Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lemonade Stand Grand Standing

Pink litmus test of the century this may be. Seems when Obama was out and about performing door-to-door campaigning in a good old American neighborhood, an incident occurred but went right over the news’ pundits heads. Doesn’t surprise me as the cast of idiots employed by the FOX and MSNBC wouldn’t notice the sky falling. Anyway, in one of these so-called American neighborhoods - the guarded community kind where things are pretty mush safe behind bars and family affiliation is by vote more then by choice - kids can still play out their fantasies of becoming a successful businessperson, where the traditional “Lemonade Stand” appears now and then. Now the rumor has it that two girls in pretty Sunday dresses sat behind the business venture out front of their “Desperate Housewives” type house, with mom in the background performing yard work, or drinking a martini - the verdict still out on what she was really doing. Anyway, when approached the girls were glad to accommodate the wishes of the campaigners, three glasses of lemonade were ordered. I guess it meant a refreshment break for Obama and two Secret Service goons. So three glasses were readily filled with ice-cold lemonade. Now one glass was filled only half way? As directed by the businesswomen - supposedly coached by mom - that glass went to Obama, and the girls collected the correct fare for just that - one and a half glasses total! In efforts not to excite riots - as this neighborhood was close too Joe "Asshole" Plumber's neck of the woods - nothing was said about the disparity, or maybe more in tune to what appeared to be preferential treatment. It was a very hot day, a full glass was called for. So one quickly realizes that this wasn’t just a filling mistake but a pre-calculated action. Only half a glass for the “Blackman”, but at the same time at a discount! The question is this. Is it discrimination on its face or has discrimination evolved to the point that it can be practiced as long as the practitioners are due diligent with respect to applying an appropriate value, like in this case? The value was decreased to what was provided, no one can argue that! The other question, is it time to bring back spanking?

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