Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tale of the Crooked

No wonder things are out of control in Juneau. Because things are out of control up on the hill. The “K” Street blues upon us all. Our representation has demonstrated that in efforts to pull the wool, just make things as complicated as one could ever imagine then some. This way, true grit working class American heroes have no idea what constitutes protecting this country’s Constitution, or that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. In actuality, what is going on behind closed doors is in reality un-protecting the great emancipator. Consider this. The average working heroes’ time is consumed by a ratio of 3 to 1. We work, we sleep and the leftover goes towards that pursuit thing. Therefore, we have not the time to police what goes on upon the “Hill”. We pay our representatives a whooping salary, so they will do things honestly wherein we don’t have to worry about who is guarding the hen house. Seems though the lobbyist have had that responsibility outsourced to them, as genuine representation has become a sick joke upon the Union. When there comes a sponsorship from my very own congressman, for an 800-page highway appropriations bill, it makes me wonder. Especially when the table of contents talks about Don Young’s Way! Does that mean he gets “his” way or nothing else? I guess so, as with some free time I thought I would study this 800-page indictment upon America’s intelligence. What ever happened to the government’s mandate on paper reduction? Anyway, here is how it goes. It is the blind leading the blind, except the politicians’ blindfold has seepage holes, so they can see were they want to go. It is by far the road to corruption. In the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act”, signed by George Bush in 2005, one finds all kinds of corruption. This is by far the biggest “pork” assisted program since manhood. But that doesn’t surprise me as it was sponsored by the “Pork” King extraordinaire, Don “Billy Goat” Young, of Alaska. Now talk about confusion. Does anybody out there in wa-la land understand what this “public law” is all about? And how much is it going to cost my kids? Anyway, I will stick with the simple issues, which there seems to be only two to fumble with. First, this “public law” allowed limousines to no longer fall under the “gas guzzler” mandate! Really, it is this appropriations bill that sets the weight standards for SUV’s to get away as the most energy inefficient vehicles on record. So monkey-see and monkey-do mentality allowed more pollution and gas guzzling without repercussion. The sad thing, isn’t it the rich that own the limos? And don’t they already get 3-to-1 on tax breaks over the common theft upon my hard working income. Taxation is theft. Not by virtue of supplying money to run government and appropriate for a strong militia, but the fact that we Americans are overtaxed so politicians can act like Mr. And Mrs. Santa Claus all year long, especially during re-election cycles. And through creative manipulations, the tax burden keeps shifting to the hard working class. In fact, in a recent Government Accountability Office report, only one-third of American and foreign corporations paid out any tax, as the laws instigated by lobbyists allow for unprecedented write-offs. I must admit that it has been enjoyable living during the Jesse James political era, wherein the entire cast of misfits are bent on thievery. Anyway, back to the simple issues at hand. So we allow “gas guzzlers” to get away with yet another tax. And doesn’t this “bill” have words to the effect of “Efficient”? Yeh, but we also find the word “Flexible” attached to it. Now that money lost from no longer taxing tank sized monster trucks must find another source. See, all money is earmarked forever. The state of Alaska continues to receive money for crap that died a long time ago. Remember, the hen house… So now we find a “Fishing Pole Tax” in Don Young’s highway appropriations bill, named after his wife! And here is where it gets really interesting. For years, the Alaskan senators supposedly representing their special interests over the interests of the people, they have become spoiled rotten with a special event that is dedicated to their own egomania. It is called the Bob Penney Kenai River Classic. Senators and Congressmen from throughout the land – including power broker celebrities – flock to Alaska every summer to fish, in efforts to stimulate that egomania. It is one of those deals wherein it allows federal funding to be sent to Alaska, for the sport fish restoration programs. So this all out outing at the taxpayers’ expense is justified as it justifies the “pork”. The program also allows preferential treatment for scholarships. Except nobody knows how that part of the program works, unless you are the child of a lobbyists. So how too pay for this extravaganza? Well just place a “Fishing Pole Tax” into the highway appropriations bill, a bill that is so damn complicated that nobody will ever see it! And that is the kind of crap I am talking about. Secret legislation which is nothing short of litigation upon my well-being. On top of that, get a bill signed by the president that doesn’t allow any appeals, for at least 5-long years! This is the kind of stuff that allows us to identify corruption laden windfalls. This is not what we elect idiots for. But like mentioned beforehand, when the hen house security is outsourced to an interest that laughs upon the hard working class and designs a class all to themselves, an elitist class, then who are the weaklings going to turn too? Their own. The weaklings I am talking about are indeed our representatives. They swear an oath to uphold. It is my government. It is supposed to be “for the people and by the people” with no exceptions whatsoever. So, I am sure that there exist a zillion more preposterous inclusions in the zillions of pages of crap legislation that makes its way from the “Hill” then on to “K” Street before it hits the president’s desk. Doesn’t anybody else question this kind of crap? A “Fishing Pole Tax”, so the idiots can come to Alaska to go fishing! The sick thing about all of this? When this classic takes place, the river is closed to the peons. Really, as an Alaskan resident, I can’t go fishing on the two-days that my tax money is being gobbled up by idiots along on a joy ride with idiot friends. And I am sure that the caviar served after a day of fishing is courtesy of that “Pole” tax. What ever happened to righteousness? That’s right, it was the first thing auctioned off when the lobbyist raided the hen house! Where the hell in the Constitution does it summon “lobbyists” to the table? Lobbyist are like a cancer. There is a cure though, it is called being honest. That is a concept that has been lost in government. Lobbyists know damn well that their efforts are successful only if they succeed as turncoats against true America. They are selfish and will do anything to stain this country’s morals. And all the politicians seem to take on an additional oath of responsibility, if you can’t beat them, join them, and the lobbyist will pay the dues! Courtesy some outlandish legislation hidden away from true America and signed, sealed and delivered as “Public Law”. Who asked us?

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