Saturday, October 4, 2008

MoanaLisa Madness

Sick politics it is. Goes to show that Murkowski type father and daughter nepotism is one of the reasons this country is heading towards a revolution. Now many of us in the know and concerned about that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness thing, we all realize that Ted Steven’s is a crock! If not so, then he wouldn’t be spending time in the court of law trying to defend himself against VECO “I like little girls” Bill. Bottom-line, he is not guilty. Ted that is. As a matter of fact, the case should be thrown off the court! If he had a decent lawyer, the case would already have come to closure. Verdict? Case dismissed. But due to the deterioration of this state’s Constitution due our corrupt politicians both home and abroad, Ted will suffer the consequences of his own consequences. See, Ted represents Alaska. With that should come all the benefits of such, particularly so with respect to his home turf’s Constitutional Rights – in full force when away representing the state’s citizens. Just like a foreign diplomat enjoying immunity away from parking tickets or rape, so should Ted enjoy immunity, herein based on the State of Alaska Constitution. Inherent in that emancipator is the “Right to Privacy”.

Section 1.22 - Right of Privacy.
The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed. The legislature shall implement this section.

We have it, most don’t. And it is evident that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t even provide that God given right, like we were all faked out to believe so. But here in Alaska, that right is not to be abridged or infringed upon. Unfortunately, we have turncoat representatives that have used the Federal fear factor in efforts to sidetrack citizen’s rights under our own state’s protection clauses. Had we not bent over to pressures from U.S. Treasury give-away programs – either with us or against us mentality – this state’s Constitution would be an instrument allowing Ted freedom away from any possible future incarceration. If I were his lawyer, I would at least probe this possibility. It is a true litmus test of State verses Uncle Sam. Think of the possibilities if states’ rights started trumping what Uncle Sam can get away with? But that would mean a drastic change of pace away from who is boss. Bottom line, a state has authority over what they say in D.C. But we have let down our guard and with that we have allowed to commence more overnight oversight and control from Big Brother. J. Edgar Hoover is alive and well, just look up in the sky. Military satellites can focus in on an apple in your living room. And if you don’t think that homegrown homeland spies are seeking an interest in bedroom activities, you are a fool. Don’t be a fool. As republicans call for less government interaction, it is just a blitzkrieg attempt to make it appear as such. That trust us thing. When in the true sense, we continue to become prisoners by allowing a weakened Constitution to take control over our freedoms and destiny. It is far from a call towards socialism and more in tune to communism. So Ted could have been a free man by now, but precedence set with Big Brother infiltrating our lives here, there and everywhere has qualified the FBI along with the TSA along with the IRS to infringe on that right to privacy - therefore allowing wiretapping. The goods produced to indict Ted are illegal from a state respective, but trumped admissible by the almighty reign of King George. I guess you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Freedom at last? How about Freedom incarcerated will last. Now, back to the subject. Why in hell are the U.S. Taxpayers bailing out Wall Street and everybody else that MoanaLisa needs in efforts to keep her seat, come re-election? The fact that MoanaLisa Murkowski included a reprieve for the plaintiffs of the EXXON Valdez oil tanker wreck with respect to taxation, it is Un-American! Taxes are the ways and means of this country. It is segregation on its face and a slap in the face of the hard working Americans trying to keep this country buoyant with respect to the economy. MoanaLisa should be impeached, as this is not representation but favoritism, also not allowed under the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution talks in equality! And it is in reality also against the State of Alaska Constitution, with respect to equality. But what does a nepotism daughter know about righteousness? In fact, maybe it should be MoanaLisa in the courtroom instead of Ted. But then again, if Ted had anything to do with the inclusion of this B.S. crap in a bailout bill, maybe the court’s hot-seat is where he so righteously belongs. Remember, it is re-election time for Ted and Don. Pathetic, that these idiots have so much control of the purse-strings and my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, in line with their own desires of such, but through a trickle down theory of misappropriations. They eat steak, while I try to enjoy hamburger helper. Pathetic politics has come of age. Remember Ted, that “Right to Privacy” is yours for the asking! Try it, maybe then you’ll realize what all your years in D.C. have produced, nonsense and misfit legislation that has stymied my right to freedom! Yours also.

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