosure will escalate, and these CEOs are to blame as their inaction is evident that they failed their mission. I forgot, their mission followed that of George’s, accomplished once the money was delivered - end of a sad story. My sentiment, the entire cast of CEOs should have been held in contempt of Congress. They should have been corralled, handcuffed and taken not to a private jet but to a detention cell, maybe there is a future use for Guantanamo! These preachers of the buck are idiots with respect to the Constitution and serve no other purpose being in America, as they side with the likes of terrorists. See, Bin Laden said the best way to destroy America was to weaken its economy. These guys are doing the terrorists’ work, right here before our very own eyes, ears and orifices getting filled with excruciating excuses. And Congress deserves the same ball and chain, as they have failed miserably their responsibilities. Did you ever watch that show called something like "Wife Swapping"? That is what we need for this country’s lame ass Congress, a swap. Say we swap our representation with the Iraqi parliament? Or how about with the Japanese parliament, or whatever it is called? Better yet, how about a swap with Vince McMahon’s wrestle mania freak show? Can you imagine the cleaning up if WWE wrestlers had one day on the Hill? They are good at faking things, so would fit right in as a swap. And can you imagine Pelossi and Boxer, as a tag team match against Mae West - a.k.a. Kay Bailey - and Florida’s Ileana? I bet if the banking goons showed up while big time wrestlers were at the helm, we would have answers to what happened to the loot. In fact, the loot would have already been returned to its rightful owners, US! And interest would have been our reward. And taking the 5th? It would be more like taking a fist! Bottom line, our Congress failed and now they are trying to pass the buck of blame. In the end, it is US who will swallow that blame, as we have become peons with respect to up-holding the Constitution. It is evident that we have endured an administration that had no respect for the Constitution. At the same time, a Congress that did nothing to stop this weakening of the one piece of paper that spells out our liberty, spells out our freedoms, our privacy, our rights. It is a sad day in history my friends, as this entire state of affairs has become nothing but a ringside show of incompetence, and we get to pay for it and watch all of it from a ringside seat. Hey Vince, got anything planned for 2012?

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