Friday, September 12, 2008

Armageddon Idol

McCain must be insane! Then again, maybe the American voters in favor of more insaneness are also insane. This guy cannot become this country’s president by any stretch of the GOP imagination. Besides his present invasion upon Alaska in search of his Armageddon Idol, one must remember that McCain is a turncoat - as he gave the Vietnam interrogators information that may have been detrimental to the war efforts. It was information that could have compromised security and secrecy of American troops and battle plans. If only his comrade captives would finally come forward and speak up, but that is not what true red, white and blue soldiers resort to. And the Swiftbloaters are also in hiding, as they know the truth. We do know this about that, McCain acknowledged and broadcast a speech not of his own words, but fabricated by the enemy. In that speech, he calls himself a “Black Prisoner”. Now interesting enough he faces a “Black” opponent. McCain broke that basic military commandment and went beyond rank, name and dog tags. Bottom line, McCain is a selfish SOB. And his present invasion upon Alaska in efforts to promote that his running mate – Sarah “Mrs. Vogue Mature” Palin is trustworthy is another turncoat tactic. Any American mayor who resorts to book banning is by the evidence a turncoat. I don’t care about trooper-gate, or the fact that her Down’s child will suffer from “Who’s my mommy” nightmares. Or the fact that her husband didn’t vote for union representation but was forced to join the OCAW union. Or the fact that the “First Gentlemen” gets preferential treatment from his employer, British Petroleum – a foreign entity that basically “owns” Alaska. Hey, anybody that covers one’s face with “Duct Tape” has to have a few loose marbles! Now these are all petty arguments and amusements. But “Book Banning” is un-Constitutional! It is a violation upon the 1st Amendment Right, an amendment ahead of the right to bear arms, as books fall under free speech! Even though it never happened as non-cooperation compromised some of Sarah’s selective destruction, just the thought of banning books is grounds for divorce. That librarian that refused to ban the books out there in small-town Wasilla should be honored! And wasn’t she finally banned from gainful employment during Sarah’s reign of mayor? Either with us or against us seems to be her command and demand. So McCain picked somebody in his own league, a turncoat! And how come everybody thinks Sarah is a babe? You don’t see Hugh running around with the likes of a Sarah. In fact, she reminds me of Madam X with that outdated Christian agenda hairdo. And do you see how uncomfortable she gets when she lets her hair down? It is freaky! But not to worry very long if indeed America is foolish enough to elect this prehistoric relic of failure along with the sad eyed lady of the lowland. See, Madman McCain blames Congress for all the current problems, when all the time he has been part of that Congress. These problems didn’t crop up as an overnight sensation. Sidebar: How much Viagra does John take? Did you notice how the Madman follows behind Madam X when out and about campaigning? And I am sure Bill Clinton is close behind somewhere in the background. In fact, there is rumor that he has offered to be part of the Madman McCain Madam X administration! I wonder why? And McCain continues to use the prehistoric excuse that he couldn’t change the culture of Congress. That lame excuse in itself is a crime against the Constitution, a crime against the will of the American people. If McCain realized there was corruption on the hill and at the helm, he could have performed a citizen’s arrest upon the corruption instead of turning his head the other way. An out-of-sight then out-of-mind mentality. The good old buddy system is alive and well to the detriment of life, liberty and that pursuit to happiness for true hard working Americans. Politicians enjoy it as we suffer. It is definitely an ego problem at lodge. It reminds me of the Joe Hazelwood follies. See, Joe was the sea captain behind the famed EXXON Valdez tanker wreck. But the pilot that steered the super-tanker out of Valdez admitted that Joe was under the influence and recklessly turned over the helm – regardless of his sworn duties as a pilot. Didn’t have too, but turned his head, a turncoat affair that allowed 11-millions gallons of oil to soil the pristine waters and shorelines of Prince William’s Sound. Again, this guy McCain typifies a true “TURN-coat! Now from an independent standpoint, this country is on a new course, a major correction due to corruption from past Congressional and presidential malfeasance. But over the past two terms of endangerment wherein George “There is a town in Texas missing an idiot” Bush allowed friends like Karl Rove and William Kristol to dictate dangerous policy, it has been a prime time comic relief show if nothing else. It went so serious that the only relief I could find was through comic relief. It was Alfred Newman at the helm! Sad it is. Bottom line, the demise of the GOP is at hand. This may be the last race this America and the world will be able to enjoy such laughter. Hey, it is good medicine especially for the millions of Americans without health care coverage. Destruction of the GOP is a given now that Karl Rove is supposedly behind the Madman McCain Madam X tag-team game plan! Hey America, even George Bush threw Rove out to pasture! But this is the last hooray for the GOP. If they win, it will be only a matter of time before their beat-up failed policy making again brings this country to final ruins. It is a slow death wish upon the U.S. Constitution. But there is always hope! Americans are strong, as long as the abiding and betting politicians head off-shore for asylum. And I am sure they could get plenty of free help packing their bags when the call for evacuation sounds. And face the facts, the Democratic Party went sunk long ago, about the same time Alaska was made famous for ocean wrecks. Obama represents a new age revival. In my book, a Huey Long and Lec Walesa and Woody Guthrie character all in one. I hope that when the Madman and the Madam run for cover with the polls closing down and indicating that America is safe, Obama pulls a Lieberman and goes Independent. Not a turncoat move, but a revolutionary move to bring back what has been lost, America the Beautiful. Lobbyist, best count your blessings, as it may be chump change from now on! And is Cindy McCain an addict of something other then money? She reminds me of Steppenwolf! A $300,000.00 pantsuit for the campaign? It is sick that the rich can afford such luxuries when the rest of true America is suffering from outlandish energy costs. That one dress equates to about three years salary for my hard work. I get my hands dirty. My body goes black and blue from wrenching giant pipe flanges. I am an oil worker without preferential treatment. Hear that Mr. Palin! John McCain, what a joke for America. Doesn’t he realize that protecting “My” country T’s of Thee is above and beyond selfish ambitions? He has a load of money. He has a load of good buddy lobbyists, so he should not be tired with retirement. Bottom line, the guy is a fruitcake and his wife is a failed fruitcake recipe. And everyday that Waco whacko mentality shows its failed concealment. So remember this when considering Madman McCain and Madam X running to ruin this country, Alaska is already famous for one historical wreck, do you really want another? One that trumps the EXXON Valdez wreck!

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