Sunday, December 14, 2008

Whale Watching

Obesity is out of control! Why is it that the width of a shopping cart is in direct proportion to the width of shoppers behind? And over the years, shopping carts have been getting bigger and bigger, like it is a defense to hide the increasing size of thy booty! You know what, there exists out there a whole bunch of good looking women who have let their artwork go to ruins with this obesity rage. And obesity seems to be getting out of control and in control of the majority because the national pastime is tailgating, wherein we must have munchies before every damn occasion of interest. Soon it will be a neighborhood food tailgate before breakfast even! Now you have heard about people walking and talking in their sleep, now I understand that people can eat while sound asleep. Sure enough, a study by an “institute of higher learning” proved that if you stuff a hot-dog in the hand of somebody supposedly sound asleep, that hand out will find a mouth to feed. It was tested and proved an automatic response. The nose picked up the scent and the autopilot took over, cramming the food down the mouth of a guy who was asleep. “Institute of Higher Learning” means an establishment that takes in Federal dollars by grant, which means no payback but a big paycheck – accountability of scale equals zero! Wow, and obesity isn’t the only food addiction obsession. I was over at the local grocery store, taking in the Christmas music. Even though the economy is in trouble I found something to smile about, I am not obese. But the way people were not smiling - the majority behaving as if underfed and depraved - the ship is doomed. Anyway, I watched this guy shopper stop by the cart that contains the “marinated” stuff. It isn’t cheap and sold by the pound. Anyway he fills a container with the stuff then proceeds to eat the entire contents as he dashes from isle to isle in tune to “It’s Christmas Time in the City”. Then I wondered, just how the hell is he to pay for the stuff that is now stuck in his oversized gut? Talk about love handles, he had love “turnbuckles”! What ever happened to honesty being the best policy? See, he conveniently gets rid of the evidence. Hey asshole, it ain’t free. And he wasn’t a street person in need of food to the point thievery was necessary, evidenced by his attire, some nice looking jacket with an excavating logo. In fact, he still advertised a McCain & Palin button! Wait there’s more. I was sitting just across the isle from the “bulk” foods, like cashews and other good stuff. Hey people, it ain’t free. Keep your stink’n mitts in your pockets. Why the hell have pockets, as with such obesity, pockets don’t work for anything worthwhile except for show. Why the hell bother to bailout Detroit? If smaller cars are built by the “Big 3”, 2/3rds of the population would be out of luck! Anyway, I felt like turning in the marinated mushroom bandit along with the mom and kids who raided the nuts and the donut caper gang – the latter being a guy and gal who each ate a donut on the lam. But I once learned a lesson in ratting out. In my youth I had a job as a supermarket shelver. I was being groomed for a management training position. To catch a shoplifting thief was the way to the top. One Saturday I caught an older guy slipping a soup bone under his jacket. His name was Cochise, not a vagrant but a poor old man trying to feed his family. I felt bad, as this was before soup kitchens or food banks and people went without. Things are a little different today. See the crooks I witnessed today during the Christmas Holidays, in only a short time here trying to enjoy the Christmas spirit, were down-right wrongdoing crooks. Crooks who went about their business as if this is OK. You know what, try this in Morocco and you may never see daylight again! But this wasn’t the case herein. This was a blatant disrespect for ethical behavior. And here is why. Our leaders have lost all and any semblance of ethics. The way political clout is stolen and sold by the very people sworn to uphold the law is a crying shame. Why should we be ethical in our everyday ways and means? And we pay them to be unethical. Does it surprise you that a governor tried to sell a vacant U.S. senate seat? Look what Frank Mrukowski did with his seat? And unethical behaviors, it has become a rage and scorn greater then obesity. You can’t hide the latter, but out of sight ethics continues to hide the trail of its fools. So maybe we do indeed need more research on cell cloning. Pinocchio couldn’t hide the truth, as every time he tried in vain to hide his malfeasances his nose grew longer and longer. So did Dick Nixon’s, so we know it can work, to publicly identify the guilty. And maybe one day when our leadership gone AWOL sees to it that ethics and righteousness are required and start practicing such, then maybe most of the people most of the time will behave and realize that blimps still have no appropriate place in society. As “Thy Will Be Done”, so shall be the will to consume only what is necessary and save some tailgate scraps for Cochise and his family, as poverty is still a wicked spell upon this society. A spell with no credentials except sanctioned by obesity and aggravated by depression fostered through un-ethical political obesity.

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