Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Price of Stupidity

The Alaska World Affairs Council held a seminar the other day. I didn’t attend. Some of us must work for a living. I’m an oilman. My view from the break table is a drill rig, mud pits and tired workers. The subject of the seminar was “The Roots of Terrorism”. Excerpts from the debate will be broadcast today on NPR. I will not waste time listening to that either, as it is Christmas. I enjoy the seasonal tunes. And I don’t need a PHD brainiac to tell me anything revealing with respect to this subject matter – the “root” cause of why people are intent and overly willing to cause harm to America. See, the “roots” of such are imbedded in “Stupidity”. It is a doubled edged sword of “Stupidity”. Stupidity reacts with stupidity. This became evident during a recent interview with Dick “Fake Heart” Cheney. This guy is dangerous. This guy is a fake. His stupidity fosters another’s stupidity, and thus we have warlordism. He admits that the Bush administration would have invaded Iraq regardless, even without any evidence declaring for real the so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction. Cheney’s associates defend his “stupidity” and admit that the fallen troop count from the “protracted” invasion was well worth it. Once again, stupidity! And I don’t find Dick’s final segment interview and admittance pitiful. Why? Well once again, “Stupidity”. Back some years ago, the Cheneys and Rumsfelds of the world decided that Americanized Democracy was best for all. There were many more affiliated with this fan club, many rich and powerful, who thought the same - like Henry Kissmyassinger. See, many rich and powerful have nothing better to do then to raise havoc upon a peaceful society. It goes with the territory. True Americans in general cherish life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is the sentiment of the “hard” working American. The rich and powerful want to control the “trinity”. They want to control your life. They want to control your liberty and they want to limit your pursuit to happiness. Congress does this through outrageous taxation. Anyway, “Stupidity” entered the picture and these neo-conservative demons decided it was best for the United States to take over the world, now and forever Armageddon. Back then it was a movement called PNAC, for the “Project for the New American Century”. This organization pestered Bill Clinton to start the invasion. It was too begin with Iraq then spread like wildfire across the Middle East. Bill would have nothing to do with such a preposterous proposition. For PNAC, it meant getting a “puppet” in office in efforts to further such an agenda. Look how far this invasion has come! And at one time this organization maintained a web site that was updated on a daily basis with their “Dream of Stupidity”. Now it is a defunct site. And the list of the signatories of the PNAC preamble has gone away and into hiding. But we cannot trust them, as behind the scenes it is an organization that continues to wield power and intent on making our lives miserable. So I give Dick credit, as he is one of the remaining idiots that continue to believe that “Stupidity” is a valued virtue and doesn’t hide such “Stupidity”. Talk about “Stupidity”, cannot we terminate the 111 Congress? If a business operated like our existing Congress, this country would be doomed, it is! But like mentioned beforehand, sometimes “Stupidity” regurgitates more “Stupidity”. But Americans are not stupid. We have better things to do with our time then to devise “stupid” schemes and scams. We leave that to the idiots, and before us now we see the Circus of Idiots performing a grand finale called “Stupidity”. This country continues to be missing a Champion. This country continues to be without a Leader. This country continues down a shameful path of disgrace. We have hope, and that hope is only a few weeks away. But the way Obama continues to align himself with flunkies and failed Congressional seat fillers, I am beginning to feel “Stupid”. This country’s leadership is definitely afraid of Change. Again, this problem exists in “Stupidity”. The “True” Americans, the “Hard Working” Americans, the foundation of this Constitutional United States, we are not “Stupid”! Maybe that will become a reality, as layoffs forecast for this next month will make the 40-hour workweek a thing of the past. It means many “True” Americans will have time on their side, to think about the future. Let us not let “Stupidity” enter into our judgments but may we think clearly and cleverly. Maybe it is time for the “Great March” upon the “State of Stupidity”. Maybe it is time for the “True” Americans to take back what is ours by right, that being life and liberty and then once again we can enjoy that pursuit to happiness, without any “Stupidity” strings attached. I am ready, as my sons and daughters are not “stupid” and are becoming frustrated continuing to believe that “Stupidity” is a political prerequisite!

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