Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stupid Alaskans

"All the stupid people, where do they all come from". The latter in tune to Eleanor Rigby. Sorry, but I cannot refrain. Alaskans are stupid! We have become so involved in the Sara Palin fantasy "Trip" of a life-time, well it is overwhelming and such lunacy has taken reality almost to the point of diminishing returns. Those who laugh last, laugh best the laughing is on us. Bottom line, we are not paying attention to what is happening right before our very own eyes and ears. Or before our noses, as this stinks. And because of such dereliction, we shall pay as politicians continue to play. What ever happened to the true "Last Frontier" spirit? I think the PFD giveaway program has turned this state upside down, so not only has the 49’er been ordained the "Corrupt Bastard" state, but farewell to this state wherein its citizens once denounced welfare. Today the citizen base has no clue with respect upon political and corporate cancers that have spread like wild fire in efforts to erode ethics and righteousness. Wherein the fallout makes us look like a bunch of "Stupid" fools. The "Stupidity" for today comes from the fact that "we the people" are once again paying for another’s shenanigans. And yes, there is a "Stevens" involved. I have written on this subject numerous times, put seems nobody is listening because what I know could open up a whole can of rotten politics. "Trip", Trig", how about "Trash" for a genuine Alaskan name? Maybe "stupidity" is a side effect of denial. Anyway, for those interested, today I am focusing in on the fact that because of another’s shenanigans, we are about to pay more money for natural gas. For somebody else’s bonafide screw up! And state government is going along with it, like "you can screw all of the people most of the time". Just last week the "Regulatory Commission of Alaska" granted Enstar Natural Gas Company - Ben Stevens, former Board Member - permission to charge more for heating and cooking gas as a means of re-distributing our wealth. It is not a price increase for the gas itself, but an increase to cover a screwed up situation wherein Enstar shares the blame. It is a move that makes a class-action suit actionable. But Enstar is a monopoly and we have no recourse except "pay". If you don’t pay, Enstar will send you a shutoff notice, your house will go cold and your kids will not see another warm meal, unless from the "Brother" shelter. And the "Commission" that is supposed to see to it that the consumers don’t get screwed, they seem to want to go along with Enstar’s new theme, "Its winter, screw the consumer program". At least the "Commission" is on board for 2009 to allow this malfeasance. In a nutshell, somebody screwed up and we all shall pay. It boils down to this. Enstar helped Aurora Gas - from Texass - limp along when this independent tried to break into the lucrative Cook Inlet natural resource commodities. Remember the bumper sticker following pipeline construction days? "Happiness is a Texan going home with an Okie under each arm". Back to Enstar and Aurora’s rosy relationship. Early on, it required some "book" cooking in efforts to make it all work. Enstar was the "book" keeper. So it was an abiding and betting relationship. It may have been OK, as it didn’t really effect the consumers and would have gone on without any adverse effect had Aurora’s natural gas exploration and exploitation programs gained strength, but it went bust! It was doomed from the get-go. That is the way it happens in this state of "Independents Not Welcome". I see the same thing happening way up North in a place out-of-sight, wherein an independent is again trying to break into the 30-year old good old boy "Big Oil" network. I witnessed the "book" cooking which allowed Aurora to enjoy gas it didn’t own, which meant profits, from a pipeline that was still on the drawing board! From exploratory wells that were just another summer away! And when things didn’t work out, well Aurora went into hiding and bailed out on its customers. Aurora held contracts with about 400 customers in and around Anchorage, big consumers. So now Enstar is in panic mode as this gas that was supposed to be from Aurora is no where to be found, which means Enstar has to purchase "premium" gas at a very inflated price, to supply the contracts. And Enstar wants the increases for the "missing" gas to be spread out to all of its customers, including you and I. Didn’t Sears try the same kind of trickle down theory? Anyway, in my book, Enstar was liable for several reasons and should not be given this preferential treatment from the Regulatory Commission. I should not have to pay when they were playing! Had not Enstar resorted to number manipulation back when Aurora was just starting out, this state would not be in the predicament found today, wherein these 400 big commercial customers – like the Anchorage School Department, which includes all the schools – may have to go without heat. It isn’t fair by any stretch of the imagination. Anyway, I plan to file a complaint. But it will most likely be dismissed, because I am just a single individual who cares and that seems not the Alaskan way! Plus I have the evidence that could cause a whole lot of discomfort. Maybe it is overdue time to move on to a place where people respect themselves and disrespect "corrupt" government. I challenge all "true" Alaskans to write, phone or e-mail Enstar and ask them why they "cooked" the books for Aurora, especially now that their shenanigan - both Enstar and Aurora - is about to hurt my wallet. And if we all step up to the plate of opportunity and get involved and forget about the Palin Follies, then maybe we can regain the "Last Frontier" spirit. What really gets me is this "LLC" label of immunity that many corporations hide behind, including Aurora Gas LLC. And when Enstar has "stroke", remember they paid Ben Stevens somewhere in the neighborhood of $70,000.00 dollars a year for what we are all still waiting to find out, it stinks. Maybe I will start using the "LLC" after my name, for "Limited Liability Citizen". Maybe I can stop paying my gas bills, my electric bills, my toilet bills, the list goes on! Thanks Enstar, for more crap!

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